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Will Racial Profiling Become Nessasary In International Airports ?

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Will the authorities have no choice but to search younger middle eastern men and women more vigorously then others ? This does not mean that it is right but when your 30,000 feet in the air, there is no turning back. It is different if you are on the street or driving around. I was listening to a radio show when I was driving through the US the other day and they had a poll on it. 90% of the people would have no problem with it, the host was also black.

I think after another plane gets blown out of the sky then it will just be harder for middle eastern people to fly to the west, that is just the way it will be. Should every person in the world lose rights by getting full body scans just because of a few others ? If all terrorists where tall light haired blue eyed men then I would not have a problem stepping aside for an extra check, its hard to argue that it would be fair but who cares.


I would be for it if it would work. But it's not enough. If that's all they did, hassle based on race, the jihadists would simply recruite blonde ladies from Sweden. I agree racial/nationality profiling should be used as part of their toolbox, but that doesn't mean that they can just let everyone else by without any screening. I think the scanners are coming. The jihadists are always looking for the next weak point, so this is going to get worse before it gets better.


back at more logic less political correct times in Austria there were some middle age men at the Austrian airport who just checked who they wanted to check and I got told it worked very well because they got a good sense. Most probably they checked all the middle eastern guys. Just it was not called Racial Profiling.

Last time at Bangkok airport customs checked all the Chinese arrivals laguage.

There is no point to waste time and let the blond Siemens Manager take out his shoes even you can see in his passport that he is every week in a different country and never blew up himself, just out of political correctness.

As well it does not make sense to super check the family with two annoying children from the country side which is flying on holidays.

this making everyone equal is a waste of resources.


You are all wrong. People of any appearance can be radicalized. Implementing a policy of profiling mixed with laxness for everyone else would be giving the jihadists a huge gift.


they already have the greatest gift of all.


ps the best plastic surgeons are in the west so when hordes of jihadist start making appts im sure we'd all have a heads up.

i bet it would be hard for jihadist to get healthcare :):D:D


I think they should be doing the profiling right away. It's simple statistics, at this time the majority of terrorist attacks are done by Arabs, so obviously there needs to be more checking of Arabs traveling. Too bad if someones sensibilities get a little bruised over that, better that than another 9/11.


Wasn't the attempted US bomber African, not Middle Eastern? So why would you propose that all Middle Easterners would be screened? I agree with Jingthing...the "bad guys" will just get more creative and find people who can slide through security. There are radical people everywhere, even those with blond hair! There may also be others who get sucked in unwillingly (e.g., those with mental or cognitive disabilities, those being brainwashed into it, etc.). I think it's only safe and fair to check EVERYONE. I for one would be completely horrified at the thought of someone seeing every bump on my body in an airport scanner, but I would gladly do it if it meant that I was safer in the air.


I am afraid racial profiling isn't the answer. There are too many people who don't meet the racial standard who might be willing to engage in untoward activities. They need to come up with comprehensive, quick screening of all passengers getting on planes.

I'd like to see how many of them would get on a plane if we all went on naked!


I never said that not everybody should be checked. I just think those statistically more likely to commit a crime should be checked extra carefully. As in the most recent case, maybe he was black to look at but his name was clearly arab and he was both on lists of suspicious individuals and had been reported by his own dad. Of course he should have been checked extra carefully before being let on board a plane full of innocent people.


nobody is saying its the answer to everything, but it would make it a bitharder for them knowing they will be felt up evertime they boarded a plane. them being so shy and all

ive seen japanese women with their little kids being shaken down and jihadist looking dudes just go on by.


Dunno about racial profiling but it gives me a wry smile when it's "British Bomber" or "British Citizen" and the guy is never Bert Smith a 55 year old milkman from Rotherham or Gladys Brown a school dinner lady from Ipswich.

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