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I am just recovering from an attack of gout in my right ankle, apparently my body produces too much of that uric acid. Those who never had it, believe me as far as pain is concerned its up there with the best.

My last attack was in the UK over 3 years ago now and that was the two big toes and right ankle. This is my first bout in Thailand.

The local doc in the town polyclinic has taken blood sample's and put me on a course of the usual NSAID'S - 10mg Feldine piroxicam, twice a day this time. They have done the trick and my ankle is returning to a normal size. Usually I do not like taking these anti inflammatories, read up on the side affects!, and prefer to take the Thai heal all 500mg Paracetamols to reduce the pain.

This has now got me thinking of why possibly have my uric acid levels become high again.

Since taking early retirement in Thailand my alcohol intake has risen but its mainly the Leo. Over Christmas/New Year I did consume a fair amount of spirits - all types!.

Diet, nothing really out of the ordinary, but since the arrival of a Tesco/Big C in Petchabun I would definately say the monthly food shop of farang products has gone up - mainly, cheese/bread/milk/ chocolate and coffee.

These are now all readibly available on my doorstep as before I would have to make a 350 km round trip for my treats.

Advice on food/diet and boozing very much appreciated.

Edited by phutoie2
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Loads of posts on this forum on gout; a quick search on the topics will get you very useful info.

You have already mentioned most of the items that led to your attack so work on cutting those out. If blood uric acid levels are and/or remain high, medication with a drug such as Allopurinol would be indicated but, with a good diet, lots of fluids (water!) should go a long way already.

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FBN has good advice.

Do a search, because there is a lot of helpful info on gout.

The poster kmart helped me a lot by recommending I take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 4 oz. of water in the morning and at night.

It works! It works for me!

I went to many doctors, who prescribed the same thing to me as you: NSAID, which burn your intestines, and painkillers.

Try the baking soda: 1/2 teaspoon in 4 oz. of water in the morning and at night.

Good luck and keep us posed.

And check out my thread on this and other threads on gout.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just a bit of background:-

I started suffering gout in my left foot about 18 months ago, an attack every 2 months or so with some being so bad I was completely laid up. I started taking a couple of Panadine and Capirox-20 or similar anti inflammatory until the swelling and pain was relieved some days later. I know I should but I do not take any on going treatment or special diets.

Last August I was in Brisbane visiting my elderly Mum and had an attack, I had no medication so she offered me some tablets she uses for her leg problems, I took one and a Panamax pain reliever. Well within hours the pain subsided and overnight the swelling had gone down and my left foot was as right as rain.

I went to see a chemist to buy some of this miracle drug and told her what is was for, she agreed that it would work on gout but she explained to me that it was sold only on prescription. Some seconds later the penny dropped! She knew of a drug that was ½ the measure (250mg) had the same active ingredient, Narproxen Sodium, and not a prescribed drug.

Well, last Friday morning I woke with my first gout since August, took one pill and a Panamax, by the evening the foot was much better and the following day no sign at all.

The drug is manufactured by Bayer and called Naprogesic, believe it or not:- “Treats the cause of Period Pains” :) Quoted off the box.

I hope this may help someone out there.

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The best way to treat gout attacks is to prevent the attacks. I have found Alopurinol works very well for me. I really don't like to take any kinds of drugs but gout is no fun and I do what I have to do. This is an inexpensive drug and commonly sold in 100 mg tablets. I take 100 mg per day. I have been plagued by gout for many years and can feel an attack coming on. When I feel the twinge, I increase to 2 100 mg tablets per day until it is gone. Normally two days.

Originally, the doctor in the US prescribed Colchicine. That is a miserable way to treat this disease. Taking those poison little pills and then waiting for them to work stinks. The dosage was to take them until they made me sick and couldn't get far from the toilet.

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Normally if you on alloperinol to reduce the uric acid and take just one 0.6 mg of colchicine, to prevent the acute attack while uric acid is still high, should not cause such a bad side effect ( running). When you have acute attack, like the othe poster mentioned, Nsaid is helpful.

As you know, it is not recommended to take in long term treatment.

Good luck

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a drug that was ½ the measure (250mg) had the same active ingredient, Narproxen Sodium, and not a prescribed drug.

Well, last Friday morning I woke with my first gout since August, took one pill and a Panamax, by the evening the foot was much better and the following day no sign at all.

So, to clarify, this drug is "Naproxen," correct?

It has been helpful for me in the past. I believe it's only a painkiller, correct?

For me, baking soda has worked - as GaryA states, preventing attacks the way to battle gout. But yes, if your measure after an attack works for you, that great.

I have been taking a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in the AM and PM, and I haven't had an attack in about 7-8 months.

Pain free

Have not called in sick.

I feel my life has changed! So much Better.

I take no drugs at all now, after taking powerful and harmful NSAIDs and painkillers, and trying diet changes and all of the so-called remedies.

For anyone suffering from this nasty gout, please give it a try! Cost: Less than $1 USD per month.

Edited by Wrong Turn
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Anyone who suffers acute gout attacks knows that it is very painful and crippling. What they may not know is that gout will permanently damage your joints.

Many sufferers who are prescribed Alopurinol stop taking the drug because they imagine side affects. It is also possible that the drug may bring on an acute attack. If you do have an attack, it is important to keep on taking the drug. It means that the uric acid crystals are dissolving and that is the goal. There are many very good web sites describing symptoms and interviewing sufferers. Knowledge of this condition is a good thing and you should read about it as much as possible.

Alopurinol is a lifetime treatment and is probably the best treatment available. Relieving the pain is NOT a good treatment. Side affects from the drug can be serious but the vast majority of people tolerate the drug very well. I have been taking the drug for quite a few years and have no side affects. You can never cure gout but you can control the uric acid level in you blood.

I am VERY thankful that I was able to get my life back to normal. I no longer even watch my diet. I am able to eat and drink whatever I like. Thank you Alopurinol.

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a drug that was ½ the measure (250mg) had the same active ingredient, Narproxen Sodium, and not a prescribed drug.

Well, last Friday morning I woke with my first gout since August, took one pill and a Panamax, by the evening the foot was much better and the following day no sign at all.

So, to clarify, this drug is "Naproxen," correct?

It has been helpful for me in the past. I believe it's only a painkiller, correct?

For me, baking soda has worked - as GaryA states, preventing attacks the way to battle gout. But yes, if your measure after an attack works for you, that great.

I have been taking a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in the AM and PM, and I haven't had an attack in about 7-8 months.

Pain free

Have not called in sick.

I feel my life has changed! So much Better.

I take no drugs at all now, after taking powerful and harmful NSAIDs and painkillers, and trying diet changes and all of the so-called remedies.

For anyone suffering from this nasty gout, please give it a try! Cost: Less than $1 USD per month.

With you there Wrong Turn, I also had gout problems for a number of years, started off with a feeling of weakness in the toes, then pain, then swelling, then redness of the joint, and then the crystals start to dig into the joint with intense pain. Baking soda and being careful with the diet has helped incredibly. Fresh cherries are also great, haven't tried cherry juice but will give it a go.

This debilitating disease is misery to suffer, the pain and the loss of mobility is terrible. I have been nine months without an attack, I also had attacks in the knees and elbows, baking soda has hepled me and is worth a try.

One other good side effect was purging my body of toxins, after about a week a black sludge was coming out astern for about 2 weeks, for me the baking soda has been natures miracle, my old vitality came back and also helped the libido!!


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What does the baking soda do,i haven't heard about that before.

As usual, Google is your friend. Google Baking soda and gout and you will find plenty to read. Baking soda helps but is not without its own dangers. Be careful trying to be your own doctor.

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What does the baking soda do,i haven't heard about that before.

As usual, Google is your friend. Google Baking soda and gout and you will find plenty to read. Baking soda helps but is not without its own dangers. Be careful trying to be your own doctor.

Baking Soda alkalizes the blood.


what are the dangers of baking soda? I hadn't heard about this. I know there is sodium in it, so those with high BP, may have an issue.

Are you referring to the sodium? Or, are the other things in it.

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Here is an article on baking soda. Note that it recomment taking a 1/2 teaspoon of BS 4 times per day. I only take it twice per day. In the AM & PM.


Baking soda is an alkalizing agent...and there are others.

If you get baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) into your gout diet you add a well known alkalizing agent to it. The good news is that it gets many rave reviews from gout sufferers. It may well raise your pH level and alleviate or even cure your gout. For many people for whom this works it usually happens quickly - within a couple of weeks.

Bicarbonate of soda is cheap and the remedy is an-easy-to-prepare part of a gout diet. Use half a teaspoon filled to the top of the spoon’s ridge, not above, (you don’t want a “mountain” of it in the spoon) with six fluid ounces of water. Make sure it dissolves completely in the water. Take, normally, four times a day, which includes one dose before bedtime. The body is said to be more acidic at night. Is it just a coincidence that many gout attacks happen after midnight and before daylight?

Does bicarbonate of soda work? By making uric acid more soluble it removes more of it. And it may work in other ways, apart from its alkalising effect, to dissolve the MSU gout crystals. If so, this makes it a unique gout cure because all others aim at reducing uric acid levels. But, and sadly there’s always a “but” here, it does not work for everyone.

Warning! Baking soda may not be your natural gout cure. It MUST ONLY BE TRIED with your doctor’s approval since this could have many side effects including high blood pressure, headaches, appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains and others. Baking soda is high in sodium, so cut out salt if taking it. Gout attacks raise blood pressure. Moreover people with heart, kidney, and liver disease, and appendicitis should not try it, without their doctor's agreement. It is contraindicated with some prescription medicines. Take too much for too long and you could get alkalosis.So speak to your doctor first. It should not be taken when the stomach is too full. An empty stomach is better.

If it works to raise your pH levels, and/or if your blood and urine uric acids levels fall, you’ll probably avoid restricting those foods which are more acidic. But of this doesn’t happen you may have to bite the bullet and restrict acid foods, eat more alkaline foods, or focus on another remedy.

In an online poll about baking soda and gout, about 85% of respondents say that it's of value, or great value, and only about 15% do not find it of value. Some doctors reportedly don't think so either. So baking soda is not the cure-all for gout.


Baking soda in water is not the only alkalizing agent. Other alkalizing products you can take as part of your gout diet are:

Herbal tinctures contain those herbs which remove acids. The best for gout sufferers are tinctures which have an alcohol free base because you should avoid alcohol as much as possible.

Dietary supplements There are supplements which neutralise the acid in foods and beverages before you eat or drink them. Others restrict acid build up in the body.

Alkaline water drops You can also drink alkaline water. To make alkaline water you put two drops of an alkaline concentrate into a glass of plain water, and it’s changed to alkaline water. Five glasses of alkaline water are recommended daily. Gout diets usually say you need at least eight glasses of water daily. Alkaline water enables you to drink less water

Water ionizers You can make alkaline water at home with a water ionizer which makes them a natural home remedy for gout. Alkaline (ionized) water is water with excess oxygen in the form of OH-, not O2. It's described as being lively and much tastier than regular water.The best water ionizers adjust for the overall quality of water supply input. By so doing, they produce a correct pH level, irrespective of water supply quality, water pressure and flow rate.

Link: http://www.best-gout-remedies.com/bakingsoda.html

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The body has a really narrow parameter for blood PH. 7.35 to 7.45. If the PH is not maintained in the blood then things go bad really quick. Like coma and death. That is called Arterial Acidosis.

Alkalizing the body concerns itself with Metabolic Acidosis which disturbs organs like the kidney's and secondarily the liver etc.

Alkalizing the body is about building a PH buffer in the cells, organs and bones. As a person becomes acidic then as the body maintains the blood in a narrow range by robbing cells, organs and finally bones of alkaline source to maintain that blood PH range.

Anyone who has maintained a swimming pool will learn this. PH systems are living organisms that seek balance. If a pools water is becoming acidic then the plaster will get eaten off the walls to maintain balance.

The same thing eventually happens in the body with osteoporosis. The body is a closed end system. This is a basic understanding of biology and chemistry.

Alkalizing the body is a key strategy for optimal health.

Baking soda is very helpful but should be used wisely. It is best mixed with apple cider vinegar or lemon/lime juice. By mixing a acidic and alkaline substance then a balanced ~7 ph drink can be consumed. This is helpful to have balance because the acidity of ACV can damage tooth enamel and irritate the stomach etc. Conversly Baking Soda taking in a alkaline solution will reduce stomach acid and potentially disrupt digestion.

So at this point by mixing the two into a neutral solution makes the consumption smooth and uneventful. Now the magic occurs because both ACV and BS have alkaline residues. This means if you burned or metabolized this solution then the resulting residue or ash is highly alkaline and helps buffer acidity in the body.

The PH of a residue is confirmed by burning a food in a Calorimeter and then testing the PH of the resulting ash residue. The confusing part is that some foods which are initially acidic in PH like ACV, Lime juice, Fruit acids etc when burned are alkaline residue. Seems contradictory at first but very logical.

The key is here is that your body is a relatively closed system and its inputs need to be monitored and balanced.

Hope that helps somebody.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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I started to have gout attacks in my 40's and as have history of every male on fathers side of family having it; was not unexpected. Have been taking 300mg of alopurinol for the last 20 years and have not had another gout attack in that time and uric acid levels are always in the normal range.

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I couldn't walk on one of my feet in 2006 and thought I had broken my foot or something. I went to see a doctor and he said I had gout. Gave me some pills and said it would only get worse over time. I have not improved my health since then, probably worse now, but have yet to have it come back.

Is that fairly normal? Do people have 5+ years without any symptoms and then it comes back? Or can it go away, or what? I don't really understand Gout, forgot about it when the pain went away really.

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A friend of mine had a foot problem. The Thai doctor told him he had gout. I asked him if the doctor did a blood test. The answer was no. He got a blood test and it showed a normal uric acid level He did NOT have gout. The pain went away within a few days and no problems since then.

I'd bet you never had gout. I know of no case where it went away by itself.

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A friend of mine had a foot problem. The Thai doctor told him he had gout. I asked him if the doctor did a blood test. The answer was no. He got a blood test and it showed a normal uric acid level He did NOT have gout. The pain went away within a few days and no problems since then.

I'd bet you never had gout. I know of no case where it went away by itself.

This was in the States and the doctor there didn't do any kind of test either. He just looked at it, touched it, asked me some questions then made his diagnosis.

One of the medications he gave me was anti-inflammatory or something and it worked almost immediately. Within an hour of taking it I could walk fine - so the medication definitely had an effect.

I don't know what else could cause pain like that - though I was shocked what he told me gout was could cause it also - it felt like I broke my foot.

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^ Maybe you had gout, maybe you didn't.

I think you may have had it.

Yes, it's possible to have only 1 attack, or an attack every several years.

And also, from my experience, never trust a doctor - especially when it comes to gout.

I went to 7-8 doctors in the US and in Asia, and found my way to prevent gout on an internet forum.

Thanks for the drugs, doctors. I needed the Anti-Inflamms and the painkillers. And the docs said, "avoid red wine and seafood."


I found my cure myself. No drugs needed, just years and thousands of dollars wasted on doctors.

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^ Maybe you had gout, maybe you didn't.

I think you may have had it.

Yes, it's possible to have only 1 attack, or an attack every several years.

And also, from my experience, never trust a doctor - especially when it comes to gout.

I went to 7-8 doctors in the US and in Asia, and found my way to prevent gout on an internet forum.

Thanks for the drugs, doctors. I needed the Anti-Inflamms and the painkillers. And the docs said, "avoid red wine and seafood."


I found my cure myself. No drugs needed, just years and thousands of dollars wasted on doctors.

Thanks. For somebody like you saying 'avoid red wine and seafood' may have been silly - but I had no idea what gout even was. At the time, I found what he said quite useful. Though now, I can't remember any of it :)

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As a gout sufferer for years i find others experiences while in LOS very interesting.

I normally take 3 months worth my peventative meds to BK with me every year and will take a few every now and then if i feel anything coming up until they run out.Never got gout in Thailand as i was mainly on Thai style diet with little meat intake.

At that time i was also over doing my beer Leo habit but still didnt have the slightest hint of trouble until i was back in Oz for 6 weeks, then i had the worst attack i could ever remember. And at that stage i had no alchol whatsoever for the previous two months.

As you would already know, each sufferer will have different triggers, so from my experiences in Thailand i immediately ruled out beer as a main instegator and put my main culprits down to red meat and concentrated tomato based food in curries and paste dishes.

Another thing you should consider is if you were a big drinker and give up beer suddenly and totally WITHOUT replacing those fluids with equal amounts of water, then your sytem will not have the fluids to flush out the acids as it was accustomed to and as a result the acids sit and crystalize, setting you up for big trouble.

Incidently the meds i take when having an attack in OZ are Colchicine (called Colgout) which has usually has very quick relief. Have never had to look for them in Thailand, so not sure of the availability there.

Anyway good luck with it, hope it all works out well

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