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Girl With Tattoo


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but both things can offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone

Being fat, being a certain religion, having facial hair, employing the services of a prostitute for sex can also all offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone too. But those things are ok right?

Painting your face purple and branding it with stars is really cool too, but getting a job might not go so well. :)

You always have some people taking things into a extreme level, and yes if painting your face purple and branding it with stars you would have difficulties in dailey live, but you still don't hurt anyone.

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but both things can offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone

Being fat, being a certain religion, having facial hair, employing the services of a prostitute for sex can also all offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone too. But those things are ok right?

Painting your face purple and branding it with stars is really cool too, but getting a job might not go so well. :)

You always have some people taking things into a extreme level, and yes if painting your face purple and branding it with stars you would have difficulties in dailey live, but you still don't hurt anyone.

Only yourself. :D

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Well, given that people can choose to shower, choose to not overeat, choose to be polite and well mannered. Then yes. i think they do too :)

As for the whole tattoo thing. It seems men fail to grasp one important element of a woman's psyche. We don't necessarily dress to impress men. We dress to impress ourselves, to impress other women and to impress men. I check out other women, their clothes, their shoes and yes their tattooes, far more than I do men. And no, I am not gay. Its just one of those woman things perhaps. Altho i suspect if men were more honest, they would admit to doing the same. Comparing ourselves to our "peers" is, IMO, human nature.

But thats all beside the point. The point here is that women, just as much as men, are free to do what they want with their bodies. Tattoo, no tattoo, whatever. Its really none of your business if its not on your body. Personally, I find heavily tattooed men unattractive. But I am sure there are women out there who do. Well, great, that just goes to show there is someone for everyone. I fail to grasp the need for some posters to denigrate Thai women with tattooes as whores, or farang women with tattooes as having tramp stamps.

Christ had an important point that many people seem to have forgotten. "he who is without sin shall cast the first stone" look in the mirror and start dissecting your own flaws before picking apart what you perceive to be others.

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Well, given that people can choose to shower, choose to not overeat, choose to be polite and well mannered. Then yes. i think they do too

Many people can shower numerous times and still have a horrible body odor. Lots of people can brush their teeth every day and still have bad breath. Numerous people have been on a diet for their whole lives and are still obese. Pretending that most people choose these things is pretty close to absurd.

A tattoo is almost always a personal decision. Comparing them just does not compute. :)

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Well, given that people can choose to shower, choose to not overeat, choose to be polite and well mannered. Then yes. i think they do too

Many people can shower numerous times and still have a horrible body odor. Lots of people can brush their teeth every day and still have bad breath. Numerous people have been on a diet for their whole lives and are still obese. Pretending that most people choose these things is pretty close to absurd.

A tattoo is almost always a personal decision. Comparing them just does not compute. :)

UG, I know a few cows that would disagree with your assumption about it being a choice. :D

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Well, given that people can choose to shower, choose to not overeat, choose to be polite and well mannered. Then yes. i think they do too

Many people can shower numerous times and still have a horrible body odor. Lots of people can brush their teeth every day and still have bad breath. Numerous people have been on a diet for their whole lives and are still obese. Pretending that most people choose these things is pretty close to absurd.

A tattoo is almost always a personal decision. Comparing them just does not compute. :)

Regardless of this very minor point, I don't see why someone else's personal choice about what they do with their own body is anyone's business but their own. You don't like it, that's fine, so don't do it to your own body.

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Actually, I agree with you, but the topic is about how tattoos are percieved by most people and I think that they are percieved in a negative way.

Elderly people seen to have more difficulties excepting people with Tattoos, but for the younger people it is overall excepted.

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Yes, in general, for Thai women in a traditional culture, tattoos are frowned upon (I suspect cities are more open minded), but how that digressed to tattoos are ugly, women who wear them are whores or tramps, and the rest of the rather nasty and negative assumptions made on this thread can only be answered in one way. ThaiVisa. :)

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Well, given that people can choose to shower, choose to not overeat, choose to be polite and well mannered. Then yes. i think they do too

Many people can shower numerous times and still have a horrible body odor. Lots of people can brush their teeth every day and still have bad breath. Numerous people have been on a diet for their whole lives and are still obese. Pretending that most people choose these things is pretty close to absurd.

A tattoo is almost always a personal decision. Comparing them just does not compute. :)

UG, I know a few cows that would disagree with your assumption about it being a choice. :D

I think that branding should be saved for another thread. :D

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Altho i suspect if men were more honest, they would admit to doing the same. Comparing ourselves to our "peers" is, IMO, human nature.

You are right sbk....I USED to compare myself with other guys ...till I hit 50 and got married again.

Now there doesn't seem much point anymore :)

I know which way I'm headed :D

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but that is the choice of the person doing it, just as being a fatty, being smelly etc is too & they also might have some trouble getting employed.

Nasty comment Boo, you seem to be forgetting that some people can't help being fat, there are medical conditions that cause some people to be overweight, I know one such lady and she is very lovely, a great worker & has no trouble getting employed, I'm sure there are thousands of cases like that.

Give yourself an uppercut boo - by order of neverdie :D

Well, given that people can choose to shower, choose to not overeat, choose to be polite and well mannered. Then yes. i think they do too :D

You should also give yourself an uppercut sbk, again, not all overweight people over eat. :D

Naturally my excess kg's lovehandles are from overeating :D:)

Edited by neverdie
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but that is the choice of the person doing it, just as being a fatty, being smelly etc is too & they also might have some trouble getting employed.

Nasty comment Boo, you seem to be forgetting that some people can't help being fat, there are medical conditions that cause some people to be overweight, I know one such lady and she is very lovely, a great worker & has no trouble getting employed, I'm sure there are thousands of cases like that.

Give yourself an uppercut boo - by order of neverdie :D

Well, given that people can choose to shower, choose to not overeat, choose to be polite and well mannered. Then yes. i think they do too :D

You should also give yourself an uppercut sbk, again, not all overweight people over eat. :D

Naturally my excess kg's lovehandles are from overeating :D:)

Don't take it personally mate, the land of sbk is known for this I believe. My beer gut is surely not from overeating but as they say, "it's all bought and paid for".

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^Ohh I don't take anything personally & I don't have a beer gut either, but both boo and sbk :D have gone out on a very dangerous limb here & have stated something very mean :D:D , perhaps they are unaware that there are medical conditions that cause some people (NOT ME) to be fat.

I just envited some lovely fat friends to come and post at thai visa as there seems to be some people here with an axe to grinde, so things could get interesting.

I am a bit overweight because I eat too much, but im not smelly. I want to know what being fat has to do with tattoos? :) or being smelly??

Anyway ladies the gloves are off & I hope you've got your mouth guards in :D

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I seem to remember a "fat blokes" and their Thai ladies type thread a while back. I thought then that they were getting a harse time of it. Is TV anti fatty?

Ofcourse i jest, but certain people should moderate their views and lets remember some people re over weight due to a medical condition :)

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hmm so posters can brand women with tattoos as sluts & whores but mention being fat as a choice & the sensitive sallys come crying out. Sorry but for the most part being fat is a choice, stop eating too much, start exercsing more & you will lose weight, it ain't rocket science but I also know it isn't that simple but it is a choice none the less.

I have a chronic disease that can cause me to be overweight, I chose to eat a very restricted diet because of it so that I don't become dangerously obese. I could get really really fat (like I did for a period before I knew I had a disease) or I can make an informed choice to change my diet & restrict drinking & excess.

But the point of my post was to show that having a tattoo, like eating too much or not taking care of personal hygeine IS a choice & not really anyone else's place to say that they are stupid/pathetic/silly/a slut/a whore for doing do. SO take your indignation & shove it. I'm not listening.

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hmm so posters can brand women with tattoos as sluts & whores but mention being fat as a choice & the sensitive sallys come crying out. Sorry but for the most part being fat is a choice, stop eating too much, start exercsing more & you will lose weight, it ain't rocket science but I also know it isn't that simple but it is a choice none the less.

I have a chronic disease that can cause me to be overweight, I chose to eat a very restricted diet because of it so that I don't become dangerously obese. I could get really really fat (like I did for a period before I knew I had a disease) or I can make an informed choice to change my diet & restrict drinking & excess.

But the point of my post was to show that having a tattoo, like eating too much or not taking care of personal hygeine IS a choice & not really anyone else's place to say that they are stupid/pathetic/silly/a slut/a whore for doing do. SO take your indignation & shove it. I'm not listening.

I don't believe we are allowed to do what you mention in your first post? :)

Anyways, I am not a fan of tattoos but I don't care if others choose to partake.

Personally, I think tattoos on ladies look much nicer than on some forearm or hairy back of a Liverpudlian but hey, I have taste.

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but both things can offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone

Being fat, being a certain religion, having facial hair, employing the services of a prostitute for sex can also all offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone too. But those things are ok right?

Painting your face purple and branding it with stars is really cool too, but getting a job might not go so well. :)

You always have some people taking things into a extreme level, and yes if painting your face purple and branding it with stars you would have difficulties in dailey live, but you still don't hurt anyone.

If I showed up at my parents home with tattoos, believe me, they would be hurt.

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hmm so posters can brand women with tattoos as sluts & whores but mention being fat as a choice & the sensitive sallys come crying out.

I have a chronic disease that can cause me to be overweight, I chose to eat a very restricted diet because of it so that I don't become dangerously obese.

SO take your indignation & shove it. I'm not listening.

Firstly boo, I will admit to having read this thread backwards, which is a bad way to do it I can vouch for that. Having said that, can you perhaps point me to the thread where I said that women with tattoos are sluts and whores? No such words have passed my lips or have been etched onto the record via post.

There are a number of recognised medical conditions that cause people to be overweight, you are lucky that you are able to apparently control yours somewhat effectively, although based on the third part of you post highlighted above, I am now wondering if the fat has moved to your head and is effecting your brain.

I'm not sure 'indignation' is the best way to describe what I said to you regarding obese people. Anyway, Im simply pointing something out that was definately incorrect in your post, you havent bothered me, I can control my weight but feel for those who cannot and there are many conditions that can affect the way a person 'chooses' what & how much they eat, as opposed to the person who can control what ink colours they inject into their skin. I think most people reading these posts will be able to see the difference in what I am saying.

Nice attitude anyhowz :)

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Hmm...this thread has turned dangerous! Just a small mention about the weight thing... (ill be on Neverdies upper cut list after this i suspect..)

I know that some people have medical conditions that make them have weight issues. I have Hashimoto's Thyroidis which, if not kept in check, can swing hypo to hyper and can cause rapid and dramatic weight gain or loss. I take a hormone supplement daily to even out my levels. During a period that my medication was off, i was gaining weight fast, and i had to be seriously careful with my weight as i was gaining without eating much. But yet, even with my health issue against me, i was able to keep some control, and the weight gain was not as dramatic as it could have been. Because i was careful with my diet. I am now back to being slim. Genetically (many immediate family members are really overweight) as well as my health complications, means that i need to be careful with my diet. That doesnt mean i cut out all junk or eat diet food, it just means that i dont stuff my face with fattening food all the time. I realise that some people genuinely have a hard time with their health and weight even with medication, but I do think that being grossly overweight is a result of not being diet-conscious. I realise thats "un-pc"..and if my thinking is really off, then by all means give me real reasons to have a rethink.

I dont think anything less of person for being overweight or even obese! Im just saying that in all honesty if i see a person complain about their weight (even with medical some issues involved) but then go and consume enough food for several people in one sitting, im going to wonder what on earth is going on in their heads!

Anyway..i think this thread has become pretty nasty...and I dont think this reply was nasty, just honest.

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