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Paying The Electricity Bill

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they will send another reminder after about 10 days and that will add another 5 days of you or you build your own dam.

If you live in a very big condo or building add another extra week to it because the management will easily not let them into their power set up before coming to ask you first nicely to pay up.

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Ok the bill date at the top is 18th of last month but I didnt check my mail box until a few days later, below it is a date 6/01/53 my thai reading isnt very good but I think it says the following:

'bpai rod cham (or maybe 'sam') ra ngern paay nai wan tee'

Can anyone translate?

Note: I know that 'nai wan tee' means 'on this date' just not sure about the part before. Is the 6th the due date and does that mean I have an extra 10 days after that?

Edited by davejonesbkk
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Its 1660 baht, yes a small amount but I blew all my cash over NY and wont be getting anymore in until this Friday at the earliest.

So if I dont pay by due date and im a few days late I have to go to the Gov Dept office?

I think so, if they have the same 14 day rule that we have out here.

Go try & pay at the 7/11 first when you get paid or hock something for a few days.

1660.... I wish, my bill averages 6000 a month.... very cool house though. :)

Dec was good, only 3900!

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on a house rental a couple of years ago I never got the bill and they turned off my electricity with not warning, took 2 days to get it back on. I doubt the bill was more than a day or two late as I was looking out for it.

dont be late, borrow the money if you have to

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We came back to Thailand from the UK to find a letter from the electricity company to say there were insufficient funds in our direct debit account to pay the current bill and we had to do something about it or we'd be cut off on the next Monday.

We went to the offices and paid the Saturday before.

On Monday they cut us off.

I went f*cking balistic. We went to the offices and I demanded to speak to the manager. Some junior came down all smiles with a "mai ben rai" attitude. His changed when I grabbed him and threatened to bounce him through the nearest window and started screaming at him.

I think the 30 odd people in the office knew I wasn't happy.

I demanded to see the person who was responsible for ordering the cutting off of our power. They eventually bought someone out so after verbally ripping him to shreads (probably didn't understand a word I said) and got him to write down his name and position as I'd be writing to the head office in Bangkok naming him and demanding to know why we were cut off even though we'd paid the bill.

The power goes off enough as it is where we are. To have our meter taken way without doing a final check to see if the bill had been paid is scandalous. This <deleted> them attitude is very prevalent in Thailand - where people of absolute authority (like the power company which is obviously a monopoly) dont give a shit about their customers.

Providing electricity is not just another business. Its a public responsibilty.

It wouldn't happen in a civilised country.

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"I went f*cking balistic....I grabbed him and threatened to bounce him through the nearest window and started screaming at him....I think...I...I demanded...verbally ripping him to shreads..."

You sound like a real gentleman. Next time, have sufficient funds in your bank account...that's where the problem started.

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I went f*cking balistic. We went to the offices and I demanded to speak to the manager. Some junior came down all smiles with a "mai ben rai" attitude. His changed when I grabbed him and threatened to bounce him through the nearest window and started screaming at him

would love them to refuse to re-connect you and then see how you get on :)

chill out before yr heart gives out

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Couple of months ago had the flue, when I manage to get out drove to 7/11 to pay it was a day late so they would not take it, just did not feel able to drive to the Electric Office, day 8 after the due date the man on his motorbike came with a reminder giving another 7 days, I went on the Friday just before they closed at 3pm, Monday morning the man came again with a notice I had to sign, he speaks some English I asked him what it said, if not paid by Thursday the electric would be cut off

I showed him I had paid so did not have to take the letter....... So here anyway covered by the Bang Yai Electric Office, add these days together, they would have cut the electric off on day 20 after the due date, so that is 30 days after the bill reading. 1st and only time was late in almost 6 years

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