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Any Software That Decrypts Dvd Cppm


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I am asking this question as I wanted to use handbrake to put my dvd on my ipod although it turns out this dvd has an additional layer of protection besides CSS. It as CPPM ( CPPM is Content Protection for Pre-recorded Media. ) I tried handbrake and dvd decrypter needless to say neither program managed to even do the job it application just hanged. Mind you this is a real dvd not copy. Although if I can't get the job done I suppose just buying a copy might work but may have problems again if it has the same protection. Are there any open source programs for use not freeware or freeium or paid I will be willing to pay later on in the future if I have problems like this with all dvd's then yes. Look forward to all your recommendations

The DVD I'm trying to decrypt is : The Dark Knight

also I did just try using the new version of handbrake that just came out

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