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Cardiologist Recommendations Please…..


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Hey Guys…..

I will finally arrive in Chiang Mai later this month and would like to ask if anyone with a pacemaker or ICD could recommend a good Cardiologist/Doctor & Hospital there in case something heads south with my heart.


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The two hospitals most frequently recommended in Chiang Mai for foreigners are :

1. http://www.cmed.cmu.ac.th/container-eng/ --- Special Medical Sevices Center as its called or SRIPAT.

2. http://www.chiangmairam.com/index.php?lang=en Chiang Mai RAM : reputed to be more expensive but probably more convenient with less waiting.

Both hospitals have their supporters, both are reputable, and both are staffed with competent cardiologists. I myself have had neither of the two procedures you mention. No doubt others will contibute their more expert recommendations. You just walk into either and register, you get an ID Card and off you go to see the specialist. Others may name specific doctors. Only one Thaivisa member swears he would go to Bangkok rather than trust the CM doctors. Maybe he's had a bad experience but I'm sure most would not agree with that dour assessment. Have no fear, you will be well looked after in Chiang Mai.

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I see Dr. "PAT" at Ram and he does go by that name. He is quite good and enjoys a very good reputation. Seeing him on a consultation basis costs about 300 Baht, but of course the tests he may order to evaluate you would be more.

I would suggest you call in to the hospital and ask for the clinic floor reception that books his appointments. Also if he is "in" you can just wait for him but he is busy so an appointment is best. I think he sees patients on the 4th floor where many of the specialists see patients.

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I see Dr. "PAT" at Ram and he does go by that name. He is quite good and enjoys a very good reputation. Seeing him on a consultation basis costs about 300 Baht, but of course the tests he may order to evaluate you would be more.

I would suggest you call in to the hospital and ask for the clinic floor reception that books his appointments. Also if he is "in" you can just wait for him but he is busy so an appointment is best. I think he sees patients on the 4th floor where many of the specialists see patients.

Dr Pataporn (sp) at Ram is very good but I like Dr Arram at Bumrungrad better.

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Stewart, Many people suggest going to Bangkok to see a cardiologist..... I'm not sure how to reach a doc... in CM

I have an appoinment with a specialist at SriPat (CMU) on Tuesday to go over the results of some tests I had run today.

I will ask Ajarn Piset about a good cardiologist if I remember and post the info here.

A note about Sripat --- The clinic area reminds me of any government hospital clinic in the country (kinda miserable!) BUT the Dr I saw (Ajarn Piset) is an excellent gastrointerologist and fluent in English (He trained in the US twice). A colonoscopy aint no fun! but after 18 months of worsening problems I now have some relief and a diagnosis.

I also work with some nurses and will ask them tmw if they have anyone they would reccomend.


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  • 2 months later...
My dad is coming to visit and would like to see a cardiologist while he's here. Could you recommend a cardiologist at Sriphat, please?

My very careful friend with a pacemaker goes to Dr Pat at Ram but for the pacemaker issues he goes to Sripat to a Dr Tana-something, Tanawat, Tana..rat/porn. He goes to Sripat for the service, not to save money. Sorry I can not provide the exact name but if it is a pacemaker issue, you should be able to find the Sripat specialist by asking there or asking Dr Pat.

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BUT the Dr I saw (Ajarn Piset) is an excellent gastrointerologist and fluent in English (He trained in the US twice). A colonoscopy aint no fun! but after 18 months of worsening problems I now have some relief and a diagnosis.


Did Ajarn Piset do the colonoscopy? What was the price ?

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