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Scam At Aksorn School Naklua


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I was knocked from my motorbike only two nights ago by a young lady riding a motorcycle failing to display any lights, and not wearing a crash helmet,

and riding using only one hand on the handlebars, the other to hold her mobile telephone to her ear and speaking into it. She suddenly emerged from a blind junction on my nearside and rode down my nearside knocking me off my machine. A lady saw the incident and came to my aid. The Thai lady who had caused the accident shot off like a bolt from a gun never to be seen again. Luckily for me I escaped with grazes and severe pain to my left foot and my almost new bike was scraped along the nearside.

Now could you imagine what would have happened if either I or the lady who came to my aid called the BIB? I would probably have got the blame for being in Thailand in the first place.

Edited by Pitbullman1
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Why is it some people see scams everywhere. Sure, scams happen, but not every accident is a scam. It was an accident. Accidents happen, that's why they're called accidents. Be happy it was only 2,000 baht. If it was really a scam you would surely have seen a much larger bill. Yes, going into a bike shop it only takes a few minutes to check what it cost to repair the broken bits.

Wake up! If a motorcycle's front shield was broken and steering damaged from hitting an open car door the door would have been badly damaged to the point of not being able to close.

I can't believe that some of you think this was a genuine accident.

I would have called her bluff and not paid.

I was waiting for you to post something like that.


I didn't want to disappoint you. Nothing in your post makes any sense at all.


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I was knocked from my motorbike only two nights ago by a young lady riding a motorcycle failing to display any lights, and not wearing a crash helmet,

and riding using only one hand on the handlebars, the other to hold her mobile telephone to her ear and speaking into it. She suddenly emerged from a blind junction on my nearside and rode down my nearside knocking me off my machine. A lady saw the incident and came to my aid. The Thai lady who had caused the accident shot off like a bolt from a gun never to be seen again. Luckily for me I escaped with grazes and severe pain to my left foot and my almost new bike was scraped along the nearside.

Now could you imagine what would have happened if either I or the lady who came to my aid called the BIB? I would probably have got the blame for being in Thailand in the first place.

She knocked you off your motorcycle while she was riding along with only one hand. Did she not come off too?

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so she was passing a stationary vehicle on the inside, with I assume, your indicator on ?

Don't know where you did your driving test ?? but in my book she is clearly wrong !! I wouldn't give the old hag anything... if anything, i'd counter attack and take it to the local police and get money of her for your repairs...

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OP ,you are being scammed anyway having your child at Aksorn school .The fees for a child of 6 are B24,000 for a two term year .Probably more for an older child . :)

Looks like I am high jacking my own thread now but any better and cheaper schools out there?

Let me know I am listening

I know its a bit drastic ,but move up to Chiang Mai .Local school near us B3,000 a term .

Erm, my kids go to school in CM and its a darnsight more expensive than 24k a year (or did you miss of a zero?). There are schools and there are schools! I know nothing about Aksorn, but I guess its a minimum a private Thai school.

About six months ago I had a guy over take 3 cars on the wrong side of the road and hit me side on as I was turning right. Thge road had three lanes, with the inner two empty, me in the third lane right up against the center line with indicator going. Checked mirrors, looked over shoulder, nothing, so begin turn. Car suddenly pulls around at high speed and skids into me (a fairly long skid too - but no marks on the road). Now the guy gets out and so do I. I have 4 kids in the car, but everyone is fin. The rear passenger door is completely caved in, but impact bars took it. The guy is driving a new pickup type van. His motor has a dented fornt left wing and the wheel arch is justr centermeters from the rubber - paint cracks etc. He says nothing - and I mean not a word - regarless of what I asked him (drunk? didn't seem to be). Anyway, he has goverment plates on the car. My car is side on across the road and I know the odds are he will say he was overtaking and I just pulled out across him. I guessed the chances of getting a claim against him was zip, so we swapped numbers (he gave me an office number with no details - still silently). We both left - no police -and nothing ever came of it. I think back about it and am sure I did the right thing, if the cops had come or I had made a claim, I'm pretty certain it would have been my fault and I would have been theone to pay.

Unlike the Op it wasn't a scam, but I just have no confidence in a just decision being made in favour of the farang at the wheel.

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OP ,you are being scammed anyway having your child at Aksorn school .The fees for a child of 6 are B24,000 for a two term year .Probably more for an older child . :)

Looks like I am high jacking my own thread now but any better and cheaper schools out there?

Let me know I am listening

I know its a bit drastic ,but move up to Chiang Mai .Local school near us B3,000 a term .

Erm, my kids go to school in CM and its a darnsight more expensive than 24k a year (or did you miss of a zero?). There are schools and there are schools! I know nothing about Aksorn, but I guess its a minimum a private Thai school.

About six months ago I had a guy over take 3 cars on the wrong side of the road and hit me side on as I was turning right. Thge road had three lanes, with the inner two empty, me in the third lane right up against the center line with indicator going. Checked mirrors, looked over shoulder, nothing, so begin turn. Car suddenly pulls around at high speed and skids into me (a fairly long skid too - but no marks on the road). Now the guy gets out and so do I. I have 4 kids in the car, but everyone is fin. The rear passenger door is completely caved in, but impact bars took it. The guy is driving a new pickup type van. His motor has a dented fornt left wing and the wheel arch is justr centermeters from the rubber - paint cracks etc. He says nothing - and I mean not a word - regarless of what I asked him (drunk? didn't seem to be). Anyway, he has goverment plates on the car. My car is side on across the road and I know the odds are he will say he was overtaking and I just pulled out across him. I guessed the chances of getting a claim against him was zip, so we swapped numbers (he gave me an office number with no details - still silently). We both left - no police -and nothing ever came of it. I think back about it and am sure I did the right thing, if the cops had come or I had made a claim, I'm pretty certain it would have been my fault and I would have been theone to pay.

Unlike the Op it wasn't a scam, but I just have no confidence in a just decision being made in favour of the farang at the wheel.

The only time I have insisted on the police being called to a 100%"their fault" road accident involving my car and a Thai driver's car, the driver panicked when I said I wanted to call the police, as he was up until then insisting it was (a) entrely my fault or (:D 50:50.

I was having none of it, and I knew it was a high risk game getting the coppers involved but by then I didn't care, as I was annoyed at how it had(n't) gone so far.

The police turned up, an impressive, serious young police colonel from Soi 9 in Pattaya, who looked at the damage, and the road, heard us both out (and bear in mind my Thai is rubbish). Within minutes he told me to follow him back to the station, and the other car too.

Got there, thinking "hello walking ATM" and he surprised me by giving the Thai driver a dressing down, fined him 500 baht for careless driving andmade him to give me his full insurance details, handing me a business card saying "if there is problem with this call me".

Cost me nothing, but left me very surprised and deeply impressed.

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The reason why I'll never drive a car or a motorbike in this country. Back in Holland a foreign woman even tried pushing her <deleted> baby in front of my scooter just to get some money. It resulted in me ending up in the hospital and she getting money for all kinds of jewelry that got damaged. Poor people end up doing the craziest stuff, better watch out!

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name='sharecropper' date='2010-01-09 18:23:12' post='3255407']

The only time I have insisted on the police being called to a 100%"their fault" road accident involving my car and a Thai driver's car, the driver panicked when I said I wanted to call the police, as he was up until then insisting it was (a) entrely my fault or (:) 50:50.

I was having none of it, and I knew it was a high risk game getting the coppers involved but by then I didn't care, as I was annoyed at how it had(n't) gone so far.

The police turned up, an impressive, serious young police colonel from Soi 9 in Pattaya, who looked at the damage, and the road, heard us both out (and bear in mind my Thai is rubbish). Within minutes he told me to follow him back to the station, and the other car too.

Got there, thinking "hello walking ATM" and he surprised me by giving the Thai driver a dressing down, fined him 500 baht for careless driving andmade him to give me his full insurance details, handing me a business card saying "if there is problem with this call me".

Cost me nothing, but left me very surprised and deeply impressed.

You say all that. after you take snidey pictures of police, then post them on this forum in a diferent thread.

My guy feeling is xxxxxxx xxxx, well i leave that to the rest

Edited by plasticpig
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name='sharecropper' date='2010-01-09 18:23:12' post='3255407']

The only time I have insisted on the police being called to a 100%"their fault" road accident involving my car and a Thai driver's car, the driver panicked when I said I wanted to call the police, as he was up until then insisting it was (a) entrely my fault or (:) 50:50.

I was having none of it, and I knew it was a high risk game getting the coppers involved but by then I didn't care, as I was annoyed at how it had(n't) gone so far.

The police turned up, an impressive, serious young police colonel from Soi 9 in Pattaya, who looked at the damage, and the road, heard us both out (and bear in mind my Thai is rubbish). Within minutes he told me to follow him back to the station, and the other car too.

Got there, thinking "hello walking ATM" and he surprised me by giving the Thai driver a dressing down, fined him 500 baht for careless driving andmade him to give me his full insurance details, handing me a business card saying "if there is problem with this call me".

Cost me nothing, but left me very surprised and deeply impressed.

You say all that. after you take snidey pictures of police, then post them on this forum in a diferent thread.

My guy feeling is xxxxxxx xxxx, well i leave that to the rest


1. One Policeman impressively fulfilling the highest standards of his job

2 One not.

And you are confused how?

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I've been involved in a few minor accidents with motorcycles and everytime they've always tried to provoke me into an arguement and get some form of compensation out of me.

Its very simple to avoid this by keeping calm, calling your insurance company and let them do all the talking with the other party.

As it turns out on all occasions the motorcycle drivers didn't have insurance and this is way they try to intimidate you into paying money on the spot. Just don't do it guys !!!

Call your insurance company, they know how to handle these vermin !!

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I've been involved in a few minor accidents with motorcycles and everytime they've always tried to provoke me into an arguement and get some form of compensation out of me.

Its very simple to avoid this by keeping calm, calling your insurance company and let them do all the talking with the other party.

As it turns out on all occasions the motorcycle drivers didn't have insurance and this is way they try to intimidate you into paying money on the spot. Just don't do it guys !!!

Call your insurance company, they know how to handle these vermin !!

You are correct about this,it's what I always do.Even if they get some cop involved,I lock my car and refuse to talk anything other then that they will have to wait until the insurance guy show up.

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So the moral of this thread is make sure you are fully insured and legally allowed to drive a vehicle in Thailand,then you will not have any problems at all.Not many people like insurance companys.....but some times like here they have their place.

added:as you would do in your own country!!

Edited by NADTATIDA1
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I've been involved in a few minor accidents with motorcycles and everytime they've always tried to provoke me into an arguement and get some form of compensation out of me.

Its very simple to avoid this by keeping calm, calling your insurance company and let them do all the talking with the other party.

As it turns out on all occasions the motorcycle drivers didn't have insurance and this is way they try to intimidate you into paying money on the spot. Just don't do it guys !!!

Call your insurance company, they know how to handle these vermin !!

You are correct about this,it's what I always do.Even if they get some cop involved,I lock my car and refuse to talk anything other then that they will have to wait until the insurance guy show up.

Your 100% right I've done this also and works great. One time when a motorcycle ran into me, he called all his friends, and in a show of force they tried to provoke me into getting out of the car. There was about 5 guys all holding thier helmets in hand ready for action. Soon as I called the insurance guy they all disapeared into the darkness like a bunch of rats.

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Deem if you are a falung, involved in a minor, insignificant, petty traffic scratch with a Thai, and certain for sure it is not your fault; take off promptly, act dumb.

Dodge them cheats.

Great idea, and get hammered by the police and victims when someone notes your number.

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Regarding the person at the school who gave out your number, I'd be irate over that.


Thats the one thing that upset me most about the whole story but I did have my say in the school about it.

Not sure if they understood what I said but I am pretty sure they understood I wasnt pleased with it at all.

But personal privacy is not a concept understood in Thailand - especially where foreigners are concerned.

If someone came up to my wife and asked for my mobile number, I'm sure she'd give it out without any questions, or even the thought of questions.

These things are meant to be shared with the world - it's all a farang paranoia thing to keep secrets (unless it's from your spouse).

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Deem if you are a falung, involved in a minor, insignificant, petty traffic scratch with a Thai, and certain for sure it is not your fault; take off promptly, act dumb.

Dodge them cheats.

Great idea, and get hammered by the police and victims when someone notes your number.

Victim or Dupe? Ice cube says #&@k the police.

Nevertheless, been driving legally in Thailand (cars, trucks, motorbikes) for almost a decade without having any road accident (knock on wood). Exceptions being crashes on race circuits and off road smashes in professionally controlled test situations. At any rate, have witnessed more than a few minor road accidents where falung was not at fault, but Thai police insisted falung in the wrong because; a] you have car and he has motorbike, you must have a lot more money than him; b] you are falung he is Thai, you must have lots of money to toss around.; c] if you had not been here , the accident would not have happened. ??? Give me a break. If its a slight, minor, petty, insignificant bump (no blood, no dents, no broken glass). Run run run.

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Deem if you are a falung, involved in a minor, insignificant, petty traffic scratch with a Thai, and certain for sure it is not your fault; take off promptly, act dumb.

Dodge them cheats.

Great idea, and get hammered by the police and victims when someone notes your number.

Victim or Dupe? Ice cube says #&@k the police.

Nevertheless, been driving legally in Thailand (cars, trucks, motorbikes) for almost a decade without having any road accident (knock on wood). Exceptions being crashes on race circuits and off road smashes in professionally controlled test situations. At any rate, have witnessed more than a few minor road accidents where falung was not at fault, but Thai police insisted falung in the wrong because; a] you have car and he has motorbike, you must have a lot more money than him; b] you are falung he is Thai, you must have lots of money to toss around.; c] if you had not been here , the accident would not have happened. ??? Give me a break. If its a slight, minor, petty, insignificant bump (no blood, no dents, no broken glass). Run run run.

Well, I know Ice Cube will swarm on any m********ker in a blue uniform, and unless he played dumb in the chorus, you are almost certainly right about his earthy take on policing! :)

What a great track that was.

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