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Time To Organzie A Boycott?


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I'm not quite sure I understand this. There was 'something bad in the water supply' that killed your dog, killed your grass, stained your car and brought you and your wife out in a rash. Did all these calamities happen to the neighbours in your walled compound too? Or were they confined to you, your wife and your dog?

We moved about as far out of town as you can get while still being able to commute to work and shopping, etc. Beautiful development with pine trees everywhere next to the mountains. Everyone there seemed to really keep to themselves -- come home, push the remote to open the automatic gate, and into the carport and home.

You didn't actually answer my question. Wrere the neighbour's dogs keeling over? Did their wives break out in rashes? If so, why did they not complain to the management?

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We should "organzie" the original poster some psychiatric help. Boycott for what? Considering that things have improved over the past few years (excluding the global economy), I see your idea as pointless. You said you left three years ago and haven't returned back. Why on earth are you posting on this forum then?

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I see your idea as pointless. You said you left three years ago and haven't returned back. Why on earth are you posting on this forum then?

I knew my idea was unrealistic. I am posting because I spent 14 years of my life in Thailand, still follow what goes on, and (obviously) still participate in Thai Visa. Reading the same old subjects and complaints I began to wonder what it would take for modern Thailand to realize that foreigners make a helluva contribution to the place, hence the boycott "balloon", which was never really a serious suggestion. I happen to have more time on my hands than usual, so I posted to see what people would say, which turned out to be about what I expected.

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I see your idea as pointless. You said you left three years ago and haven't returned back. Why on earth are you posting on this forum then?

I knew my idea was unrealistic. I am posting because I spent 14 years of my life in Thailand, still follow what goes on, and (obviously) still participate in Thai Visa. Reading the same old subjects and complaints I began to wonder what it would take for modern Thailand to realize that foreigners make a helluva contribution to the place, hence the boycott "balloon", which was never really a serious suggestion. I happen to have more time on my hands than usual, so I posted to see what people would say, which turned out to be about what I expected.

You still like the place, I can tell. Don't lie.

do you hate Thailand ?

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I suggest you start the boycott right now. Sorry, but I won't join you.

And yes, foreigners make helluva contribution to Thailand, but the largest part of that contribution is not exactly charity. If someone comes to this country to spend three weeks and 400000 baht in Phuket, sitting on the beach, having a good time, it's not exactly because they want to help the Thai people, but because they want to have a nice vacation.

Overall, I think for each of us who is still coming to Thailand, I think it's safe to say that we all "get" more out of Thailand than we "give". Otherwise we would go other places.

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Great! Some dumb foreigners are going to change Thailand with no idea about the local culture. Whether you are coming here for girls, cheap living, refuge, or whatever and expect everything has to be in your way, then one day... Oh!!! What the H... !@#$%$%. This is unacceptable! I am going to boycott this sooner or later because they cannot give my satisfaction. This remind me of some alien labor activities. Don't forget you are not belong here, if you don't like it, just leave...(Simple as that! )

Having read every post i am left in no doubt that the OP has demonstrated very eliquently that he has an exremely well grounded understanding of the Thai culture and mentality

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it would take an army to remove me from thailand!! The thought of goin back to the uk, well words cant even describe! boycott my arse!

I think we're finally getting somewhere.

Now we just need to agree on a time and place to boycott stevymac's ARSE!

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It is obviously essential, in order to make Thai society notice that we've gone, for all of us farangs to wear the same colour shirt, as we board our planes back to our freezing cold, recession hit faranglands. :)

As red and yellow shirts have already been claimed, and pink also cannot be used, due to it's current association, and brown is also a non-starter, (as that is the colour associated with the police), what do members suggest?

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As red and yellow shirts have already been claimed, and pink also cannot be used, due to it's current association, and brown is also a non-starter, (as that is the colour associated with the police), what do members suggest?

Off color greyish cream white.

You just want to show off your suntan. :)

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"it would take an army to remove me from Thailand!!"

No...it would just take the immigration department!

You may have a comfortable setup here in Thailand. Maybe you have a good job or you have a reliable source of income. Every thing is fine and you can stay.

But! What if you lost your job, or your reliable source dried up? What now? Maybe you have a family? Maybe you've built a house for your family? Depending on what type of visa you're here on (and you will ALWAYS require a visa) you still have to show a predefined amount of money or income.

If you can't prove that you have that predefined amount then what do you do? The immigration department will assume that, as a Farang, your life will always run a perfect coarse. But if your life takes a turn for the worse and things didn't quite work out as you planned, don't expect any sympathy for them. You can plead and cry "but what about my Thai children and wife, my house, my life?" FORGET IT! If you don't meet the qualification you'll be kicked out like trash.

That's one of the dangers of living in Thailand. You better hope nothing goes wrong financially because the government is much like the go-go girl that says "no money; no honey" and no amount of begging or pleading will ever make you Thai.

Edited by TimTang
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"it would take an army to remove me from Thailand!!"

No...it would just take the immigration department!

You may have a comfortable setup here in Thailand. Maybe you have a good job or you have a reliable source of income. Every thing is fine and you can stay.

But! What if you lost your job, or your reliable source dried up? What now? Maybe you have a family? Maybe you've built a house for your family? Depending on what type of visa you're here on (and you will ALWAYS require a visa) you still have to show a predefined amount of money or income.

If you can't prove that you have that predefined amount then what do you do? The immigration department will assume that, as a Farang, your life will always run a perfect coarse. But if your life takes a turn for the worse and things didn't quite work out as you planned, don't expect any sympathy for them. You can plead and cry "but what about my Thai children and wife, my house, my life?" FORGET IT! If you don't meet the qualification you'll be kicked out like trash.

That's one of the dangers of living in Thailand. You better hope nothing goes wrong financially because the government is much like the go-go girl that says "no money; no honey" and no amount of begging or pleading will ever make you Thai.

Yes, as the years wore on for me, I began to grow weary -- and wary -- of the fact that I had no basic rights like land ownership or residency. With the amount of time I spent as a "guest" in the country, I would have long before been eligible for the equivalent of a "green card" in many other countries.

OK, all you who are going to rush to point this out: That's the deal, take it or GET OUT. I chose to get out finally. The most disheartening is realizing that deal itself could easily change depending on who's in power and whether foreigners are going to be again trotted out as the bogeyman. Your life there is built on sand guys and I hope you have Plan B in case the beautiful beach under you begins to shift.

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