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Have I Just Been Hacked Into


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Yeah I know that sounds a little odd but here goes the details, All of this happened tonight

Infront of my own eyes while being online and using my router, my wireless router went default on me everything from:

DNS Settings

SSID name



Security Type

all went back to default status / factory settings. It basically reset itself. So any ideas here or did someone hack my router, just to note I was running on WPA2 and disabled SSID broadcasting

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I have to agree with Trogers. If a hacker can get inthen he would never reset the router, because that would lead to his disclosure, and also when you reinstated your settings you may chage the password undoing any work he had done beofre.

By any chance do you ave a Linksys router? I have seen my WRT350N do that several times in the past, but not recently

Edited by thaimite
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