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Constipation. Help!


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This is somewhat embarrassing to post but I'm pretty desperate. Since coming to Thailand, I have had serious problems with constipation. I will go a week (or more) without being able to go and eventually have to purchase something like Ducolax to help, whereupon I go but end up dehydrated and feeling horrible in the middle of the night. I take Metamucil 3 times a day and eat a varied diet of fruits (I've been trying to increase the amount of papaya as I heard that helps), vegetables, and protein. I am lactose intolerant and extremely watchful that I do not eat any dairy. Additionally, I drink about 12 glasses of water a day and exercise (run) 5-6 times a week.

Is there any kind of herbal/over the counter/ANYTHING I can do to help this problem? It's been going on for the past few months since I moved and I'm sick of feeling bloated and uncomfortable all the time, especially in this weather.

Thanks so much.

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a friend of mine once told me that whenever he called his dealer back in the uk, he would have to rush straight to the bathroom..

or if from the UK just check the baht/pound rate to get the shits!

Just did that.... still constipated....

I think I'll give the all-bran thing a shot. What about prune juice, anyone know where I can get that? I only see it mixed with other juice. Or what could I ask for at the pharmacy? They speak nit noy English where I live and I would like to be able to ask for something specific. When I first went in and tried to explain I was constipated they were going to give me a medicine for diarrhea. Sigh.

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Take a magnesium supplament or vit. c to bowel tolerance at least you will get the benefit of the vit.. Seriously you may have a parasite or some sort of infection causing this problem. Also drinking enough water helps.

Also more chile works for me.

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There is also a prune extract sold in most stores that you can try. Costs about 35 baht per bottle. The bottles are green and the size of a small vitamin bottle. The thai word for prune is "luuk plaam haeng".

For an herbal treatment, you might try going to the Lemon Farm organic food store, located in Suk. 39, close to the stoplight at the middle of the soi. There is also a Whole Foods market at the Ekamai Medical Building (not the same as the US chain) that may have something you can use.

Going to the doctor as well, makes a lot of sense, at least to put your mind at ease!

Here's a post about constipation that might help:


Edited by mauiguy90
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you can buy a few packages of Brand name Sunkist prunes at Lotus..c'mon folks..get yur head out of the ( Thomas ) Crapper..anything other than trying to help is just utter crap

yes, he invented the toilet

Not a hunner porsen true if this website is to be believed.


Anyhow he didn't invent the crapper only the syphonic self flushing cistern.

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Google for: psyllium husk fiber capsules It's a natural fiber.

I use them for many years and NEVER have problems with constipation. My wife had problems for years but since she uses them too....no problem anymore.

But, yours could be more serious and better to see a doctor.


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You're not eating much of the local food then?

Actually, I eat a ton of local food. Almost everything I eat is local, with the exception of the occasional nuts I buy at 7-11.

I might go see a doctor :). But, I bought some prunes today, as well as some tea that contain senna, so I shall see in the morning.

I really appreciate all the help!

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Another vegetable that works really well is Phak Pakachet (water mimosa). The only problem is that it is a kind of vegetable that is an acquired taste. It has a rather unusual smell but if you are really desperate, it might help.

I am desperate, where could I find Phak Pakachet? I am interested!

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Thanks again to everyone for all your help!

What's been working (in case this might help someone else): I got some medicine from the pharmacy one night, and since then have been drinking a cup of senna tea every night before bed. Wake up and... I feel better!

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You might have a bowel obstruction or a side effect of a medication you are taking. Amytriptiline for example. causes constipation and most of your natural remedies do little to counter act its effects. If you are taking a medication you have started since arriving in Thailand, that may be your cause.

There are a couple of Thai herbals that work well as stimulant laxatives but with what you describe, the food remedy is not likely to work. The standard course of treatment for routine constipation is"

Increase water intake, bulk fiber, etc........ You are beyond this but a doctor will likely start you at step A. Step B would be an enema after an x=ray to determine where the stool is actually blocked. If it is in the sigmoid colon, the enema will work, if it is in the ascending or transverse colon, you could have a minor twist in your colon causing blockage.

If you want immediate relief, go to any pharmacy and get NIFLEC, it is a saline powder you mix with 2 liters of water and take with a stimulant laxative such as docolax. It will give you almost immediate relief. Inside of 3 hours.

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Stay clear of bowel stimulants as the side effects of these may take a long time to reverse or may indeed not be reversable.

"Duphalac" (Lactulose) is a complex cellulose that remains in the gut and reduces absorbtion of fluids from from food in the larger intestine. It is non-stimulant and safe, even in pregnancy. You can even determine the dose that works individually.

Of course a fibre rich diet, lots of water etc need to be added a well.

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