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Bracing Humanity For Rise Of Robots

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Bracing humanity for rise of robots

The possibility of conscious robots widely populating our world is far more likely to happen than many dare to think.

Robotic technology has advanced to such an extent that in the near future robots will be capable of making autonomous decisions and thinking on their own, experts warn.


“Even if robots have intelligence, they will never have a soul. Robots will never be equal to people, because people have an ability to believe in God by choice, and love Him and worship Him,” a Christian pastor, Igor Ubiy-Vovk, told RT.

Soraj Hongladarom, a Buddhism expert and the director of the Center for Ethics of Science and Technology, said in his recent blog. “However, Buddhism does have its own problem. If robots and humans in the end are not too different, then it must be possible for a human being to be born again as a robot, and vice versa?”


So, if robots become self-aware, could we be reborn as a robot and could a robot attain nibbana? It seems to me that if it is pre-programmed to be ethical, it will not develop kilesas.


I don't think it's the proper programming .... whatever your personal opinion on that might be ........ it's the misuse and unintentional hacking viruses ect that would be a problem.


What a great question to ponder :)

First of all im not so sure that trully conscious robots are all that close as currently the cutting edge of robot technology when it comes to autonomy and intelligence etc is incredibly inferior to that of organic lifeforms not just human beings but even something like an insect has more capability than our best robots. We underestimate and take for granted just how many complex processes our brains undertake to do the simplest of tasks.

I would like to suggest however that if this ever comes to pass and a trully conscious robot is created then could it be that this being would also be enlightened the moment it comes into existance? Not being an expert in the least on Buddhism so forgive me if i sound ignorant but if a conscious being were born or created without the "burden" of emotions and ego etc then it may give it a clearer perception of the universe ? Am i right in thinking that monks are trying to detatch themselves from the physical world not because it in itself is "bad" but because of the desires and relationship they have with it blinding them to what really is? So could not a trully conscious robot be born a Buddha ?

I would also suggest that as humans im not sure we are capable of creating such a thing but maybe the universe is and that something outwith our intention could occur for this to happen. Something more evolutionary and organic in a sense may occur within robots.

So yes i think if a trully conscious robot can exist then we could be reborn as a robot or vice versa as the organic body and a robot body would only be the vessel for the spark within we call the soul.

Again sorry if i sound ignorant particularly discussing Buddhism but id be really interested to hear those that do know mores opinions.


"So, if robots become self-aware, could we be reborn as a robot and could a robot attain nibbana? It seems to me that if it is pre-programmed to be ethical, it will not develop kilesas."

Buddhism is about beings..... sentient beings. If robots become sentient which realm would they exist in? There is no realm for robots...unless they were assigned to the human realm.

To say that a robot could enter nirvana suggests a basic misunderstanding........

We are not humans....they are not animals..... they are not devas or hel_l beings.....

We are all simply beings...... but my present karma has caused me to take rebirth in the human realm and therefore have human form...the next may be in the animal realm so i will have the form of an animal.

Anagami often attain to Arahant from rebirth in one of the higher realms....so therefore devas or gods can attain nirvana too.

A pre-programmed robot would start to become unique as soon as it left the factory, if it was sentient, by having completely unique experiences and learning from them.


Isn't there a difference between consciousness, as seen in sentient beings, and the mechanical or mathematical ability to calculate "appropriate" responses as seen in computers, robots, etc?

Isn't there a difference between consciousness, as seen in sentient beings, and the mechanical or mathematical ability to calculate "appropriate" responses as seen in computers, robots, etc?

I think if you have a machine as complex as the human mind and you teach it like a human child as well as add human-like genetic programming, it has the potential for self-awareness. But much of being human is about knowing we are mortal and having unpleasant physical sensations related to blood, death, etc, and is about the awareness that our own survival depends on us helping each other rather than just killing each other. In humans, this is incredibly subtle genetic programming. I think we are far from a machine like that.


The tendency is more that man becomes like a robot. (the result may look the same).

Our productionprocess (and accordingly our way of raising children) demands much robotlike work. So much of it can also be done by robots or computers.

This may give the impression that robots can become like man, but I am not afraid of that. There is an essential difference. Robots are programmed by man and not the other way around. Allthough they can do many tasks better they can not feel (love, hate etc.), have no creativity to counter new and changing circumstances.

They are not free, cannot deprogram themselves and find a way to freedom, nirvana, unless man gives him the right software (dependant origination).

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