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Chiang Mai To Be Site Of Major Drug Test For Despondex


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We've just heard from an informant (who must remain nameless) that Chiang Mai has been selected as one of three world cities for final field trials of 'Despondex, a drug alleged to be the greatest hope yet for the curse of the compulsively, chronically cheerful and upbeat, who are enslaved in an endless cycle of false optimism, bogus good feelings, and often have facial injuries from smiling too much. And of course, we cannot over-emphasize the effect of this mental illness on familiy members, companions, even the public.

Dr. Vijoon Gajokbengohok of the Chiang Mai Psychiatry Association did make a public comment, according to my source, that he was happy, but not "too happy," to hear of the choice of Chiang Mai. Dr. Vijoon is reported to have said : "We've been looking for a cure for 'sanuk maak' a long, long time. Over-happiness is such a frustrating thing for us in the medical field here : we can see its effects everywhere; northern Thailand is such a poor market for Prozac, they won't even give us free samples."

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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it's time to come clean Orang. Are you on any psych meds? Sometimes I suspect its a Prozac drip but what the heck. It might help understand your posts. Are you on special health supplements? Special diet? Have you always been this way? if not then when did you graduate to yogi space? Candor appreciated.

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it's time to come clean Orang. Are you on any psych meds? Sometimes I suspect its a Prozac drip but what the heck. It might help understand your posts. Are you on special health supplements? Special diet? Have you always been this way? if not then when did you graduate to yogi space? Candor appreciated.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun CobraSnakeNectie,

We appreciate the invitation to shower together, but at this time we like to just bathe twosomely.

In answer to your other questions : we do not smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, take any medications or special vitamins (other than an occasional effervescing Vitamin C with Zinc in orange juice).

However, if you consider "caffeine' a drug : yes, we love caffeine, in the morning. And, if you consider exercise, on one level, as a conscious attempt to change your entire psycho-physiological "state" : that could be seen as a "drug" ?

Our diet is primarily soy milk, but that's related to changes in my human's tongue and throat following treatment for tongue cancer (near total loss of taste, inability to swallow anything large or not soft). We are "vegetarian" right now in practice, but it's not, for us, an ideology, a philosophy.

To our knowledge there is no "way" we have always been, although we may have been, at times varying in duration (different "flavours of eternity," if you will), under the "illusion" we were in a certain "way." The very act of responding to your message, in our humble opinions, puts us in a certain "way," temporarily.

"Graduate to yogi space" : what an interesting phrase, with what astounding implications ! We can say, for sure, that on all important levels what we share with you, and everyone else, what we have "in common," is so much more important than what we do not share : that what "is not shared" : doesn't "matter." If there are, indeed, "metaphysical levels," that correlate with an "educational metaphor" : we are sure we would have "flunked out," or we would be in an endless cycle of having to repeat "kindergarten."

Perhaps you'll forgive us if we attempt to "gloss over" our inability to make any meaningful reply to your "yogi space" statement, by quoting from Dante's Purgatorio :

A maggior forza e a miglior natura

liberi soggiacete; e quella cria

la mente in voi, che 'l ciel no ha in sua cura.

Però, se 'l mondo presente disvia,

in voi è la cagione, in voi si cheggia.

To a greater force, and to a better nature, you, free, are subject,

and that creates the mind in you, which the heavens have not in their

charge. Therefore if the present world go astray, the cause is in you,

in you it is to be sought.

Canto XVI, lines 79-83

And then giggling :)

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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To a greater force, and to a better nature, you, free, are subject,

and that creates the mind in you, which the heavens have not in their

charge. Therefore if the present world go astray, the cause is in you,

in you it is to be sought.

Canto XVI, lines 79-83

best, ~o:37;

Judging by these delphic lines I guess Dante must be reading your inscrutable posts.

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Judging by these delphic lines I guess Dante must be reading your inscrutable posts.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Asmerom,

We rejoice in finding a fellow disciple of the great master Dante whose unique voice in the 13th.-14th. century of the Christian calendar set in motion a profound transformation of how the "western psyche" would come to see, experience, and describe, "reality."

It is wondrous to fantasize that perhaps as short a time as 100 years ago in northern Thailand, where "landed gentry" farmers (i.e., not temple-slaves or serfs), in places like Nan, still actively borrowed from Wat libraries to read works like the "Tribhumi of Phra Ruang" if the "spell" of that work's cosmogony was as compelling to them as Dante's vision was so many years ago for many Europeans. (reference : ISBN 974-7551-72-1, David Wyatt, "Siam in Mind," SilkWorm Books, Chiang Mai, 2001)

We recognize by your use of the phrase "delphic lines" that you refer to the very center of the nine levels of Dantean Inferno (hel_l), the fifth, the Wrathful, whose "bound," whose "epitome," is Phlegyas, whose horrible crime was the burning of the temple of the Oracle of Delphi, in revenge for the rape of his daughter by Apollo.

The rape by Apollo, followed by the destruction of the Temple of the Oracle, is, of course, yet another signifier in history of the overpowering of female sprituality by male brutality, and we interpret that as a signal that you are willing to join the worship of the Divine Beatrice (who is, of course, a signifier of the Female Godhead), and to help us in our quest to restore the great imbalance caused by the freak mutation that led to the human male mutant sub-species infesting, dominating, and nearly destroying this beautiful little planet where our souls, blessed to be incarnate in human meat-form, temporarily reside.

May we call you "Brother Asmerom," or "Sister Asmermom," as the case may be ?

best, ~o:37;

"Ahi quanto cauti li uomini esser dienno

presso a color che non veggion pur l'ovra,

ma per entro i pensier miran col senno!

Ah, how much care men ought to exercise

with those whose penetrating intellect

can see our thoughts-not just our outer act!"

"Divine Comedy," Mandelbaum translation Canto 120, 16

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May we call you "Brother Asmerom," or "Sister Asmermom," as the case may be ?

best, ~o:37;

Ah, how much care men ought to exercise

with those whose penetrating intellect

can see our thoughts-not just our outer act!

"Divine Comedy," Mandelbaum translation Canto 120, 16

You may baptise me with any patronymic that comes to your minds and "Brother Asmerom"- 'tis an appelation devoutly to be wished-- being redolent as it is, of monks, monasteries and meditation but I do fear you have been grossly misled by my reckless choice of the word "delphic" into believing that my simple,shallow mind is as rich and deep a souce of medieval and classical learning as both of yours and it isn't. Its scandalously earth bound. I must therefore decline your kind invitation to sit and worship at the feet of the Divine Beatrice striving to restore the lost balance you so eloquently deplore. I can hardly stand on one leg for twenty seconds and I feel this disqualifies me from joining your noble quest.

"Nymph,in thy orisons be all my sins remembered"

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And speaking of Nymphs, an increasingly highbrow post, and the exalted company I would but find myself in :)

Nympharumque leues cum Satyris chori

secernunt populo, si neque tibias

Euterpe cohibet nec Polyhymnia

Lesboum refugit tendere barbiton.

Quod si me lyricis uatibus inseres,

sublimi feriam sidera uertice.

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