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Prdictions And Premonitions For Thailand 2010


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There is a thread running for political predictions for the new year, how about sharing your predictions or premonitions for all other events in Thailand for the coming year.

Can be serious or humourous, all are welcome.

A can of warm Chang for the most jaw dropping accurate prediction in the opinion of the judges will be awarded at my discretion.

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No serious one yet.


I predict that they Thai economy and politics will return to what was before the cope and without Mr. T. And Thai politician become more dependent on the China instead of USA. China becomes a very large part of Thai economy. Land and housing boom will start and last few years


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Who cares what happens. Farangs in Thailand will have absolutely no say in the matter and their concerns will be ignored. That said however, Thailand will continue on the same path it chose several years ago. The Thai economy will slowly improve just as the world economy improves. Thailand will probably be more business oriented with China, but what else is new. Unfortunately, Thais will continue to emulate the Americans despite the fact that the Americans don't have a clue in what direction they are headed.

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1.The monks of Thailand will form a human chain around Pattaya closing it slowing step by step until a biological reddish green puss will be seen oozing from the middle. :D

2. This puss will then be bottled and sold as a health drink to the share holders or beer companies. :)

3. Sunrise Tacos will be taken over by illegal Mexican nationals looking for work. :D

4. All contestants in the show Acadami Fantasia will 1, not come from priviledged backgrounds, and 2 will stop lip syncing the songs. :D

5. The universities will begin to open their doors to all the classes of people who wish to better their lifes with affordable education. :D:D:D

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My prediction is that Katoes will be offered hostess positions with Thai International as they already know how to "turn the other cheek"...so to speak! Farang will be allowed to board the aircraft carrier and learn the secrets of the Thai Navy and Takki will announce his intent to be a "working boy", thus allowing others to do to him what he has done to the Thai nation

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I will finally escape my Gatwick Airport hotel/prison after three days of easyJet flight cancellations and missing Thailand, make it back home to Spain (and more bad weather) and save and scheme constantly until I get out of this god forsaken western world and back to South-East Asia somewhere.

Unfortunately room service here doesn't offer anything like Tiger, Chiang or Singha, warm or otherwise. I have to put up with Carling at £3.10/pint and cigarettes at £6.30 a packet.

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In 2010, an election will be called. Sondhi and crew will split the vote with the dems and the reds will rule again. Only to be disqualified.

This will be followed by protests. The Military will step in to restore order.

The baht will remain strong.

The US will strike at Iran's nuclear facilities.

Brazil will win the world cup.

Tiger Woods will get divorced, return to golf.

Manchester City will finish trophyless and 6th in the Prem league table.

Songkran will last for 6 days.

It will rain alot in April.

Please feel free to messenger the 24 pack of chang to me CO TV Visa Resident Predictors Club.

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In 2010, an election will be called. Sondhi and crew will split the vote with the dems and the reds will rule again. Only to be disqualified.

This will be followed by protests. The Military will step in to restore order.

The baht will remain strong.

The US will strike at Iran's nuclear facilities.

Brazil will win the world cup.

Tiger Woods will get divorced, return to golf.

Manchester City will finish trophyless and 6th in the Prem league table.

Songkran will last for 6 days.

It will rain alot in April.

Please feel free to messenger the 24 pack of chang to me CO TV Visa Resident Predictors Club.

So who's going to finish fourth and fifth...correct order please

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In 2010, an election will be called. Sondhi and crew will split the vote with the dems and the reds will rule again. Only to be disqualified.

This will be followed by protests. The Military will step in to restore order.

The baht will remain strong.

The US will strike at Iran's nuclear facilities.

Brazil will win the world cup.

Tiger Woods will get divorced, return to golf.

Manchester City will finish trophyless and 6th in the Prem league table.

Songkran will last for 6 days.

It will rain alot in April.

Please feel free to messenger the 24 pack of chang to me CO TV Visa Resident Predictors Club.

So who's going to finish fourth and fifth...correct order please

Sorry mate, that cost extra but since you asked 1.Chelsea, Utd, Villa, Arsenal, Spurs, City, LP, Sund, Birmingham.

Not the answers you wanted I know but sad to say this is fact. Don't worry though, in the Europa league next year you will be in good company. :)

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The year will begin on a Friday. At 00:00:00.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

Sometime in February, the government will call on a group of TV members to come in and rewrite the constitution. The ensuing fighting and violence between them will lead to a coup and the establishment of a permanent military dictatorship. In gratitude, this dictator will allow farangs to own land, use the Thai passport channels at immigration, stay up past 02:00, pay taxis whatever they like, cross the road where they please, criticise anything they choose (except for el presidente, for which they'll be executed), overstay, understay, marry multiple partners, smoke / inhale / inject whatever they want to, throw away 50 satang coins, contribute to global warming, and laugh at Thai soap operas. A new thread will open on TV complaining about this and wanting a return to the good old days. Mr Thaksin will fade away, to the point where the hit song in gogo bars is "Living next door to Thaksin". (Thaksin? Thaksin? Who the f*** is Thaksin?) His confiscated money will be used to build a presidential palace near the Cambodian border, which Hun Sen will immediately claim as his own.

Edited by ballpoint
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In 2010, an election will be called. Sondhi and crew will split the vote with the dems and the reds will rule again. Only to be disqualified.

This will be followed by protests. The Military will step in to restore order.

The baht will remain strong.

The US will strike at Iran's nuclear facilities.

Brazil will win the world cup.

Tiger Woods will get divorced, return to golf.

Manchester City will finish trophyless and 6th in the Prem league table.

Songkran will last for 6 days.

It will rain alot in April.

Please feel free to messenger the 24 pack of chang to me CO TV Visa Resident Predictors Club.

So who's going to finish fourth and fifth...correct order please

Sorry mate, that cost extra but since you asked 1.Chelsea, Utd, Villa, Arsenal, Spurs, City, LP, Sund, Birmingham.

Not the answers you wanted I know but sad to say this is fact. Don't worry though, in the Europa league next year you will be in good company. :)

Very drole James. Merry Xmas mate. :D

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