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i am having a few problems making arrangements for the paperwork to complete before i can marry in thailand - i am being told by my girlfriend that she understands the ministry of foreign affairs no longer has an express service for processing the sworn affidavits - i am told the ministry of foreign affairs now takes 4 working days to process this element. Do any members know if this is the case or not - many thanks. Before she let me know this I was assuming we could finish everything in 4 days!


You do not say where you are from , if you are from the Uk you can do the lot in 3 days , put your affimation to marry in , Even get your girls chest Ex ray if you want, the last i heared you could walk in off the street to marry .. 3 days max, unless it has changed in the last 5 months.


That is correct, the MFA stopped the express service in October. I had mine done in November but as I was due to fly back to England 2 days later the supervisor very reluctantly agreed to do it for the following day and we were then married that day. I think the standard service is 2 working days.

The translation company we used offered their own express service, 15k baht and no need for MFA certification, I declined their offer.


With respect, Thongkorn, the OP is asking about how long it takes at the Thai MFA once the AFM has been notarised by one's embassy and translated. This will be the same regardless of one's nationality.


Depending on your embassy, you can get the paperwork from your embassy, have it translated and go to the MFA in 1 day. Since the express service is no longer available it will take a few days before you get it back from them. Don't know how long. As soon as you get it back you can get marrried at any amphur.



I did mine on the 22nd December and managed to get it done the same day. Yes there are signs saying the express service is suspended and it will take 4 days. My now wife explained we needed the express service and was there any way it could be done, the girl at the help desk sent us into the supervisors office on the left to ask, we went in there and she wrote on the paper and said no problem, we then went back to the helpdesk and was given our number to wait, 2 hours later I was out of there.

Its worth a try and maybe ask to speak with the supervisor.


Many thanks everyone for taking trouble to reply - seems like it is still possible to fit everything in as we planned albeit it seems to all hinge on the supervisor at the MFA.

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