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High Season In Pattaya, Is It Up To Much?

Ulysses G.

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It looks to me like "high season" this year in Chiang Mai will last from now until the end of January or maybe the middle of February and it is not all that busy now compared to other years.

I'm guessing that the middle of December until the end of January will be very busy like other years and then high season will be pretty much gone.

How does it look in Pattaya? Are you doing better than us?

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I lived in Chiang Mai just after the SARS outbreak for a few years. Every year got worse. The traders in the night bazaars said their incomes had been dropping year after year. I remember years back you could not move in Changkran road for tourists but when I was there, even on a busy night you could see from one end to the other, scarcely a tourist in sight. Restaurants and bars empty, maybe almost half of them with shutters up and "For Rent" signs.

So you're saying it's still bad? Bangkok is pretty dead.

Jeez ....

Edited by stolidfeline
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I live in Jomtien and it's prob the quietest since i've been here (6 years)

Pattaya on the otherhand is reasonably busy considering the circumstances.

I also think that many arrivals this year that would normally stay in Jomtien have changed to Pattaya due to all the dust and polution from the forever ongoing Thappraya Rd construction in Jomtien.

It's become unbearable with the dust, and the road surface is undriveable.

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I would guess that we did better in 2008 - even with all the problems. I am just hoping that no one starts playing politics, at least until it gets hot. :)

From what I have read, the political lull is just temporary...in respect to the King's birthday and the upcoming New Years holidays. Things are anticipated to heat up again in January (a final push [or should that be putsch] to get rid of the current government).

Pattaya to me seems reasonable busy considering the circumstances..based on my traffic and bums on restaurant seat observations, I'd say busier than the last couple years at this time but nothing like the good ole days.

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I live in Jomtien and it's prob the quietest since i've been here (6 years)

Pattaya on the otherhand is reasonably busy considering the circumstances.

I also think that many arrivals this year that would normally stay in Jomtien have changed to Pattaya due to all the dust and polution from the forever ongoing Thappraya Rd construction in Jomtien.

It's become unbearable with the dust, and the road surface is undriveable.

You are right about Jomtien. Absolutely a ghost town. Except for the first few sois and a few die-hard long-stayers.

That Thappraya road construction seems to have been going on for 3 years at least.

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Judging by the number of drugged and completely drunk people on t he streets last night all over Pattaya, I'd say "high" season has definitely kicked off, although I agree Jomtien is mch quieter.

I just drove down Thappraya Road (main Pattaya-Jomtien route) in my pickup, a really boneshaking ride, at midday. Got stuck in a traffic jam for 20 minutes, watching the worst driving ever, a water main has burst (it has been running for at least 24 hours) adding to the mess, and the dust is appalling. I feel sorry for the businesses alongside it, but it is easy to see why many won't be bothered coming to Jomtien this high season.

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Comparing to 2005- 2006 Pattaya looks pretty weak on tourism. Much more Thai to Farang ratio. Even the Korea & Japanese tours look a it slow. Maybe they are hanging at Koh Larn. Traffic although is getting to be more like Bangkok- but even at that it has much more Thais on thee road than past years.

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I live in Jomtien and it's prob the quietest since i've been here (6 years)

Pattaya on the otherhand is reasonably busy considering the circumstances.

I also think that many arrivals this year that would normally stay in Jomtien have changed to Pattaya due to all the dust and polution from the forever ongoing Thappraya Rd construction in Jomtien.

It's become unbearable with the dust, and the road surface is undriveable.

You are right about Jomtien. Absolutely a ghost town. Except for the first few sois and a few die-hard long-stayers.

That Thappraya road construction seems to have been going on for 3 years at least.

Yeap, it's been 3 years and they've only completed about 1/3 of the road so i'd say they might finish it by 2015 but probably 2016.

Although i did read 2 days ago in one of the local papers that city hall had a meeting and estimated that it will be completed by April 2010,


I recently just bought some dust masks to wear everytime i leave my front door the whole of Thappraya rd from the police box on Dongtan beach right up to Mata Hari is a dust trail!

How will any tourists in their right mind stay in Jomtien? I'ts a health hazard! especially for eyes, nose, throat and lung infections.

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I was out on Walking St. with some friends visiting from the States on the evening of the King's Birthday and it was VERY surreal!

The street was well populated with the usual milling throngs of gawkers trekking and traversing the caligulous path-- but the throbbing music normally spilling out of the various venues was mute. No touts. The street "artists" were absent. The normally Hot & Wild places were dark. A few restaurants were open, but not "serving".

The lust was there, but the target wasn't. The entire freak show was toned down to something that looked like a preview of a promising erotic movie with no sound track.

However, if you used your keen senses and remained observant, there was a bit of hooch to be had here and there . . . and maybe even a little something beyond that if you were really intent . . . :)


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