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My wife has her ILR coming up in the next week or so, and id be gratefull for some help.

My wifes visa was granted on 9/01/2008 and expires 9/01/2010, she arrived in the UK on 16/01/2008, so what date is the earliest we can apply, and how long have we got to apply?

Where can I find the application form for ILR?

In the covering letter should I just state where we live, and lived.

Where we work etc

That my wife has passed and esol course.

Do I need to explain our outgoings etc I meen for example

RENT £300

C TAX £89

BT £11.25

SKY 38.50

And so on and so?

Any help would be appreciated


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You can apply 23 months after your wife's arrival in the Uk - so any point after December 16th, unless things have changed since we applied last year.

I found all the information on the Border Agency website and to be honest their notes with the application, were for once, very very useful. Very cleary on what documents you need, very clear on how many and what they accept.

It also explains what you need to provide to show your wife has met the requirments - stating she has is not enough. As much as my hubby only had to do the 'life in UK test' as he was from English speaking country and they advise they notify the Home Office it is recommended to send the certificate too!

I popped in a covering letter explaining all documents I had enclosed and our circumstances - didnt need to provide anything about out incomr from memory but we were both providing bank statements anyway.

I realise my response is not very detailed and other members will have specifics but unlike the minefield with settlement visa applications I found the ILR process much easier!!

Good luck

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From memory that sounds the correct form - I'm sure others will know for sure.

I just printed it from their website. We had a bit of a crazy situation as he had come a month after the visa was issued which meant we could only apply the day his visa expired hence my covering letter.

Also we didnt have a lot in both our names pther than council tax as the mortgage was just in my name but we had a lot seperately. I honestly envisaged problems and it was haassle free - came back within four weeks and no questions asked - a walk in the park compared to settlemennt visa hel_l!!! :)

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We didnt have savings - we provided bank account statements for both of us but that was more about meeting the document requirements. I am sure some of the questions are about whether your claiming any benefits - they just want to make sure you are still supporting yourselves.

I sent every thing special delivery with a return special delivery envelope - no way take a chance with regular mail or just normal registered - special delivery would be the only way I would send it unless you want to use DHL or something but no need - special Delivery should be fine.

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Hi there We also didnt have much savings but we provided our bank account statements etc etc, it is not to see if you have millions in the bank, it is to see if you are getting any benifits etc and you are living together and have been for the last 23 months,

As caledonia says only send it by special delivery or dhl etc NOT normal post.

best of luck to you both

pete & som

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Thanks all,

The covering letter, do I just need to explain what is enclosd in the application?

Im not good with big words, I meen, could the covering letter have big influence on the decision of the ILR application?

We have all the documents required, tons more, but just abit paranoid of writing the covering letter.

I will be writing the letter on behalf of my wife, and I will make this clear I am writing it in the letter, will this be alright if I write the letter on my wifes behalf?

Cheers all


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Scotty you only need 6 letters or other documents addressed to you jointly or in both your names at your home address. regarding bank statments this can be included in the 6 letters they are asking for.

When i did my wifes set m form i included more letters than six they asked for i think it does not matter to much as long as you dont send a box full (old saying better safe than sorry)

I also put covering letter in done on pc just breif letter covering what was included etc etc and my wife just signd it. (not to much as they probly dont read it anyway)

All the best to you and your wife

pete and som

Happy Xmas

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  • 2 weeks later...


The wifes ILR application is ready to be posted, but due to the xmas holidays where the post offices have been closed iv been unable to send it earlier.

The post office is open today, but if anyone could tell me if the UK Border Agency in Durham is open tommorow?

I dont want to send it today if its going to be closed the rest of the week.

Im sending it next day special.

Anyhelp would be very gratefull.



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Just an anecdote, but when my wife applied for ILR, the only issue we had was to show documentation (official letters etc.) for the whole period we had been living together during the current FLR period. As I did this face-to-face, I could see that the official basically just filling our evidence of living together for various periods in boxes on a form. We had tonnes of docs for 2009 and late 2008 - but nothing for early 2008. We did have docs for 2006 and 2007 but these were outside of the relevant FLR period. I still don't understand how I cocked this up :)

This seemed to be a problem, but once she'd seen her manager, she granted ILR on the spot. I guess a British male with a Thai wife and a English-born child, are not high up on their "risk" list unlike, say, a single male Nigerian with a recent Yemeni passport stamp...

She did not even ask to see proof of income or savings, which was fortunate because my stated income was based on a job I start in January and I had been on benefits for the past six months due to being out of work.

Good luck - but I'm not sure how we would have fared had we not made the ILR application in person (although never applied in person for FLR as at the time I was employed, had evidence of decent income and couldn't get the time to do so!).

Go figure...

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