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Thai Airways Sues Pad For B575 Million


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Anyone and everyone that was adversely affected by the PAD's closure of the airports should sue, every store owner, every passenger, every airline, every businessman, every taxi driver, every delivery company. The PAD should be sued out of existence, never to return, as a warning to anyone that would disrupt a nation.

Here is a chance for the justice system to really prove their worth and set a new precedent for the kingdom.

Chok dee, chok dee! :)

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Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

Yes, had to be at least one rabid defender of the indefensible out there, thank you so much for offerring inane murkiness in a sea of clarity.

I believe (I was advised by my ASTV-loving wife) that this was the view put forward by Gen. Chamlong, the PAD leader, after the events. He argued that PAD had gone out to Suvarnabhumi to demonstrate against PM Somchai returning from abroad. The CEO of the airport at the time (an associate of Thaksin's), on seeing the numbers, decided to close the airport. PAD then dug in.

The argument that if PAD weren't there, the airport wouldn't have been closed, can be reversed. It can equally well be argued that if the airport chief hadn't closed the airport, PAD would have had their demonstration and gone home, or continued the demonstration away from the terminal.

I don't know if Gen. Chamlong's view is right, and don't care. When I put this view on Thaivisa, I was accused of being dishonest, pro-Nazi and the like by those whose views must not be questioned . So I don't put it any more. Let people think what they like.

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Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

I was wondering how long before this would start..........

If enough companies/groups etc got together, they could start a class action!

The Airport was closed by AOT as a direct result of PAD demonstrations! Had the PAD not been there, the airport would NOT have had to close.


I can't agree with you more. But why has there not been any move by AOT about this?

Gutless management.

I rather think that this action reflects the fact that a new man is in control at Thai - and one that seems willing to make the hard choices and (if he lives long enough) to take on the vested interests (corruption in equipment purchases, backhanders on catering etc, nepotism in recruitment aka hiring daughters of senior airforce officers etc). I hope he succeeds as what was once a rather good airline is now a shadow of its former self.

Ref the legal action, the point is accountability rather than money. At best Thai will have the satisfaction of bankrupting those primarily resposible (although I am unsure what the consequences sre in Thailand). More importantly, people would have to factor in such consequences before they make massive disruption - and that includes those running the lads in red!

Not sure why The Nation (apparently) haven't mentioned this, but Bangkok Post reported on 27 November this year that AOT (responding to similar comments about inaction) confirmed that they do already have a civil suit against twelve PAD leaders for damages of 150 million baht under way - also due to be heard (coincidentally or not) next August - as well as a criminal suit against them. AOT President Serirat Prasutanond is quoted as saying that AOT lodged criminal complaints on 26 November 2008 (Rachathewa police station re Suvarnabhumi) and at Don Muang police station on 27 November 2008.

As per current restrictions, I can't post a link here. Easy enough to Google Bangkok Post and, once on their site, use their search facility entering the word "blockade".

With all due respect to ThaiVisa's commercial partner, I suggest that TVF members might do well to bookmark the Bangkok Post website and glance through it from time to time rather than rely on what gets re-published here. It self-evidently contains a lot of information that The Nation either doesn't report at all - or, if it does, leaves out relevant detail. It should go without saying that neither operation is perfect, but it must surely be better to "use" both rather than rely on just what one of them chooses to publish.

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TG is traded on SET. As a company with investors, if TG lost money due to the events, then it has an obligation to protect its investors and to litigate. The action protects the board of directors.

I agree. Everyone involved, from the top dog, to the old ladies and their clappers should be punished.

If people in this country were held accountable more often, there wouldn't be such a blatant disregard for people and their lives.

TG is backed by the Thai taxpayers via the government. When TG gobbles up money, then the Thai people pick up the bill, so they are punished indirectly.

Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

If PAD organized the takeover, it was a conspiracy not independent civil disobedience. PAD can be held liable.

Why the delay? TG had to substantiate and backup its claims with receipts. If the claim is this low it speaks to either TG's inability to manage basic book keeping or that its PAX did not submit claims or that this is all that TG feels it can prove as a loss.

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btw. Phuket Airport was also involved :D

If people in this country were held accountable more often, there wouldn't be such a blatant disregard for people and their lives.

gooood idea rkidlad, but not only in huge cases like that please.

I had to go to the driving license office today for renewing my dl after 5 years. We have to watch a Video for 1 hour, funny thing, THERE ARE RULES in

Thaitraffic :):D :D

.....unfortunately nearly everybody in Thailand gives a sh1-t.

50% of all cars and drivers on the roads can be fined after the RULES in this video.....BUT do we really want that???

do we REALLY want a Thaigovernment which do all the things we hate from our homecountrys????????

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Perhaps Thai Airways should sue airport security (if there is such a force) for failing to put up any impediment to the approaching Yellow Shirts, for which they had ample forewarning. While they're at it, they may as well sue the local police force and maybe even the military for not lifting a finger to maintain the security of the country's largest airport.

All in all, Thai big shots have become too sue-crazy. Thaksin was a prime example of that, suing left and right, so much so that H.M. the King alluded to the problem in one of his speeches.

I am not sure how much bite this will have but I agree that people should be held responsible for their actions. This being the case shouldn't this also extend to the Red Shirts and anyone else that causes civil dissobedience that leads to lost revenues? If fair is fair then Takki should be on the hook for inciting civil dissobedience as well.....burn em all !!!!
I'm all for the yellows being sued for closing the airport. I also think that the Government should sue the Reds for the cancelation of the Asean summit in Pattaya

fairs fair chaps :)

Both above posts are on the mark. If the courts allow lawsuits willy nilly for all the hassles and expenses which stem for civil disobedience, then there will be no end to it. Not only sue the Reds for shutting down Asean in Pattaya, but sue the Reds for the problems cause the following week in Bangkok. Buses burned, neighborhoods threatened and trashed, etc.

I hope Thai Airways doesn't prevail in this case, because it stomps of the right of citizens to peaceably demonstrate. Demonstrations, by nature, often inconvenience or embarrass people/entities. It's unfortunate that demonstrations also cause expense/lost revenue for others. Same could be said of sickness, acts of nature, and hundreds of other things. Democracy, like life itself, isn't always pretty. The Yellows were non-violently protesting to further their agenda, and they succeeded. Ok, there was some violence on the fringes, but that's to be expected when large group of people get together for a cause. I don't excuse the violent fringe, but I know enough about human nature to see how it happens.

While we're at it, let's sue Thaksin and generals who were in charge when the two deadly incidents happened in Thailand's south. Surely a hundred dead Muslim young men is more dire than an airport closing for a week.

Edited by brahmburgers
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Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

Yes, and they all had tickets or were going to buy one there.

Oh, not to forget about the infamous picture while on the way to the airport plus the PAD warriors in and around the airports, heavily armed, storming and occupying the control towers(the nerve of every airport), torching down police cars which were in their way and of course Sondhi's and Chamlong's words of being ready to fight to the death.


Edited by elcent
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Didn't now-PM Abhisit, at the time the leader of the Opposition, not criticise the PAD's action at the time ? :)

I'm racking my brains trying to think what the "criticising" equivalent of "damning with faint praise" is. So far, the best I can come up with is something like "token noises of disapproval". Any suggestions?

[bTW - it looks like you've got an inadvertent double negative in there, Ricardo, old thing :D ]

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Good. Hope Thai Airways wins.

Whether or not you agree with the PAD cause, effectively closing an international airport wasn't the right way to go about it and the leaders should face the consequences.

I agree. Everyone involved, from the top dog, to the old ladies and their clappers should be punished.

If people in this country were held accountable more often, there wouldn't be such a blatant disregard for people and their lives.

Chamlong Srimuang and media tycoon Sondhi Limthongkul.

these two traitors should have been in jail a long time ago and the rest of the yellow mob -- firstly for the damage and wonton destruction to govt house etc and then the airport closures in Bkk and {Phuket - they should also be help resposible for the coup and it was the petty legal squabble over money between Sondhi and Taksin who started the ongoing political turmoil that has drive the country to its lowest ever = and they hid behind the yellow shirt farce and say they love the country - rubbish - all this was done to get even with taksin over numerous legal cases going back years -- but i am sure there will be farang here who are experts on the thai political arena who will have some really interesting comments = bet your bottom on this one -- some of them so expert after living here for under one year and all of a sudden experts on all things thai -= oh well

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Civil Court Accepts Thai Airway's 575 Mln Baht Suit against People's Alliance

UPDATE : 9 December 2009

The Civil Court accepts the 500 million baht lawsuit filed against the People's Alliance for Democracy by Thai Airways for damages caused to the company after the group's protest forced the closure of Suvarnabhumi Airport late last year.

Thai Airways International filed a 575 million baht lawsuit against Major General Chamlong Srimuang and 35 other defendants at the Civil Court for damages caused by the People's Alliance for Democracy or PAD when they gathered at Suvarnabhumi and Don Muang Airports from November 25 to December 4 last year.

Thai Airways claimed the PAD's protest against the Somchai Wongsawat administration inevitably forced the international airport to shut down temporarily.

The plaintiff claimed damages to the company's loss of earnings, including 402 million baht spent on transferring passengers to other airlines, 59 million baht to cover the accommodation and food for stranded passengers and 17 million baht for employees' allowance.

The first hearing for this case is scheduled for August 3 next year at 9 a.m. at the Civil Court.


-- Tan Network 2009/12/9


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Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

Are u for real? Good God!

The one time I ever agreed with Samuian about anything, it was about bullying not being welcomed by anybody. I've had enough foaming-at-the-mouth groundless bile slung at me here that I wouldn't wish it on anyone else. Let's stay with tackling the issues and not the members, eh?

Edited by Lite Beer
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Good. Hope Thai Airways wins.

Whether or not you agree with the PAD cause, effectively closing an international airport wasn't the right way to go about it and the leaders should face the consequences.

I have no idea what the PAD cause is/was. In fact, I had a potential buyer from UK for some real estate I had an interest in cancel his flight, lost a possible sale, and the property to this day is still for sale. Not thinking about suing anybody over it. Sure could have used the money then.

Without taking sides, may I ask what is the "right way to go about" protesting? Is it to allow yourself to be herded into "First Amendment Zones" away from any public view, like now happens in the military dictatorship of America?

I'd be interested in hearing all here agreeing with you what specifically is the "right way" to exercise your rights. To me, as long as your petition peacefully, the whole point to protesting is to gather attention to your cause.

That some farang tourists and Thai businesses suffered, well, that's kind of the whole *point* of protesting. To apply pressure on the government to pay attention.

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Democrats, the real bosses at THAI, judges, lawyers, the principals behind PAD....don't they all dine at the same restaurants and play on the same golf courses? Somehow, I think this is merely a puppet show played out by the actors according to an agreed script...so that the "public" can be assured that the rule of law extends to the rich and powerful too. But I am an old cynic :)

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Cudos to Thai Airways, I might even start flying with them again after this. People need to learn, you can't just hijack an international airport without repercussions, even in Thailand.

With a bit of luck Thai will be successful in this case.

This won't see the light of day - who you going to sue Sondhi? Don't think he has that much money mate.

Are you joking? Surf on internet...

Well a certain Mr. T stopped subsidies some years ago but...

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PAD should be sued. And AOT should be joined on the action for failure to protect the interest of its tenants.

Similarly, the Red Shirt movement should be sued for willful and malicious damage to BMTA for buses, pavement, and a few of the terrorists who put petrol against gas cylinders.

The legal system moves slowly and it is doubtful anyone will pay but as long as it 'appears' to be happening - there may be some restraint by the crap that is about to happen if the protests start again tomorrow.

Time will tell. :)

red shirt / yellow shirt who will you sue the whole country

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Good. Hope Thai Airways wins.

Whether or not you agree with the PAD cause, effectively closing an international airport wasn't the right way to go about it and the leaders should face the consequences.

Agree, go for it Thai. To protest by closing airports, well.

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