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Random Drug Testing?


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I'm planning on visiting Amsterdam, Netherlands at the end of the summer then, I would like to visit Thailand. I've heard that in Thailand night clubs there is random drug testing done and you can get arrested for drugs in your system. Does this count for cannabis/marijuana as well? or is it for chemicals like meth? I'm definately not going to be looking for any cannabis over there or smoking there or anything like that. However since cannabis can stay in your system for long term, it would show up in my system due to the tolerant laws in Amsterdam, I would be smoking in Amsterdam while I'm there before visiting Thailand.

If nobody here knows, where could I go to get this info? I'd really like to visit Thailand but, not if there is any risk at all of anything happening to me even though I am abiding the countries laws once I get there.


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There is a serious risk if you are in a nightclub on Walking Street that you may be tested if the place is raided, and if there are drugs in your bloodstream you may be fined or worse.

We never get follow-up of what happens to tourists who are screened positive for drugs in nightclubs, where they don't have any in their possession, but it is going to be unpleasant and will cost you money to get out of your predicament if this happened to you.

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I just found a recent thread on this forum which states they have stopped doing raids in phuket and testing the nightclub staff instead, is this accurate info or not? h*t*t*p://w*w*w.thaivisa.c*o*m/forum/Phuket-Kathu-Police-Change-Drug-Tes-t324278.html

(I had to add * in the url since i cant post url's)

While researching previously, I saw on a website where somebody had mentioned they're only looking for chemicals like yaba (meth) so I'm just trying to confirm from others if that's correct or not. The topic in the link above seems to confirm that (only looking for yaba).

I can see the tone and attitude in some of your replies. If another country is lenient and tolerant of cannabis or another chemical and I partake in that country, that's none of your business. If I am wanting to come to your country and trying to do my research before-hand to be in compliance of your countries laws, why are you giving me attitude and what-not? If it's not right for me to be there then I won't go. It's as simple as that. It's not like I'm trying to bring anything in or asking where I can get it in your country (and don't act like that doesn't happen there. I unlike those don't believe it's worth the risk. The reason for me asking here. So try to avoid the attitude and just stick to the facts.)

Edited by abcdabcd
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My guess is that after smoking you will be too paranoid to risk chancing anything but ...

You have got little to nothing to worry about. The raids are very infrequent and often the result in nobody being arrested or the farangs not being hassled. I doubt they would give you much trouble even if you did register since you would not be under the influence at the time and the threshold for testing would not be concerned with what you did weeks ago. I am not sure on the law here but not sure how they could even prosecute you for taking a drug legally which you would be doing if in Amsterdam. Remember that weed is legal to smoke in places like California too for medical purposes (takes 5-minutes to get a script).

The change of you getting into a situation of a random drug test if you are a normal visitor is near zero and if you did happen to run into bad luck then you would just likely need to explain your situation or offer a couple hundred bhat.

With all that said, it is a different country with different laws and though you clearly would not face much trouble .. a couple weeks in jail waiting to clear things up would be a nightmare.

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My guess is that after smoking you will be too paranoid to risk chancing anything but ...

You have got little to nothing to worry about. The raids are very infrequent and often the result in nobody being arrested or the farangs not being hassled. I doubt they would give you much trouble even if you did register since you would not be under the influence at the time and the threshold for testing would not be concerned with what you did weeks ago. I am not sure on the law here but not sure how they could even prosecute you for taking a drug legally which you would be doing if in Amsterdam. Remember that weed is legal to smoke in places like California too for medical purposes (takes 5-minutes to get a script).

The change of you getting into a situation of a random drug test if you are a normal visitor is near zero and if you did happen to run into bad luck then you would just likely need to explain your situation or offer a couple hundred bhat.

With all that said, it is a different country with different laws and though you clearly would not face much trouble .. a couple weeks in jail waiting to clear things up would be a nightmare.

Thanks for your input.

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I just found a recent thread on this forum which states they have stopped doing raids in phuket and testing the nightclub staff instead, is this accurate info or not? h*t*t*p://w*w*w.thaivisa.c*o*m/forum/Phuket-Kathu-Police-Change-Drug-Tes-t324278.html

(I had to add * in the url since i cant post url's)

While researching previously, I saw on a website where somebody had mentioned they're only looking for chemicals like yaba (meth) so I'm just trying to confirm from others if that's correct or not. The topic in the link above seems to confirm that (only looking for yaba).

I can see the tone and attitude in some of your replies. If another country is lenient and tolerant of cannabis or another chemical and I partake in that country, that's none of your business. If I am wanting to come to your country and trying to do my research before-hand to be in compliance of your countries laws, why are you giving me attitude and what-not? If it's not right for me to be there then I won't go. It's as simple as that. It's not like I'm trying to bring anything in or asking where I can get it in your country (and don't act like that doesn't happen there. I unlike those don't believe it's worth the risk. The reason for me asking here. So try to avoid the attitude and just stick to the facts.)

Then it is easy. ALL drugs are illegal in Thailand! Now you know the laws.

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If any drugs are found in your system (without possession) for whatsoever reason be ready for following:

- arrest, jail

- transfer to court

- fine to cover expenses of police and court

- deportation from country (on your or embassy expense)

- lifetime blacklist from Thailand

Above take from 3 days if you cooperate to several months if you not. Worked at embassy so take it serious!

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I just found a recent thread on this forum which states they have stopped doing raids in phuket and testing the nightclub staff instead, is this accurate info or not? h*t*t*p://w*w*w.thaivisa.c*o*m/forum/Phuket-Kathu-Police-Change-Drug-Tes-t324278.html

(I had to add * in the url since i cant post url's)

While researching previously, I saw on a website where somebody had mentioned they're only looking for chemicals like yaba (meth) so I'm just trying to confirm from others if that's correct or not. The topic in the link above seems to confirm that (only looking for yaba).

I can see the tone and attitude in some of your replies. If another country is lenient and tolerant of cannabis or another chemical and I partake in that country, that's none of your business. If I am wanting to come to your country and trying to do my research before-hand to be in compliance of your countries laws, why are you giving me attitude and what-not? If it's not right for me to be there then I won't go. It's as simple as that. It's not like I'm trying to bring anything in or asking where I can get it in your country (and don't act like that doesn't happen there. I unlike those don't believe it's worth the risk. The reason for me asking here. So try to avoid the attitude and just stick to the facts.)

Then it is easy. ALL drugs are illegal in Thailand! Now you know the laws.

Yes, I now realize the laws. If I have a substance in my system that entered my body in another country where it was tolerated and I entered Thailand that if they randomly drug tested me, I would be put in jail. It doesn't matter if I go there to dabble with AIDS with the many number of prostitutes, and what-not, that will be over-looked. However, I would be put in jail for something that I took part in that was in another country that tolerated that behavior. I should come to Thailand with a clean system and look into prostitutes as that as not as "bad" as it won't involve imprisonment.


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For the most part Thai authorities have better, or at least other, things to do than worry about what you do in Amsterdam or anywhere else if it doesn't cause issues within the Kingdom and the likelihood of you being snatched up and pee tested without some reason is tiny and would fall into the category of "bad luck". Depending on your age/social group, one risk is that you'll run into people inside the Kingdom who may give you the impression that it's not really a problem and that it would be "safe" to give it a try here. That alters the odds of some pretty substantial complications including most everything mentioned previously. The fact that you asked in the first place shows that you're sensible enough to worry about it. Just don't lose that caution once you cross the border.

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Is this thread for real?

Are clubs really doing random testing?

Cannot see myself letting them do this

without one help of a huge brawl

It is rare. I believe it usually happens when the district (Soi Cowboy) or Disco has upset the local police such as by untimely payments. Of course there is sometimes the announced crack-down when drugs become an issue but for the most part drugs are not a big part of the nightlife here in clubs anymore and why the raids are rare. They often come up with nothing or find a way to let everybody go who tested positive. It is more about scaring and showing control and it has worked. But like anywhere, laws can be enforced that often are not and example set. It is legal for police here to request urine samples and testing positive I believe results in what is similar (or same) as a possession charge. But even with the VERY strict drug laws here, they are fairly lenient on first time offenders as other countries and usually require some education classes if in possession.

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For the most part Thai authorities have better, or at least other, things to do than worry about what you do in Amsterdam or anywhere else if it doesn't cause issues within the Kingdom and the likelihood of you being snatched up and pee tested without some reason is tiny and would fall into the category of "bad luck". Depending on your age/social group, one risk is that you'll run into people inside the Kingdom who may give you the impression that it's not really a problem and that it would be "safe" to give it a try here. That alters the odds of some pretty substantial complications including most everything mentioned previously. The fact that you asked in the first place shows that you're sensible enough to worry about it. Just don't lose that caution once you cross the border.

And the person who tells you it is not a big deal and then goes on to offer to sell you something often will then go to the police to let them know where you are and what to look for. They get paid to both deal and inform and unless you have a good chunk of money to pay off the multiple cops who come to your hotel, you can bet on going to jail.

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Is this thread for real?

Are clubs really doing random testing?

Cannot see myself letting them do this

without one help of a huge brawl

Do a google search for "random drug testing in thailand nightclubs" this really has been going on (I'm guessing for years) but, as I have been trying to ask about, apparently starting this last Dec. 2009, they have re-evaulated the strategy and apparently not doing the random tests anymore and instead testing the staff as the thread I'm trying to point to people - h*t*t*p://w*w*w.thaivisa.c*o*m/forum/Phuket-Kathu-Police-Change-Drug-Tes-t324278.html and a google search points to more sources stating the same news. However, I don't know how accurate the info is. I dont know if the random tests have completely stopped, if it's only for Yaba (I'm guessing it must be due to the "golden triangle" and being one of (if not) the biggest meth production area but, again I dont' know for sure, this is all info based on research).

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Ignore the losers in here who hate life and are unable to comprehend a simple post asking questions about complying with the laws here in Thailand after complying with the laws in Amstredam.

Ohhhhh drugs .... the old farts here trying to recapture their youth by paying vulnerable young women to have sex with them are usually drunk (alcohol = drug) nearly every night but cannot comprehend the number of alcohol related deaths each year globally compared to the almost non-existence of deaths from smoking weed.

Prostitution is also illegal in Thailand. Alcohol is not considered a drug, and is legal.

If you are not happy with the laws in Thailand, you should not come.

That was the purpose of this thread. I wanted to make sure there would be no problems with me and the laws of your country. If I am not in compliance, then I should not be there. However, I am not psychic. Which is the reason for me to post this thread and get the views from some of you, which are giving me a hard time.

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For the most part Thai authorities have better, or at least other, things to do than worry about what you do in Amsterdam or anywhere else if it doesn't cause issues within the Kingdom and the likelihood of you being snatched up and pee tested without some reason is tiny and would fall into the category of "bad luck". Depending on your age/social group, one risk is that you'll run into people inside the Kingdom who may give you the impression that it's not really a problem and that it would be "safe" to give it a try here. That alters the odds of some pretty substantial complications including most everything mentioned previously. The fact that you asked in the first place shows that you're sensible enough to worry about it. Just don't lose that caution once you cross the border.

And the person who tells you it is not a big deal and then goes on to offer to sell you something often will then go to the police to let them know where you are and what to look for. They get paid to both deal and inform and unless you have a good chunk of money to pay off the multiple cops who come to your hotel, you can bet on going to jail.

Yeah that is exactly what I heard. I don't want any part of that, I just think it's scary enough that I could come in from another country with a substance in my system from another jurisdiction where it was tolerated and be incarcerated in a country where I had not done or even attempted anything illegal according to the countries laws. All I'm trying to do is be knowledgeable and in compliance with the laws of where I'm going, that's the bottom line. I'm not wanting to bring any problems or trouble. If, I am out of line then, so be it. I won't go there until I know I am in complete compliance. I don't want any unnecessary problems.

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Ignore the losers in here who hate life and are unable to comprehend a simple post asking questions about complying with the laws here in Thailand after complying with the laws in Amstredam.

Ohhhhh drugs .... the old farts here trying to recapture their youth by paying vulnerable young women to have sex with them are usually drunk (alcohol = drug) nearly every night but cannot comprehend the number of alcohol related deaths each year globally compared to the almost non-existence of deaths from smoking weed.

Prostitution is also illegal in Thailand. Alcohol is not considered a drug, and is legal.

If you are not happy with the laws in Thailand, you should not come.

That was the purpose of this thread. I wanted to make sure there would be no problems with me and the laws of your country. If I am not in compliance, then I should not be there. However, I am not psychic. Which is the reason for me to post this thread and get the views from some of you, which are giving me a hard time.

I am not trying to give you a hard time. I just don't want you end up in a Thai prison, (they are not the best in the world). I have seen to many who have ended up there, after I have been living in Thailand for 5,5 years, so I just try to tell how it is and give some advice! But in the end, it's up to you.

Edited by thaiphoon
Line spacing adjusted - thaiphoon
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I wasn't actually directing my comments towards you, actually I think you might have misunderstood me as I believe your first reply was, "do not do any drugs in Thailand, this is not Holland". Where I never stated that I was going to do drugs in Thailand and actually mentioned a few times that was definitely not what I was asking about. It was the issue of having cannabis in my system from holland and visiting Thailand and the consequences of it being found from my partake in Holland. Not in Thailand, definitely not. I have read some horror stories of Thailand. Besides that, I don't even partake in my home country because I don't want to break the law and get in trouble. That's my only concern.

It isn't just a Thailand issue. I know how it goes but, in my country we don't get randomly drug tested in clubs either. So, I'm just trying to make myself as aware as possible to avoid any nightmares. Then again I know there are many things that are exagerated so, by discussing this topic I am able to figure what is really going on.

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If I was in a nightclub and this rare situation happened and I had my passport with me which showed I came from Amsterdam recently, would that make any difference? Or do the police there not understand english too well or know that in Amsterdam the laws are different? I don't know too much about urine testing but, could they tell if cannabis was "fresh" in your system or weeks old or what-not? Maybe I'm asking the wrong place for this info??

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I've been in two establishments (over a lot of years) where the authorities showed up to examine the ID's and once tested staff only. Neither time were customers of interest. Both times, by sheer coincidence, cell phones rang and a percentage of the staff took an extended break before the event occurred. I do know that testing happens rarely in discos (mostly) but it would be a shame to magnify the issue to the point where you 1.) don't think you'll enjoy visiting Thailand or 2.) don't have a lawfully good time in Amsterdam. If there was a serious interest in catching people for that sort of thing, they'd just set up big nets when the flights arrive from Schiphol-- or any number of other spots around the planet. And someone would already have figured out how to sell lottery tickets and snacks.

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I've been in two establishments (over a lot of years) where the authorities showed up to examine the ID's and once tested staff only. Neither time were customers of interest. Both times, by sheer coincidence, cell phones rang and a percentage of the staff took an extended break before the event occurred. I do know that testing happens rarely in discos (mostly) but it would be a shame to magnify the issue to the point where you 1.) don't think you'll enjoy visiting Thailand or 2.) don't have a lawfully good time in Amsterdam. If there was a serious interest in catching people for that sort of thing, they'd just set up big nets when the flights arrive from Schiphol-- or any number of other spots around the planet. And someone would already have figured out how to sell lottery tickets and snacks.

Thanks for your realistic input, dvdcm and johndpoole. I really appreciate it, this topic is a big concern for me and thanks for observing it in a mature realistic manner unlike some others. Thanks again.

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What part of the word DRUG do you not understand?

Umm Drug store is that a place i can buy coke or heroin. NO. Gotlost take a chill pill ya self, man

Give the guy a break. He is stating he WILL not take drugs here in Thailand. BUT if the drugs show in his system what will happen (Holland has got relaxed rules/laws on Ganja). A very reasonable request in my opinion.

The answer is you either take a chance or as another poster stated get tested before you come to ensure you are clean.

If you come have a good time and don't forget there is more to Thailand than just Pattaya.

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What part of the word DRUG do you not understand?

Umm Drug store is that a place i can buy coke or heroin. NO. Gotlost take a chill pill ya self, man

Give the guy a break. He is stating he WILL not take drugs here in Thailand. BUT if the drugs show in his system what will happen (Holland has got relaxed rules/laws on Ganja). A very reasonable request in my opinion.

The answer is you either take a chance or as another poster stated get tested before you come to ensure you are clean.

If you come have a good time and don't forget there is more to Thailand than just Pattaya.

Good advice, with a stamp from Holland in your passport. (Or you come on a flight from Holland.)

Edited by bellste
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What part of the word DRUG do you not understand?

The answer is you either take a chance or as another poster stated get tested before you come to ensure you are clean.

If you come have a good time and don't forget there is more to Thailand than just Pattaya.

Well the thing about getting tested before I get there is not really going to work. The cannabis in holland is very potent, if you were a daily smoker it can stay in your system for 2-3 months (as far as I know) after you quit smoking. So, if you want to stay in Holland for 3 months which is as long as you can stay due to visa requirements according to your originating country you are from, and have to leave when that time is up. After that period then you leave to Thailand or anywhere, there is no way possible for your system to be completely clean in that period of time. Cannabis/THC is stored in your fat cells, it stays in your system for a long time even after you quit. It's not like Yabba (meth) where you can take it one day, and the next day just drink a ton of water and it's gone from your system.

Edited by abcdabcd
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