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Laser Fat Reduction


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has anyone experience or heard from someone about the fat treatment laser at "Aesthetica" in Pattaya?

it osts a hefty 29 000 Baht but I wonder if it is worth it and if it helps?

according to their website, you loose 4 to 6 KG in a month.


would appreciate any comments before I give it a try next month.

thanks and merry X-mas


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I wouldn't want to be the guinea pig. I think if I was looking to lose weight, I would just fix my diet and get some regular exercise. Seems a lot cheaper, and probably healthier too. Being fit and healthy is not just a matter of having less fat. I know this doesn't answer your question, but maybe it's something worth thinking about if you're considering weight loss techniques.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I will be happy to be a guinea pig. I will go and have a look, if it's any good I will let you know.

have you had a chance to check it out?

I've looked into it and tried to speak to some people that have had it done, also met a few people that have had gastric surgery. All look like a quick fix and I'm still thinking about it but will wait for a while. I recently brought a house on the Darkside, there is a gym not far from my door step so I've been trying the old fashioned way. I've had some help with a personal trainer (which I said I'd never do again after my califorina wow nightmare) and have lost a bit of weight. Not a lot but I suppose it's taken years to put on so it's not going to happen over night. The main thing is that I feel a lot better both physically and mentally.

I will give it 6 months and if there is no drastic improvement I will probably go for the gastric procedure, guaranteed results rather than the laser which seems to be a lot of inconvenience for variable results.

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  • 1 month later...

So did you finally try or got some news from someone who tried? I guess it might work but the thing is does the fat come back as quick as it disappear. I mean I am going to gym 3 times a week and control my food, but i have this fat for many years and it would be nice to loose it forever!

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