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Katoey Confessions

The Gentleman Scamp

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Why is it that on expat discussion forums you only have to mention that you saw a good looking katoey or that you spoke to one, and everyone suddenly becomes twelve years old and has a frenzy on the winking or laughing smileys.

I can understand the subject being taboo, novel and amusing to those back home who have yet to feel the heat at Don Muang but why the schoolboy giggles and 'I'm not gay' overtones among those who have lived and posted here for some time?

I went to a katoey bar with a fellow hetrosexual TV member last night and though we were nowhere near drunk enough to do anything other than flirt and feel who had the best silicone, he did point out that nine times out of ten, it's the flamers and p*ss takers that are the most experienced in 'Ladybology'.

What makes me laugh is that when the subject comes up in a bar, even the most masculine of men will admit to having seen one who was very attractive but would stress that there's no way he'd do anything, "cause it's a geezer innit", (to which I usually point out that I am, and he is, by 'they' are not, neither are they female)..keep the conversation going, and with a few more beers inside them, you often get a "Well, there was this one time..." and if you act unsurprised and open minded, it's amazing what people confess to, and men on holiday, especially young men, are terrified, terrified of their curiosity and attraction as they secretly question their sexuality when faced with this new third sex, but even some of those men will confess the most explicit encounters when tanked up with booze.

Who knows, maybe I'm the same as you lot reading this and that the only reason I can start this post is because I have not gone as far as sex with a katoey and the chances are that I wouldn't as it's the thought of a manufactured vagina that puts me right off, I'm not bothered that it was once a man because I know where I stand sexually - many are unsure which is maybe why it's still such a taboo, and katoeys provide a great middle ground for them.

Anyway, back to this forum - why is it such a funny but slightly feared subject when placed in a public discussion arena? ...I don't expect everyone to be as forthcoming and as honest as I am but the giggles, winks and laughs which deter those from posting on the subject never cease to amaze me on a forum consisting mainly of a 30 plus age group for expats living in Thailand who should have a mind far more open and experienced than anyone else back home.

No one wants to be connected with this subject yet are very interested and curious to hear or read about somebody who has something to say on it.

The proof of that curiosity will soon be evident in the number of views this recieves. :o

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