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The World Economy As Seen From Thailand

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As to why one of the other enlightened Gents herein placed me on ignore:

I place him on ignore because I think he is a moron with nothing to contribute to the thread.

My reply: Thank you. From you, Kuhn A., I consider that a great compliment as you realize your insipid observations on the macro-economy would hold up nowhere else except on this and a few other forum topics... Again, I am used to the agree-with-me-or-burn-in-hel_l school of discourse and, for the time being, I will just allow you and the boys to jerk each other off with your charts and whatever while you wait and root for the $US to go to zero...

Mea Culpa on my lapse of civility.

We are routing for the Dollar to go to zero ???????? What about Bernanke ??????

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So 5 years ago, when property flipping was all the rage and the majority were totally blind to the problems of leverage a few of us posted bearish comments. Bearing on the USD, bearish on banking, bearish on property, bullish on gold and PM's.. And ohh how many mocked.

Also to be considered is the global state of the worlds ecomomies... Deficits spiralling out of control.. Nearly all the western economies hiunged and leveraged on massive credit both persoanl and government.. Recession looming.. Property bubble fueled by credit influx like the world has never seen before... Highly possible for a real estate crash and resulting severe depression in the global economy over the next 2 - 5 year timeframe.. If this happens expect the second home / holiday home / rich retirers market to be effected..

5 years later, between the above advice directed at someone who thought there was 30m to be made buying land and developing on samui (he still has the land, the development has failed and unsold villas surround the plot he owns) and my advice to buy silver and gold. Well you can go back and see the calls.

You can still continue to deny theres been a global credit collapse, that Dubai really isnt imploding, that the Eurozone is rock stable, that iceland was a perfectly fine place to keep your money, that debt to GDP loads are not off the charts scary, but you'd be wrong again.

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The economy did collapse you fool, didn't you notice ?

I guess if you have no assets or wealth then you have nothing to lose. :)

I'll answer that one with a lesson many will still have to learn, one day or the other,

many years ago, one of my favorite songs sung by the late Janis:

"Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose!"......

have fun with your "securities", loads of it, in the mean time I enjoy life to it's fullest, every breath that I take, you're every step I make...!

Of course does everyone, every society according to it's conditioning have it's very specific view and "understanding" of things and events...ask a bushman, a tribesman from PG, from Waziristhan, a Tibetan from the Transhimalayan Plateau, an Aborigine living in the vastness of the Australian continent, a Chinese Nomad traversing the Gobi... how they reacted to the last stock market or "world wide financial melt down", waht did happen to their investment!?

One might be in for a surprise, how limited the "world" is, one thinks of his "world", it's in most cases only a projection of years, or generations, of conditioning, through the very society one lives and is trained to believe in, thus the picture one may have, is limited, to the very data the individual has received or allowed to be stored, a bit more alive then an HD on his PC!....

Being financially free does require some investment unless you want to be a cave man.

Another typical misconception doesn't replace the previous misconception, which is the result of pure assumption and assumption is the mother of all errors!

Keep investing... if it makes you feel good and safe!

In the meantime ill keep livin' if you don't mind!

How about I borrow this "invested" money, spend it all on a life on full throttle and then declare to be broke.... ?

Then start over somewhere else, as an Investmentbroker!?

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It was mentioned that Dr. Samuelson and the Nobel Prize-winning economist Dr. Milton Friedman disagreed on almost every point of economics but were good friends for over 50 years. I doubt that Dr. Samuelson ever referred to Dr. Friedman or v.v. as a big-mouthed SUCKER.

can't you understand the frustration of a 25 year young poor boy who sleeps in 200 Baht a night "hotels", asks in another thread were to find "uncurrupted" (sic!) girls and advises people to buy stocks



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The economy did collapse you fool, didn't you notice ?

I guess if you have no assets or wealth then you have nothing to lose. :)

I'll answer that one with a lesson many will still have to learn, one day or the other,

many years ago, one of my favorite songs sung by the late Janis:

"Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose!"......

have fun with your "securities", loads of it, in the mean time I enjoy life to it's fullest, every breath that I take, you're every step I make...!

Of course does everyone, every society according to it's conditioning have it's very specific view and "understanding" of things and events...ask a bushman, a tribesman from PG, from Waziristhan, a Tibetan from the Transhimalayan Plateau, an Aborigine living in the vastness of the Australian continent, a Chinese Nomad traversing the Gobi... how they reacted to the last stock market or "world wide financial melt down", waht did happen to their investment!?

One might be in for a surprise, how limited the "world" is, one thinks of his "world", it's in most cases only a projection of years, or generations, of conditioning, through the very society one lives and is trained to believe in, thus the picture one may have, is limited, to the very data the individual has received or allowed to be stored, a bit more alive then an HD on his PC!....

Being financially free does require some investment unless you want to be a cave man.

Another typical misconception doesn't replace the previous misconception, which is the result of pure assumption and assumption is the mother of all errors!

Keep investing... if it makes you feel good and safe!

In the meantime ill keep livin' if you don't mind!

How about I borrow this "invested" money, spend it all on a life on full throttle and then declare to be broke.... ?

Then start over somewhere else, as an Investmentbroker!?

Good and safe ? I just want to make money doing nothing. Being the full throttler that you think you are, if you smoke, smoke Marlboro's if you don't mind.

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Of course does everyone, every society according to it's conditioning have it's very specific view and "understanding" of things and events...ask a bushman, a tribesman from PG, from Waziristhan, a Tibetan from the Transhimalayan Plateau, an Aborigine living in the vastness of the Australian continent, a Chinese Nomad traversing the Gobi... how they reacted to the last stock market or "world wide financial melt down", waht did happen to their investment!?

Whats the average life expectancy of one of these examples ??

Another typical misconception doesn't replace the previous misconception, which is the result of pure assumption and assumption is the mother of all errors!

Keep investing... if it makes you feel good and safe!

In the meantime ill keep livin' if you don't mind!

How about I borrow this "invested" money, spend it all on a life on full throttle and then declare to be broke.... ?

Then start over somewhere else, as an Investmentbroker!?

I prefer to maintain investments so I have the freedom to travel, the freedom not to work, etc.

Without the means to do so, your not actually that free but far more limited.

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I'll answer that one with a lesson many will still have to learn, one day or the other,

many years ago, one of my favorite songs sung by the late Janis:

"Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose!"......

(Freedom? Dont you mean Dead'?)

have fun with your "securities", loads of it, in the mean time I enjoy life to it's fullest, every breath that I take, you're every step I make...!

I am sure P.Diddy would have a view on the financial crisis. He sold his private jet last year

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I'll answer that one with a lesson many will still have to learn, one day or the other,

many years ago, one of my favorite songs sung by the late Janis:

"Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose!"......

(Freedom? Dont you mean Dead'?)

Love Janis, but I think Dylan got a bit closer to the truth on that one:

"when you got nothing, you got nothing to lose"

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Sorry my Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is playing up

My aunty had that and she swore by Epsom Salts and Viagra mixed with a tot of gin - you should try it.

IMO Good advice - For us we are looking forward to our G&T's on the balcony when next we come over at Christmas, as we put the hectic aspects of life on hold for a bit.

Strange that, I booked a flight in advance! If the world is going to end should I have done that?

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I am sure P.Diddy would have a view on the financial crisis. He sold his private jet last year

from Telegraph.Uk.Com 30 AUG 2008: Such is the problem now facing bestselling New York hiphop artist Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, who has grumbled that
despite being worth an estimated £200 million,
he can no longer afford to his trips by private jet to pursue his nascent acting career in Hollywood.

Some crisis... I bet he now just books G5 time from Warren Buffett's Executive Jet Aviation.

Edited by jazzbo
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I am sure P.Diddy would have a view on the financial crisis. He sold his private jet last year

from Telegraph.Uk.Com 30 AUG 2008: Such is the problem now facing bestselling New York hiphop artist Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, who has grumbled that
despite being worth an estimated £200 million,
he can no longer afford to his trips by private jet to pursue his nascent acting career in Hollywood.

Some crisis... I bet he now just books G5 time from Warren Buffett's Executive Jet Aviation.

So I guess your saying that it isnt a crisis until money that comes out of ATMs don't actaully buy anything. There is a road to go down before you get to that point.

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It is interesting that the second world war created some questions - A US pilot could not believe he had been entrusted with a USD 250k Mustang. At the end of the war basically the machines of war were in most part ditched into the sea.

The Allied forces most pressing problem was that people were beginning to notice that things did not add up. When Allied troops after their victory in Europe almost mutinied because they were to be transferred to the Asia theatre a couple of bombs were dropped.

People asked if you can spend that amount on war, why can't you spend an insignificant fraction of that on poverty?

Edited by pkrv
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"Dr. Doom" Noriel Roubini of NYU said in a December 2009 Investment Outlook report when questioned on his view of the economy that there is a Recovery and positive but slow growth; but if you want there to be a crisis, Mrs. Shiva, then please go ahead and have your crisis... pleasant journeys down the road... take your medication with you.

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... Another (unofficial) symptom of such GAD behavior is to place, with great public bravado, persons who might disagree with them or question that quotations or excerpts supporting such a cataclysmic outlook on economic and other states of worldly affairs are taken out of context, on their IGNORE list.

BTW my unofficial definition of paranoid schizophrenic is a person who believes that other persons are following them; and if they turn around and there is no one there, it is because they are hiding very well today.

Hahahaha. You funny.

Sooo, the world economy is just dandy? Dubai, a mirage in the sands? $24.5 trillion handed over to Wall Street banksters so they could pay off their gambling debts..er "derivatives" and award themselves record bonuses for doing so....just drug induced hallucinations? Huh, who knew?

US home values collapsing by $5.9 trillion since 2007...a figment of economist's imagination? Glad to hear it, so stress relieving. "Futures" data showing another 20-30% drop in real estate values in the next 24 months.....just bizarre rantings of Harvard professors?

And if someone uses information readily available from government sources, like record foreclosures and unemployment in the US, to judge the state of the economy, they are just "paranoid schizophrenics" without valid cause?

Gee thanks, that takes a load off of my mind....hahahaha.

Reality sometimes sucks, but the ostrich method of converting that to one's own reality is pleasurable for some, I suppose....perhaps the results of too much partaking of sedatives and alcohol brings about that state of mind? I wouldn't know...care to share your expertise?

I'd imagine it takes one's mind off of record amounts of "quantitative easing" by US and UK Central banks, record amounts of debt accumulated, social and educational programs slashed, budgets in red worldwide, tax revenues collapsing... while military funding for imperial invasions and occupations increases dramatically and go on unimpeded.

Mind sharing some of your medication with those forming opinions based in reality? Korp Khun Krab!

I feel no need to post those articles here.... anyone other than Bankers know exactly the reality. They see it, feel it everyday.

Does this mean Chicken Little was correct? Of course not...life will always go on... but I do keep my head well out of the sands of De Nial. Try it sometime.

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The only argument in which I have been interested is one of civility... people can implicitly tell whether one has it or doesn't. As for the other how about from the acknowledged Dr. Doom:

DR. NOURIEL ROUBINI (NYU, Stern School of Business): The good news is we do have a recovery; there will be positive growth.

The bad news is that it’s not going to be a rapid return to high economic growth.

Speaking of ROUBINI and civil arguments, here is an article written today debunking his thesis of a recovery. QB Asset Management Rips Apart Roubini's "Spam Is More Valuable Than Gold" Thesis

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If you want some real doom and gloom best read the latest webbot ALTA report. It costs $10 for the pdf download but i can email it for free to any interested persons.

best do a little research first to find out what it is about and how it comes about - otherewise could be a little confusing!

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The only argument in which I have been interested is one of civility... people can implicitly tell whether one has it or doesn't. As for the other how about from the acknowledged Dr. Doom:

DR. NOURIEL ROUBINI (NYU, Stern School of Business): The good news is we do have a recovery; there will be positive growth.

The bad news is that it’s not going to be a rapid return to high economic growth.

Speaking of ROUBINI and civil arguments, here is an article written today debunking his thesis of a recovery. QB Asset Management Rips Apart Roubini's "Spam Is More Valuable Than Gold" Thesis

and every child knows that whatever QB Asset Management says is as good as the Gospel :)

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Sooo, the world economy is just dandy? No. It sucks. Now what?

... and from the screenplay of Chinatown, Gittes (Jack Nicholson); Evelyn (Faye Dunaway)

GITTES (continuing)-- there's some misunderstanding here. It's not going to do any good to get tough with me --

Evelyn flashes a cold smile.

EVELYN I don't get tough with anybody, Mr. Gittes. My lawyer does.

I don't get tough with the world economy... my advisor in the Wealth Management Group does.

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Sooo, the world economy is just dandy? No. It sucks. Now what?

... and from the screenplay of Chinatown, Gittes (Jack Nicholson); Evelyn (Faye Dunaway)

GITTES (continuing)-- there's some misunderstanding here. It's not going to do any good to get tough with me --

Evelyn flashes a cold smile.

EVELYN I don't get tough with anybody, Mr. Gittes. My lawyer does.

I don't get tough with the world economy... my advisor in the Wealth Management Group does.

Somebody probably personally owns shares of that Wealth management Group that hires sales people to sell products to you at a commission so that they can pay a dividend to the guy like me on the other end. I pity people with financial advisers.

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Good and safe ? I just want to make money doing nothing. Being the full throttler that you think you are, if you smoke, smoke Marlboro's if you don't mind.

lol, is it this how you "see" the world economy from Thailand -

is it this where an argument boils down to, to "argumentum ad persona"

if there is nothing left to throw at someone who dares to hold a differing view on "safety"??

And regarding "making money doing nothin'..." i'll said i will borrow this "invested money", see the US, the EU

the latest downturn Dubai - lucky the got a lot of very wealthy brothers!

be ensured I don't smoke at all! :)

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I pity people with financial advisers. I will just add that sometimes by contractual provisions or other custodial agreements certain funds MUST be placed in managed accounts. As I remain in the Kingdom on an extension of Visa based on Retirement, I can assure you that the account is greater than the $5000 pension account mentioned above...

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Sorry I missed that one. Is it possible for you to throw an insult without an emoticon?

I was hoping that I could get of some you gents on the Financial Crisis-Where-is-Gold Heading-US Dollar Collapse Circuit to show some of the Members who do not look at those topics what a bunch of mean-spirited intolerant prone-to-insult demeaning Gary North spouting Fundamentalist Libertarian wackos you Usual Suspects can be... as I used to call it in Bible belt Oklahoma the Agree-With-Me-Or-Burn-In-hel_l School of Discourse.

And I have succeeded well beyond my expectations Kuhn T whether I wear my underwear on the outside or not. Thank you. Pleasant chap.

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Sorry I missed that one. Is it possible for you to throw an insult without an emoticon?

I was hoping that I could get of some you gents on the Financial Crisis-Where-is-Gold Heading-US Dollar Collapse Circuit to show some of the Members who do not look at those topics what a bunch of mean-spirited intolerant prone-to-insult demeaning Gary North spouting Fundamentalist Libertarian wackos you Usual Suspects can be... as I used to call it in Bible belt Oklahoma the Agree-With-Me-Or-Burn-In-hel_l School of Discourse.

And I have succeeded well beyond my expectations Kuhn T whether I wear my underwear on the outside or not. Thank you. Pleasant chap.

Its actually people like you and a few others that throw in cheap insults among our good solid commentary that starts all the fights.

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Sorry I missed that one. Is it possible for you to throw an insult without an emoticon?

I was hoping that I could get of some you gents on the Financial Crisis-Where-is-Gold Heading-US Dollar Collapse Circuit to show some of the Members who do not look at those topics what a bunch of mean-spirited intolerant prone-to-insult demeaning Gary North spouting Fundamentalist Libertarian wackos you Usual Suspects can be... as I used to call it in Bible belt Oklahoma the Agree-With-Me-Or-Burn-In-hel_l School of Discourse.

And I have succeeded well beyond my expectations Kuhn T whether I wear my underwear on the outside or not. Thank you. Pleasant chap.

Its actually people like you and a few others that throw in cheap insults among our good solid commentary that starts all the fights.

Hi sokal - Unfortunatly you have been heavily discredited by your past posts

The economy did collapse you fool, didn't you notice ? I guess if you have no assets or wealth then you have nothing to lose. :D

i wonder what the assets of somebody are who sleeps in 200 Baht rooms, calls others fools and can guess the assets of others :D

poster sokal Yesterday, 2009-12-14 00:38:57

Check this gem out that I found in BKK. No blankets and no switch on the fan, you had to plug er in every time, 555. Still cost me 200 a night.


attention moderators!

shouldn't there be an addition to the forum rules that persons with an IQ below 78.2 are not allowed to post? :)

But look thats not a problem if you ask your questions you will probably get some civil answers - however if you are in this position I am not sure anyone here can help you. But who knows? You can but try.

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But look thats not a problem if you ask your questions you will probably get some civil answers - however if you are in this position I am not sure anyone here can help you. But who knows? You can but try.

I am not getting your point. I was just saying that the room still cost me 200 a night, some people probably would have thought that was still too much.

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Its actually people like you and a few others that throw in cheap insults among our good solid commentary that starts all the fights.

shall i post links to several of your recent postings where you called people "idiots, suckers and fools"?

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