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hi all my dog is missing, he is a full on English Bull Terrier although he came to me as a rescue dog, I would never pay for a pedigree animal.

Thalang/ Bang tao area.

Please keep an eye out, he can not have been road kill we would have found and we live in safe area, I suspect someone has taken a fancy to him as he is very freindly, has no balls so worthless as a breeder.

Love to bits want back gone 4 days now HELP.



Good luck for your search Paul!

I wish you and Buster are united for Christmas again.


Thanks Gerd me too, even though the 7 cats are feeling more comfortable right now but the soi dog is pining badly


put some a4 posters on the lamp posts/shops/phone boxes with a big picture of buster, as well a reward and phone contact to same thai person. Patroll streets on a bike or motorbike as often as you can. Talk to motorbike drivers on the street corners, leave them a poster to put on their shack - say 1k reward is worth for them a few days work, so they will try the best.

I know how you feel, tonight I have lost my puppy - if you don't recover your pet within another 7-10 days, just get another dog from the rescue.


Still missing, of corse we have done all the local standard things to try to find.

I just want the help of the hundreds of extra eyes on this forum, there can't be more than 10 of this breed on the island so if he is alive someone must notice his presence.

come on guys, a white english bull terrier keep your eyes peeled.


Hmmmmm........I really can't see what anyone can do.

If a dog matching the description fits and it is unaccompanied, you want people to catch it, then contact you? What if it isn't Buster? release it again in the same area?

What if people see a dog that matches the description that is accompanied? Ask the person if he nicked it?


or, here's a thought, PM the guy and let him know where and when you saw a dog matching this description....


if someone sees a dog matching him PM me please, i will either know that dog or can make a trip to see myself, if it's Buster he will come to me straight away.

Don't try to capture unless it is clearly unaccompanied

Hmmmmm........I really can't see what anyone can do.

If a dog matching the description fits and it is unaccompanied, you want people to catch it, then contact you? What if it isn't Buster? release it again in the same area?

What if people see a dog that matches the description that is accompanied? Ask the person if he nicked it?

Obviously you have never lost a cat or dog that you loved and tried every means to get it back. Not to mention I have never seen a soi dog like this in Phuket. Of course if I saw it, especialy if it was wearing a collar, the same one,i would catch it! And if it isnt Buster then release it in the same area. or at least PM to let the Poster know I saw his dog!

Paul So so so so sorry about buster. PM you contact details if you want and I will have it posted it on another forum. It is the least I can do.

An ad in Gazette is probably free online for this kind of thing.

There was a girl who recently lost her dog for a while and it came back and so have hope! Again so sorry, I feel so sad for you and him!


Just a bit off topic:

My wife called me yesterday, she "found" a stray pitbull :D and took him to the next vet....

Luckily the pit was micro chipped and they could find out the owner.

Otherwise we would have 4 dogs now :)



Buster has returned! quite amasing he has just turned up which was how we rescued him in the first place. I had just about givrn up hope.

Any how many thanks to all of you that have given me messages of comfort over the last few weeks.

And a very happy and prosourus New Year to all.


well, it was somebodies pet for a xmass - the kid got bored after a week and dog ended up on the street. Must be some of your neighbours


I'm buying a bottle of whiskey tonight to celebrate the news.

ok, I have to buy it anyway, but we'll toast Buster for sure, not that anyone will know who he is.

This update made my day.

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