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Missed Overnight Train Stop!


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To Surat Thani, I woke up 15 minutes before Arrival time. Asked the little girl in her cabin and she said relax, the train is running late. 'no to worry, I will wake you'

Got back in berth and dozed off.

Next 'sawy sawy sawy' patting her head. she slept through the stop.

Does this happen often?

TELL whoever is meeting you what car and seat number you are in

Had to take a taxi 2 1/2 hours, 2000 Bhat back from Nakhon Si Thammarat!

From what I could gather, the poor little gal has no communication from the engineer of when stations are being approached!!!

She HAS a cell phone. Walkie Talkies!>? even a bell or buzzer in her cabin!

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:):D Worried about this myself on many train rides. Never had a problem ,but. I always had a good Thai map and my phone on the proper setting would show the name of cell towers it was picking up. Sort of like a bulit in rangefineder, called show "cell info display" doesn't work in BKK but always worked outside . One time on the way to see wife in Buriram on overnight train. got up with alarm on phone as others have mentioned and the attendant was sleeping between cars on cardboard and had tied up the door with that platic rope they use to tie boxes, Anyone who has lived in Thaind will know what I mean. I was prying and banging the door to open it and got it open just enough to cut the platic rope with my lock blade and made my stop. as Most "old hands " know the train doesn't really stop but come to a slow crawl wher eyou can jump off if you are quick enough , much like city buses in BKK.


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My 'alarm' worked okay - was awake 15 minutes before Arrival time; but was told the train was late., so the Alarm ideA isn't necessarily fool proof. That gizmo that shows cell towers sounds excellent, but the whole point of the train, over the bus, is nice stretched out sleep.

WHY can't the engineer, who knows where the train is and is, hopefully, awake JUST phone the Attendants???

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