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Nettops In Thailand ?


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In Europe, small computers like the Aspire Revo or the Asus EeeBox are big success,

but here I just come back from Tukcom in Pattaya and there is not one for sale ! :D

There use to be one shop who had first models of the EeeBox

but they told me they stop it : "Nobody want that" :)

Is there a place in Pattaya, or Bangkok, or Thailand that sell some nettop ?

Maybe Pantip or Fortune in Bangkok ?

These computers are small, cheap, low consumption, but powerful enough for most of us.

I saw many of them in Europe and in Japan. Why not in Thailand ?

If someone see some nettop somewhere...


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Because they are not powerful enough for most people and require better internet connectivity than is normally available in Thailand. The are called Netbook computers (for the reason they require the internet to be usable) rather than Notebook (the larger full function models).

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Another reason is Thai people buy a computer to look good and appear smart. If it is small then no one will notice, so get a full size laptop. My niece is a good example, they spent around 30,000 Baht on a laptop, another 20,000 on a new Nokia phone to connect to the Internet. But she has no idea how to use and if she did she would not know what she would do with it.

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Because they are not powerful enough for most people and require better internet connectivity than is normally available in Thailand. The are called Netbook computers (for the reason they require the internet to be usable) rather than Notebook (the larger full function models).

Hummm... Thanks for your answers but I am not certain they are correct ones. :)

Maybe a misunderstanding on the name "Nettop" ?

For me (and for Wikipedia too) a Netbook or a Laptop is a portable computer, with screen and keyboard.

A Nettop is only a "central unit" that you put on your desk or attach behind your monitor.

You do not need Internet to use a Nettop.

Except maybe 3D game and Video montage, a Nettop if often powerful enough for most people.

I use one in France as a "Video Jukbox" : no problem to read all DivX or any HD video :D

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Yep the answers were not correct.

Nettops are sufficient for more than 50% of the computer users in Thailand.

Most people in the "older generation" do not use their computers for anything else than internet, mails and the occasional word document. For this use an atom processor is fine.

They are available in Thailand, a quick browse on the internet:

Mini Desktops @ invadeIT

Desktop @ shop4thai (they have a few minis in the list, e.g. Acer Veriton)

Asus Mini Computers @ pcresource

Those were just the top of google (thanni doesn't sell computers, so skipped them), should be plenty of others out there.

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I have been using a netbook (nettop is rarely used these days as a designator for such) computer for about 1-1/2 years now, great for travel. They are available in quite a few of the shops in Pantip Plaza, also Power Buy, Banana, IT City, Dell shops.

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... a netbook (nettop is rarely used these days as a designator for such)

... great for travel.

:) Netbook and NetTop are not the same kind of computer...

By example :


They are available in quite a few of the shops in Pantip Plaza, also Power Buy, Banana, IT City, Dell shops

There are Power Buy, Banana and IT City shops in Pattaya Tukcom too, but no Nettops...

Thank's d0ndela for your links

but for computer in Thailand I prefer buy direct in a shop.

I do think I will organize a small trip to Bangkok :D

Edit: Ooops. grilled by d0ndela :D

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They were available in number a few months back, but I haven't seen much of them lately in Bangkok. It could be that people do not quite "get" what it is for, or a more general purpose desktop is suitable for Thai's instead. A Nettop is generally the 3rd or 4th computer in a household, and rarely do we see that many in one household in Thailand.

Netbooks seems to be almost as successful in Thailand (at least in Bangkok) as elsewhere in the world. This is supported by the boatload of netbooks on sale in all computer centers, and by observation in various coffee places with Internet access.

One could get a cheap laptop and have it double as a Nettop "clone" when needed (as in using the VGA or DVI out and using an external keyboard) with the additional benefit of portability with screen. Not ideal perhaps, but a possibility.

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Not only are all form factors of the "Net" series of computer available in Bangkok now but you can even get parts.

Several shops in Pantip have mainboards from Nettops with the latest ATOM 330 (Dual Core 1.6GHz) fitted.

Both Nettops and Netbook share common low power CPUs yet will still run Windows 7 comfortably along with the majority of applications. However they do have performance issues with any CPU intensive operation but then again so do CELERON & TURION based machines.

Compare like with like within a similar price range and both Notebooks and Netbooks have their own distinct advantages.

14,000-18,000 baht price range

Notebook - Slightly faster CPU, bigger hard disk, bigger screen, Optical drive

Netbook - Far greater battery life, full wireless connectivity including Bluetooth, half the weight (computer & adaptor)

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