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I can't stand slapstick and never did like it. Even as a child it bored me. I find the Thai stuff irritating and unwatchable. The sound of it grates on my nerves. But, everyone is entitled to their own tastes. Lack of good channels on Thai TV is why I don't even bother having a TV set.

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How is different to the likes of the 3 Stooges or Keystone Cops? I like watching the 3 Stooges but they are considered too violent for Australian TV.

Eh! I am not aware, nor can I find any reference to them having been banned on Oz TV. There was certainly discussion from time to time, but I don't believe it ever led to anything (thank goodness).

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How is different to the likes of the 3 Stooges or Keystone Cops? I like watching the 3 Stooges but they are considered too violent for Australian TV.

Eh! I am not aware, nor can I find any reference to them having been banned on Oz TV. There was certainly discussion from time to time, but I don't believe it ever led to anything (thank goodness).

I never said banned, but there as you said it was discussed, same with road runner.

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How is different to the likes of the 3 Stooges or Keystone Cops? I like watching the 3 Stooges but they are considered too violent for Australian TV.

Those guys went out of fashion years ago , once people had a half decent education that type of entertainment fell by the wayside , last I saw of them was around mid 60's . My god , is Thailand that far behind ? What did you say your name was ?

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