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Any Cat People Out There

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My 9+ y/o altered male Somali developed rapid weight loss several years ago and blood tests confirmed he has hyperthyroidism. I have treated him daily with the med, but recently he 'went light' lost weight rapidly again. I had a blood panel done and his BUN was 104 and Creatinine was 10.5 (literally off the scale).

The vet however seemed to think these were just "high normal" values for cats, although every bit of research I found shows him to be in the final stages of CRF (chronic renal failure).

Currently I feed him just about anything he will show interest in, Pla-nin, Pla-tuu, canned cat food, canned tuna, grilled chicken, chicken broth, etc. He drinks and urinates excessively, but still has bright eyes, good coat condition and grooms himself.

While CRF is not a painful disease for him as he mostly just suffers from malaise, loss of hydration, and weight loss (he's literally a fur convered skeleton, having lost all the muscle mass in his hind quarters and chest). In my research it seems there is little I can do to manage this other than give him attention and see to his needs until it progresses so far he eventually convulses, goes into a coma and dies.

I live on the ground floor of my building and he spends most of the day outside sitting in the shade, but when I bring him in at night he is frantic, running around, pawing at the door, and crying until he retires to a kitchen cupboard he's commandeered as his 'nest', where he will stay the entire nite, venturing out only to use the litter box. I even put a water bowl in there as he wasn't drinking near enough.

At what point do I determine his poor quality of life outweighs my selfishness in not wanting to let him go?

Any advice from anyone whose had experience in this with their cat is welcome to respond.

This is him; Ruddy Boy (during better days)


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Thanx for that link, was actually browsing it when you posted your reply. :)

I’ve gotten an email from a cat breeder I know who uses Kasetsart University’s Veterinary Hospital (which is a teaching pet hospital) and will try that as well.

Thanx again,

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