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Tsunami Victims


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We have been visiting the south regularly (Waree, mywife, is there now) to try and assist the devastated areas - there is still plenty to be done and we have found several possitive ways of helping emmediate needs and with getting people back to work.

Waree came across an initiative to help the children get over there grief and negative thoughts - I think its a good one, we are certainly going to get involved.

****Please Do NOT post solicitations for donations on Thaivisa as we have no way of verifying the purported charities.****

Edited by cdnvic
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Thanks scamp, but it was not my intention to make anyone feel awkward about NOT helping.

Yes I'm lucky in that I can spend just 75% of my time working to make a living and the balance on fundraising and charitable work.

Anyway, the main point is that you don't need loads of money to help out - if lots of folks can give just a bit it makes a huge difference. What I and others have found is that it very difficult to know who you can trust your hard earned money with - that’s why I have gone direct to the people, found out what they needed, purchased it and then taken it to the camps.

When I found this charitable foundation helping the kids in such a positive way I thought others would like to hear about it - they seem honest and are certainly doing a good job in that they are making the kids smile again – its wonderful to see.

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Kudos for your work with these kids, but we do not allow fundraising on this forum as it's impossible for us to verify the funds are going somewhere legit. Not to say that yours isn't.

Interesting subject, feel free to keep it going so long as no funds are solicited in any way, nor URLs to fundraising sights posted.


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