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Good morning,

i apologize if i put a thounsand-answered question again.

Maybe somebody can link me some old threads.

in my bank and my lawyer have some confiusion and contraddictions regarding some doubts i have.

The transfer from abroad to purchase a condo need to come from an account in my name (the condo will be in my name) or can be from the account of one relative ?

I received two contraddicted answers ,so I would like to be sure about that.

May somebody link me some threads with the old proceedings , and pieces of advice to do while purchasing a condo ? Thanks.


When you transfer foreign funds into Thailand, you must have a FETF (Foreign Exchange Transfer Form) issued by the bank that will state the funds were transferred from a senders account and have been transferred into a recievers account as foreign funds.

Your requirement is that your name has to be either the sender of the funds or the receiver of the funds or both.

If your name is not stated on the FETF letter then the condo cannot be put in your name.

When you transfer foreign funds into Thailand, you must have a FETF (Foreign Exchange Transfer Form) issued by the bank that will state the funds were transferred from a senders account and have been transferred into a recievers account as foreign funds.

Your requirement is that your name has to be either the sender of the funds or the receiver of the funds or both.

If your name is not stated on the FETF letter then the condo cannot be put in your name.

Thanks. You say EITHER...

So my father can trabsfer the funds to my account in Thailand and no problem, right ? My name will be in the FETF.

In the SCB I have been told they issue the FETF for free....

You think it is true or i told with the wrong people ?


I just bought a house and was never asked where the money came from. I just handed a check over to the real estate agent and that was it. No other paperwork regarding the funds was required. Though it did come from my account in the US and into an account here in Thailand that is in my wife's name. But I went the company route (which I will change shortly), so her name is not on the house deed. I never saw a FETF form....

I just bought a house and was never asked where the money came from. I just handed a check over to the real estate agent and that was it. No other paperwork regarding the funds was required. Though it did come from my account in the US and into an account here in Thailand that is in my wife's name. But I went the company route (which I will change shortly), so her name is not on the house deed. I never saw a FETF form....

This thread is about money for a condo and not a house, hence the OP's question. For a condo the buyer would not get the title document if the funds have not come from abroad unless he is a PR here in Thailand.

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