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What Is It That Some Folk Find So Offensive?


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I'm curious to know what is it that some folk find SO VERY VERY OFFENSIVE when an expat posts a negative view, or recounts a negative experience of Thailand?

Now I can understand Thais getting offended (though I've never ever heard a Thai get offended over negative comments by foreigners about Corruption, Nepotism, Rip-Offs, <deleted> Service, Abuse of Power, Thai Police Antics, Thai Politician Antics..... You know the kind of stuff expats complain of, and almost any Thai you speak to will agree with).

But these very same comments will, without fail, bring about an onslaught of keyboard vitriol from the usual 'Saffron Tinted Spectacle Brigade'.

Does it not occur to anyone here that as a foreigner your opinion amounts to Jack Sh1t - And it does matter if that is a negative opinion or a positive opinion, it's worth Zilch.

Moreover, I got out of bed this morning and spent a busy day in Thailand, I enjoyed most of it, though there was some crap driving to put up with that was certainly worthy of derogatory comment - BUT HERE'S A THING.......... No body else's opinion about Thailand had any influence of how I felt about my day, what happened in my day or what I expected to happen in my day.

So what is it that so offends some folk when someone else expresses a negative opinion about Thailand? - Because, believe me, unless you want to get upset about it, other people's negative opinions mean Jack Sh1t and have Jack Sh1t impact on your day to day life in Thailand.

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Some people will defend the reputation of where they live, regardless of whether it's deserved or not, I even met someone recently who swore that Ohio was the most beautiful place to live and wouldn't hear a bad word spoken about it! It's almost as though some people carry their patriotism around with them as a stick that gets planted where ever they land, hardly an objective view in my book but little can be done about such folks so I wouldn't get too upset Guesthouse, it's not worth it.

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It doesn't upset me CM, rather I'm curious to know what it is that gets some people so wound up, often denying the undeniable and defending the indefensible.

I've got a theory, but I'm saving it until I've got more answers.

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Some people will defend the reputation of where they live, regardless of whether it's deserved or not, I even met someone recently who swore that Ohio was the most beautiful place to live and wouldn't hear a bad word spoken about it!

What's wrong with Ohio? Some of my best friends are from there. Why, I oughta come over there and whoop some..... Nah.

Anyway. Obviously people have a lot invested in the decisions they make. The decision to become an expatriate is huge. People will look to rationalize and justify whenever possible, particularly amongst the newly relocated. It is only natural.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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That, with respect to you TB, is not the question - There might be many reasons, valid and invalid why someone criticizes the country they have chosen to move to...... But why do some other expats get so upset about it?

My experience of Thailand is different to yours, your is different to the next guys and consequently we all have different views from our own experience/perspective.

What I've pointed out above is that I can't think of a single incident where some other expat's view of Thailand has had even the slightest impact on my own life in Thailand - I mean there is ZILCH impact if Joe Blogs has a bad Thailand experience and posts about it on TV..... My own day is completely unaffected by Joe's views/comments.

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Anyway. Obviously people have a lot invested in the decisions they make. The decision to become an expatriate is huge. People will look to rationalize and justify whenever possible, particularly amongst the newly relocated. It is only natural.

I think the 'investment' thing is an issue, but surely if an individual is truly happy with their decision they would not be concerned about someone else who is not, or at least voicing doubts?!

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I mean there is ZILCH impact if Joe Blogs has a bad Thailand experience and posts about it on TV..... My own day is completely unaffected by Joe's views/comments.

Then may I ask why you started this topic.Seems to me that it affects you a lot

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But what if they are not truly happy? What if they are running from something? Or, alternatively, what if they are truly happy and cannot accept that others may feel differently? In any case, it is what it is. Rose-tinted glasses? Maybe. There are many foreigners here, each with their own unique pathway. I too don't put much stock in what others think; It doesn't bother me much when people get all high and mighty about Thailand or when a foreigner goes off on a scathing anti-Thai rant.

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It doesn't upset me CM, rather I'm curious to know what it is that gets some people so wound up, often denying the undeniable and defending the indefensible.

I've got a theory, but I'm saving it until I've got more answers.

Some of the members that post here have been living in Thailand for a long long time. Negatives views by some new arrivals seems to offend them. Why?

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I mean there is ZILCH impact if Joe Blogs has a bad Thailand experience and posts about it on TV..... My own day is completely unaffected by Joe's views/comments.

Then may I ask why you started this topic.Seems to me that it affects you a lot

Put it down to simple curiosity - some guy moaning about getting ripped off doesn't bother me in the least, while some other expat reads the complaint and sets off on a keyboard rant of the kind I might reserve for someone robbing my bank account.

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It doesn't upset me CM, rather I'm curious to know what it is that gets some people so wound up, often denying the undeniable and defending the indefensible.

I've got a theory, but I'm saving it until I've got more answers.

Some of the members that post here have been living in Thailand for a long long time. Negatives views by some new arrivals seems to offend them. Why?

On the other hand some of the people who post negative views, or report a negative experience have been living here for decades and a relative newbie rants against the comment.

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There are a large number of social undesirables - losers - who come to Thailand on vacation and mistake Thai good humor and manners for the acceptance that they have never found at home.

When they decide to come back to stay and have lived here for a while, they eventually start to realize that Thais do not appreciate them anymore than anyone else ever has - they are simply kind to strangers - and they develop a real hatred for this country. They feel that they have been betrayed somehow.

It finally dawns on them that maybe something is wrong with them rather than the rest of society and that is certainly not something that they want to acknowledge.

I must admit that I hate listening to these wanke_rs whinge about how all their problems are someone else's fault and that somehow Thailand is to blame. :)

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Anyway. Obviously people have a lot invested in the decisions they make. The decision to become an expatriate is huge. People will look to rationalize and justify whenever possible, particularly amongst the newly relocated. It is only natural.

I think the 'investment' thing is an issue, but surely if an individual is truly happy with their decision they would not be concerned about someone else who is not, or at least voicing doubts?!

They are in denial mode, the last chance saloon, for a few this is it, the end of the line.

They refuse to admit they have made the wrong decision, and any criticism of Thailand they take as a personal insult to their own lack of judgement.

Whatever someone else may think about Thailand is of no concern to me or my decision to be here for the time being, just as when the wife and I leave we will not take into account others opinions of here.

Thats what a lot resent the fact others can leave at any time, hence the need to defend the undefendable.

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I think most people are not upset about the criticism in itself, but rather what the criticism reflects/represents.

Some people who are self-convinced that there is a better way of "doing things right" will always say that Thailand should make a law about X, enforce Y stronger, etc.

Those people annoy me to no end too. Many persons came to Thailand to be freed of the pressures of western society and welcome the laxer thai way of doing things.

Myself I will soon flee Europe for Thailand, and I don't want the nannies to take over.

The problem with the nannies is that their point of view cannot be easily countered because their concepts are full of altruism and good feelings.

Writing a long demonstration about why I am against the mandatory helmet for motorbike riders is pretty useless, since only 5% will read it and even fewer will understand it.

Insults are so much easier.

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." C. S. Lewis

Edited by manarak
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There are a large number of social undesirables - losers - who come to Thailand on vacation and mistake Thai good humor and manners for the acceptance that they have never found at home.

When they decide to come back to stay and have lived here for a while, they eventually start to realize that Thais do not appreciate them anymore than anyone else ever has - they are simply kind to strangers - and they develop a real hatred for this country. They feel that they have been betrayed somehow.

It finally dawns on them that maybe something is wrong with them rather than the rest of society and that is certainly not something that they want to acknowledge.

I must admit that I hate listening to these wanke_rs whinge about how all their problems are someone else's fault and that somehow Thailand is to blame. :)

Probably one of the more accurate statements made here at TV.

Well done! :D

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There are a large number of social undesirables - losers - who come to Thailand on vacation and mistake Thai good humor and manners for the acceptance that they have never found at home.

When they decide to come back to stay and have lived here for a while, they eventually start to realize that Thais do not appreciate them anymore than anyone else ever has - they are simply kind to strangers - and they develop a real hatred for this country. They feel that they have been betrayed somehow.

It finally dawns on them that maybe something is wrong with them rather than the rest of society and that is certainly not something that they want to acknowledge.

I must admit that I hate listening to these wanke_rs whinge about how all their problems are someone else's fault and that somehow Thailand is to blame. :)

I'm not sure I agree that anyone who gets ripped off and then posts about it here on TV is a social undesirable, a looser, or a wank_er but I do appreciate you giving your view on that.

I personally wouldn't want to label anyone else as such based on them making a complaint I didn't agree with, but then this gets to the very heart of the question I've asked.

To put it simply, Ulysses....... What if Someone who was not a social undesirable, a looser, or a wank_er makes a complaint about Thailand and/or Thai people, do they suddenly become a social undesirable, a looser, or a wank_er and if so, is your definition of a social undesirable, a looser, or a wank_er simply someone who disagrees with your view of anything Thai?

[EDIT]...... I should add, you are one of the people I had in mind, so thanks for turning up and 'contributing'.

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Most of us can tell the difference between someone who gets robbed once and people who get on here and complain about all and sundry for months at a time, but never get around to leaving. :)

Most of us don't care, we live our life as it is, day by day without a care for what other people complain about...... As I have said, and I'll say it again, I can get though my Thailand day quite happily without being affected in anyway by someone else complaining about life in Thailand........ Their complaints have ZERO impact on my day.

Not so some other people..... curiouser and curiouser (I always preferred Lewis Carol to C.S. Lewis)

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What is it that GH thinks folk find that other thread offensive? An unreal conclusion indeed. Why? Because the OP over there clearly can not understand Thai ways and he clearly can not manage to handle this, his deficiency other than frontal attacking a whole nation with harsh words. It seems that he can not find anything positive in and about Thailand and hates this country a lot.

Sure, we could arrange a psychological therapeutic team, which gently makes him realise that the glass can be half full too. But I guess, apart from some shining lights here, not many have the patience to do that. So they reply in their own cynical way, which no one takes completely serious, I guess.

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I welcome Birdman to find truly negative views about Thailand/Thais expressed by me on TV.

My defense of Thai workers stands alone in a sea of diatribe against Thais....... I look forward to what Birdman can drag up (Whole quotes, please, not single sentences/phrases/words out of context).

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If i were to say my negative opinions about Thais unrivalled greed for money/status to one of there nationals they would get offended, or if you said something back home is better theyd get the hump.

But yes my opinions are worth about as much here as what they are back home, jacksh7t as you put it is about there worth.

Saying that when the Zebra crossing law where cars were meant to stop was to be enforced a while back i wondered if that came from westerners complaints.

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Take your time Birdman, I'm not holding my breath..... (AKA Put up or Shut up).

[Edit]...... what exactly was it that you did not say?

Why? Because the OP over there clearly can not understand Thai ways and he clearly can not manage to handle this, his deficiency other than frontal attacking a whole nation with harsh words. It seems that he can not find anything positive in and about Thailand and hates this country a lot.
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I welcome Birdman to find truly negative views about Thailand/Thais expressed by me on TV.

I am not entirely sure he is having a go at you GH, I thought he was alluding to the 'Half Arsed' closed thread, but his wording was a little oblique, so I am not sure?


Obviously Not :)

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Apologises GH, that I am that unclear. I mean the thread "Once You Start To See Thai Society For What It Is" and I was talking about the negative comments made BY THE OP OVER THERE, and about your comment #26, which is interesting, but of course not offensive in any way.

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