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Thai Ladies (lack Of) Logic


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Bar-Girl logic:

"English guy better than American"


"English guy more rich"

are you sure?

"Yes, English guy have Pounds, worth double amount of Baht than US Guy Dollar.

Not sure what planet you're on expecting a peasant girl with almost no education who is working as a prostitute to understand currency valuations.

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Reminds me of the German guy who was divorced by his wife after she found out he had been deaf for more than 10 years but never told her.

Lol. Now that is a great one. Imagine it, how could she not have realised sooner? Maybe if she shut up for a few seconds she might have worked out there was a problem.

And to the OP, my wife is smart but still I get dumbfounded every now and then. She has come out with some right crackers. One time I got 30 points on my licensefor speeding, the cops said it will be wiped of in one year. In the car my wife said, that's good honey, it's already December so you will get your points back next month!!!! Go figure, I tried explaining but she wouldn't have it.

I thought she had gone nuts until in January she made me go to the cop shop and true enough she was right.

Now that is mad!

I think it's just thai logic, it's got nothing to do with the women, it's all of them.

:D thats the best one for 2009

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While driving through air polluted areas she always closes the car windows.

so do i, and i hit the switch on the car that stops the air from bringing air from outside. same when stuck in traffic.

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Whooa!! When I wrote the original post,I was hoping for some fun comments.And I was reworded..Not least the story about the deaf german guy,he,he! Keep them coming!

Ok here is some Thai logic... A mate's wife asked him one night to lend her brother 20,000 Baht for some business venture. My mate has been living here for over 10 years and realised that there was little chance of getting the money back but never the less gave the brother in law the 20,000 Baht on the understanding that before 12 months had elapsed that the 20,000 would be returned without him having to go look for the money. 12 months passed and one day he mentions to the missus that he never got the money back from her brother, She says she will call him and ask him... This happened for 3 or 4 days then finally the call came from Isaan and confirmation that the debt could not be repaid... The logic.... His wife blamed my mate for lending him the money saying "Well you should have known he would not be able to repay it!"

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My wife too. It is very hard to admit they are wrong. They insist that they are right and they never make mistake. Even when she say something and 2 seconds later she know she was wrong. It must be something about losing face which makes it very hard for them to say sorry

You're very correct. It's part of the reason I'm always here, and I think it's better not to have a conversation at all.

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I agree.......I do not understand the "logic" of being with uneducated girls . What else do you expect, except conflicts in understanding ? There are plenty of educated girls around here......

My greatest regret.

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My wife too. It is very hard to admit they are wrong. They insist that they are right and they never make mistake. Even when she say something and 2 seconds later she know she was wrong. It must be something about losing face which makes it very hard for them to say sorry

wives are never wrong! you don't believe it? ask my wife! :)

No one truly knows what is in a woman's heart, or a liver sausage.

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No one truly knows what is in a woman's heart, or a liver sausage.

Don't forget what Mark Twain once wrote about how us blokes will never work out the way that a woman can thread a needle as if it's natural. I forget his words exactly, but they were written in either Tom Sawyer or Huck' Finn if you care to find the text online, but the trick is not to hold the needle steady and then try to poke the thread through the eye, but the opposite.

I think there's a lesson in that for all of us, don't you? :)


Goodnight 2009.

Edited by SeanMoran
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I agree.......I do not understand the "logic" of being with uneducated girls . What else do you expect, except conflicts in understanding ? There are plenty of educated girls around here......

My greatest regret.

May I make a suggestion ? You could change her by encouraging her education. The trick would be to not have anything to do with it yourself. A little like teaching your wife to drive : they say to never do it yourself as you will only have arguments. Find some subject that she truly has enthusiasm for, then help her do it.

As has been stated here many times, the Thai education system does not encourage analytical or critical thinking. But I'm sure some small sectors do........

My fiance is a Science teacher, but she still uses fuzzy thinking. However sometimes I find that it is myself at fault......I need more experience in how Thai people think. Sometimes it is utterly illogical, but other times there is logic to it which is just as valid as mine, but which I have not seen or accepted because I am tied up in my own type.

I think sometimes the way to go is to not get frustrated, but to enjoy he opportunity to exercise mental flexibility......the only problem being that I'm getting old.......

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As the original poster on this subject,I have a confession to make,partly inspired by the post of latindancer:There a some things,where my Thai wife of 17 years,has taught ME some kind of logic.Or perhaps one should call it everyday wisdom,kind of pragmatism.I already mentioned one such example (asking questions in shops),but there a many other:DonΒ΄t be angry about corrupt policemen or politicians,"because you canΒ΄t change it and if you go on,you never have a happy life".The same goes for some religious things,that I better not mention here,but where I have learnt to apply the same "live and let live"mentality.And a lot of other things;loud music all through the night,people who through things along the roads and so on..It still irritates me,and I still think it is wrong,but I have to tolarate it,with my wifeΒ΄s advice in mind.After all,and that has to be stressed here;there are SO many benefits and nice things to experience here in this country,which,at least for me,far,far outweigh the less positiv ones!!Finally;about getting old;that is the reason,in my case,that I can adjust to these things;if I were young,I would be to hotheaded to do that....Perhaps,to avoid some missunderstanding;in my book,to tolerate is not equal to accept,which I donΒ΄t;it is just to learn to live with what you can not do anything about.

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Whooa!! When I wrote the original post,I was hoping for some fun comments.And I was reworded..Not least the story about the deaf german guy,he,he! Keep them coming!

I was told that is has to do with their "saving face" thing.

She gets mad because she would rather have you not correct her even if you know she was wrong. If you kept that thought to yourself then she would not look like an idiot. She might have realized that she made a mistake before you said anything.

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Happy New Year and thanks to the OP and everyone who has contributed to this post.

You have eased my mind, I thought it was just me who was suffering with this problem. I am marrying my Thai girlfriend, an Isaan lady, this year. She is a teacher, an educated lady but we still have problems with translation and logic.

I took the misunderstandings personally to start with and got 'snappy', especially as I am stressed about visas and retirement...

I once joked with her about 'how many pairs of shoes do you need?'

The answer still worries me - 'Thai lady, no limit.' Oh 'eck.

Very old joke ..

'I am a happy man. I married miss right.

- I just didn't know her first name was always.'

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Bar-Girl logic:

"English guy better than American"


"English guy more rich"

are you sure?

"Yes, English guy have Pounds, worth double amount of Baht than US Guy Dollar.

Not sure what planet you're on expecting a peasant girl with almost no education who is working as a prostitute to understand currency valuations.

The girl is right, the pound buys more gold and oil then the USD so from a macroeconomic standpoint the English guy is richer.

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Whooa!! When I wrote the original post,I was hoping for some fun comments.And I was reworded..Not least the story about the deaf german guy,he,he! Keep them coming!

Ok here is some Thai logic... A mate's wife asked him one night to lend her brother 20,000 Baht for some business venture. My mate has been living here for over 10 years and realised that there was little chance of getting the money back but never the less gave the brother in law the 20,000 Baht on the understanding that before 12 months had elapsed that the 20,000 would be returned without him having to go look for the money. 12 months passed and one day he mentions to the missus that he never got the money back from her brother, She says she will call him and ask him... This happened for 3 or 4 days then finally the call came from Isaan and confirmation that the debt could not be repaid... The logic.... His wife blamed my mate for lending him the money saying "Well you should have known he would not be able to repay it!"

The girl is right again, she would make a good banker.

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While driving through air polluted areas she always closes the car windows.

so do i, and i hit the switch on the car that stops the air from bringing air from outside......

but not if the polluted air came into the car already and outside it's fresh again.

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figured i put in my post I happen to be a farang with a thai lady and in a similiar position. I've learned many things including:

1. I've come to realize no matter what I know based on facts or understandings of different aspects not to try to explain to my thai wife as no matter how I try to explain it she won't understand or get it

2. When it comes to money issues I deal with all matters, I take care of every bill coming in, My wife point of view is pay the bill long after its due because the company surely won't cut the power or telephone if we pay 15 days late

3. Regards to credit cards " OMG " If I start explaining the benefits of APR on credit cards of lower rates I might as well be talking to myself

4. She figures 8000 baht is plenty of money for lots of thai's and they can survive well, I asked her when was the last time she had to survive on that amount she said never. I said if you never in your life know what its like to live on that how can you possibly know thats enough money. She said because I know

5. Many times she will be talking about total nonsense stuff I just sit back and nod and uh huh, yep. I don't bother with input

6. Not many of you would fall into this range but shes got 8 credit cards, I said seriously what do you need that many credit cards for 2 or 3 is enough. Her response well if the first 3 don't work I've got 5 more to try.

7. Trying explaining the difference between a need & a want. Most answers I heard made me feel like i was talking to a child

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the conversation with my thai wife went sideways..she got irritated, I got irritated..and it went something like this............................................................................


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sometimes, somehow, somewhat and some people just find it difficult to type.... correctly and amenable.... lol

i know this very well.... because i am just learning how to type on thai keyboard.... lol

and that is alot more fun and frustrating than you ever ever can imagine.... lol

you are forgiven.... as i forgive myself .... spaceless bosse137.... LOL

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the conversation with my thai wife went sideways..she got irritated, I got irritated..and it went something like this............................................................................


:D irritated is the common in my life with Thai wife...

Her favourite word at the moment is... mr.sanook you make me ΰΈ›ΰΈ£ΰΈ°ΰΈͺΰΈ²ΰΈ—ΰΉ€ΰΈͺΰΈ΅ΰΈ’ (prasaatsia) crazy, mental, insane, demented :D

Anyway, her logic yesterday..

set the scene(generally i don't eat fish/sea food..all her mates and she knows this...over 6 years we've known each other)

She orders the food in a restaurant while i've popped to the loo, when i came back i asked her what shes ordered..."chicken noodles/fried chicken etc"

Great, food arrives i dive into the chicken noodle and start eating "chicken" and i say "wow, chicken tastes like fish!yack" her no emotion at all....

I start eating around the meat and then pull out a piece of meat and say this doesn't look like chicken...

her..."no, its squid"

me..."<deleted> i said the chicken tasted like fish..you said nothing"

logic time..her "squid is not fish" :)



she was p1ssed off with me because i didn't order any food as i wasn't hungry...so she couldn't be bothered with me when i was eating her food... biatch. :D

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well.... squids do live and work and play all day and all night in water, don't they?

my teachers said that only fishes can live in water.... LOL

and you are saying your special brand of squid--does not live in water....!

therefore, your squid is not fish.... LOL

well, i am going to ask my long hair lovely biochem teacher after new year.... what exactly is the classification of thai squid vs farang squid .... LOL

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Squid is not fish.

I guess you should know looking at your scary avatar... :)

Anyway, fish versus squid she knew what i meant but she was f_cking with me as she was p1ssed off..so not really funny logic but more smart than crazy logic..

However, my LG washing machine has a big sticker on top of it clearly proudly shouting FUZZY LOGIC.. :D how, i laugh everytime i see this Thai washing machine..

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Bar-Girl logic:

"English guy better than American"


"English guy more rich"

are you sure?

"Yes, English guy have Pounds, worth double amount of Baht than US Guy Dollar.

Not sure what planet you're on expecting a peasant girl with almost no education who is working as a prostitute to understand currency valuations.

Even if you caught them prior to entering the sex business, they would probably not understand or be aware of such concepts. The entertainment business teaches them about the art of scamming.

Seems many of the mixed marriages are ok as the husband and wife are made for each other.

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By the way,there are some other variations when it comes to ladies and talking; I drive my car,my wife and 2 other women is also in the car,having a lengthy chat,all talking at the same time.I wait patiently,as I learned to do, growing up in my country,for a chance to say something.In a rare moment of silence,I jump in and start to talk,but that seems to be the signal for the others to resume their chat,and they just interupt me in midsentence.Then I think to myself;well,if they can do so;I can do also,and I try to make myself heard,but to no avail.Later I ask my wife,why she wouldnΒ΄t listen,when I said something and her answer is:"How can I listen to two people at the same time"...Another one: We go to a shop to buy something,and I tell her to ask the salesperson something regarding the object I want to buy.They engage in a long conversation,I wait.And wait..Finally I say " Well...!! " "What",she says. " About my question;what is the answer?"- " I havenΒ΄t got an answer yet",she would tell me.When finally I manage to get some form of information,more often than not,it is not about what I actually asked about.. So I tell her that and I add"Why is it so difficult to get a simple answer on a simple question?"- Then she will look at me,as if I was the most stupid person on earth,and in a sudden outburst of logic,she will say "Why do you go on and ask people in the shops,when you know already,that they donΒ΄t know anything!" That makes me shut-up for the time beeing.....

OMG! Gosh that is so spot on! :D Ask a simple question and the response is this long winded humongous reply for Thai to Thai and then after the longest conversation the answer is simply they don't know! Huh? Well what the heck were they talking about and it's not just at the supermarket, even at work when I have the girl ring up a company at a professional level of inquiry, exactly the same thing happens!!! How can you operate a company when you don't even know about your own service or product??? Amazingly it seems across the board in nearly every province, every shop, every company. How the heck anything manages to get done at all at times here is amazing?!?! Yes "Amazing Thailand!" :)

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Thai logic? Must be the biggest oxymoron ever!biggrin.gif

..had a queen sized bed..but the (thai) wife loves to snuggle, with a long pillow between us, so I end up on the edge of the bed, hovering on the brink ( of insanity )..almost falling on the floor..meanwhile there is about 3 feet of empty bed space to her left..that I occasionally gazed at wistfully..

..so I get a King sized bed..and now she uses TWO long pillows..snuggles close, and although there is a little more room, I'm STILL almost at the edge of the bed, and there is about 4 feet of empty space to the left of her..that I occasionaly gaze at longingly..

signed: edgy

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Squid is not fish.

I guess you should know looking at your scary avatar... :D

Anyway, fish versus squid she knew what i meant but she was f_cking with me as she was p1ssed off..so not really funny logic but more smart than crazy logic..

However, my LG washing machine has a big sticker on top of it clearly proudly shouting FUZZY LOGIC.. :D how, i laugh everytime i see this Thai washing machine..

Yeah what the heck is that: "Fuzzy Logic"???? :) First time I arrived and bought a washing machine in first few weeks I saw this and asked around, still nobody seems too sure from Farang Land what it means really. But now I've been here a few years, yeah well suited term to Thailand; FUZZY LOGIC-TRUE TRUE TRUE! :D

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Whooa!! When I wrote the original post,I was hoping for some fun comments.And I was reworded..Not least the story about the deaf german guy,he,he! Keep them coming!

Ok here is some Thai logic... A mate's wife asked him one night to lend her brother 20,000 Baht for some business venture. My mate has been living here for over 10 years and realised that there was little chance of getting the money back but never the less gave the brother in law the 20,000 Baht on the understanding that before 12 months had elapsed that the 20,000 would be returned without him having to go look for the money. 12 months passed and one day he mentions to the missus that he never got the money back from her brother, She says she will call him and ask him... This happened for 3 or 4 days then finally the call came from Isaan and confirmation that the debt could not be repaid... The logic.... His wife blamed my mate for lending him the money saying "Well you should have known he would not be able to repay it!"

It is better to give than to lend as it usually costs about the same :D:)

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