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What Ever Is This?


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My wife's mother is looking after one of the boys from the village, Mum sent some pictures down of the condition.


I know the guy quite well, he has done work for us and stayed in our staff house, I have had occasion to take him to hospital twice because of his drinking.

He drinks so much that he is known in the village as 'The Drunk Guy' despite he is very likable and a good worker when he is sober.

This last episode landed him in Burriram Hospital, he was then transferred to Korat then sent home. I have no idea what the problem is other than it could be alcohol related.

The skin condition extends over 95% of the body, other symptoms include blood from the nose and mouth, can't eat anything except ovaltean and bread, My wife is convinced it's HIV I am not so sure and think it's more likely alcohol related and liver or kidney failure.

No one can tell me anything and the doctors just hand out pills and send him on his way.

I wonder if there is anything we could do if he were to get into a hospital down here, maybe Rayong or are his days numbered as my wife keeps telling me.



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Looks a bit like petechiae (you could google that) which could be due to thrombocytopenia (low platelets). Which can be caused by cirrhosis of the liver and resulting splenomegaly (spleen enlarged and sequesters platelets). There are other causes of thrombocytopenia too, you could google all this stuff (good luck).

It could be something else altogether, but that is just my first guess given the history. I would bet that he has been diagnosed at the hospital with blood tests and so forth.

God bless him, and you too, for having the compassion to want to help him.

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Agree with zzdoc; petechiae but how long has this been there? Usually developing a bleeding tendency due to complications of liver cirrhosis is fairly acute and do require some urgent hospitalisation and blood transfusion.

On the one photograph, there is a "silvery" sheen to the rash which may indicate a more chronic condition.

The more serious option, the bleeding tendency, should be dealt with asap.

Could also be a condition called "lichen planus" which can be a chronic condition. Lots of info on google..

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Agreed with zzdocxx, Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis.

Does he have distended tummy, big breast?

He looks jaundice to me from the photos which means the liver has almost totally failed.

It does not seem to be many choices for him now.

However, if we are correct here, there are quite a few things he must avoid.

Make sure he eat more soft diet, less meat and more fruit so that does not get constipate because there will be toxin accommulate in his body and can not be detox by the liver, he then will end up with encephlopathy.

If he has fever with stomach pain. Seek urgent medical attention.

If he vomit up blood or passing black smelly stool, go to AE.

I wish him luck.

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OK is there any hope for him if we get him down to Sattahip Navy hospital with some maybe better paid for care?

I am sure they have told him or someone else what the problem is but it will mean nothing to him and no one who was with him at the time.

I have just this minute found out on the phone the tablets he has are PLRIMETSAMINE 25mg More than likely this is the wrong spelling but is what I was given. Meanwhile I'll do some googling.

Seems he had sever headaches and was treated for this but now my wife says and here I quote "brain gone" It just gets worse.

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Sattahip navy hospital has a reasonable reputation from what I can remember; good idea to get him there with someone who can assist.

Med sounds like an antihistamine; possibly prescribed for itching.

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Maybe Pyrimethamine?

Pyrimethamine (Daraprim) is a medication used for protozoal infections. It is commonly used as an antimalarial drug (for both treatment and prevention of malaria), and is also used (combined with sulfadiazine) in the treatment of Toxoplasma gondii infections in immunocompromised patients, such as HIV-positive individuals. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrimethamine)

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Thanks guys, I've read up on what you've told me and will pass on the diet details to his carer, doesn't look good though does it?

Anyway I'll take a drive up there and see what his doctors say.

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Really depends on the degree to which the disease has progressed, in the case of cirrhosis. The liver is able to regenerate itself up to a point, but after that there is not much that can be done. Best to find out the story from the physicians involved, as they have the benefit of lab tests and so forth.

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I just heard from up country that the young lad passed away this evening around 9 o clock.

We were due to go up there Monday, seems it was inevitable given the state of his body and liver.

What a terrible waste of a young life, 35 years old.

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I just heard from up country that the young lad passed away this evening around 9 o clock.

We were due to go up there Monday, seems it was inevitable given the state of his body and liver.

What a terrible waste of a young life, 35 years old.

Sorry to hear that news Rimmer, very sad.

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