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I Would Like To Buy A Bar In Pattaya

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billy (is it billy bob?) With 5 million to invest you probably did not fall off the turnip truck this morning, so I suppose you have at least that much to carry you thru the bad times for a while. Brouse around for a nice color, clientele, staff, area, food/snacks, ask friends???, bar girls, etc , put out word on the street and you should find what your looking for. Be sure to keep us abreast of your progress.

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Hey good luck if this is your dream. :)

Not much of a dream though is it???

I dream of world peace, winning the lotto, being granted a knighthood and an honourary degree for my theories on life and human thinking...

owning a bar in Pattaya... not really something that would occupy a lot of 'down time' thinking is it...



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I have grown up in Sth East Asian bars since I was 16. Almost bought my first one in M H Del Pilar Street in Ermita, Manila in 1975/6, (The Yellow Brick Road), just at the time martial law was drawing to a close and Ermita was ramping up to become a Sex Tourist and Mail Order Bride Destination - it was the smartest thing I NEVER did.

Contemplated it a couple of times since then, but each time I sobered up and came to my senses. I eventually went into the Thai Restaurant business in Australia instead. Much more lucrative and nowhere near as dangerous!

Bar ownership in Sth East Asia is one of those 'professions' that took on a romantic and glamorous aspect by those who have only experienced it superficially whilst taking holidays. Spending your twilight years in the company of drunks, pimps, touts and prostitutes! What a way to go out!

I guess Billy, you are one of those blokes that reckons he can't retire and just do nothing - You need a 'job' , yeah right, sure you do.

It's all been said before, and to be honest I think Billy has Xmas Day and April fools day confused. Either that or he simply has too much money and needs to get rid of it quickly.

But methinks you are havimg us on Biily.. At least I hope you are.

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I have a better plan than buying a bar and you are guaranteed to make a fortune ,when i was in Nigeria a friend of mines father was killed and in his bank account there is millions of dollars but i need help to get it out of the country ,if you send us your bank details -----------------

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My first reaction was that I wondered if the OP was named Manuel and he came from Barcelona. After the first sip of the first coffee of the day I then wondered how anybody seriously considering such a plan and who could amass 5 mil acquired so much. Mugging little old ladies on pension day? After a second sip my thoughts were who would want to spend their declining years living on immoral earnings?

After draining the cup and the caffeine had kicked in, reality made an appearance. Could this be somebody using posting such a message as this be playing a prank on another. Or extracting revenge? :)

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Personally I think it's a great idea but his budget of 5 million is a little light. However I know a lady who'll be only to happy to let him have a 25% stake in her bar business for 4 million, that leaves him 1 million to spend on buying customers drinks.

The business is a good going concern however some of the other 13 x 25% shareholders are a bit quirky. :)

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Hey good luck if this is your dream. :)

Not much of a dream though is it???

I dream of world peace, winning the lotto, being granted a knighthood and an honourary degree for my theories on life and human thinking...

owning a bar in Pattaya... not really something that would occupy a lot of 'down time' thinking is it...



Leave him to his dreams, at least his are acheivable.

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Hey good luck if this is your dream. :)

Not much of a dream though is it???

I dream of world peace, winning the lotto, being granted a knighthood and an honourary degree for my theories on life and human thinking...

owning a bar in Pattaya... not really something that would occupy a lot of 'down time' thinking is it...



Leave him to his dreams, at least his are acheivable.


The general consenus of the scientific community is that, on average, a Dream lasts about 15 minutes.

Sounds about right.

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