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So You Think You're Funny.


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I know a number of religious jokes!

How's this for funny (chosen as the best joke of 2009 !)

A 18 year old girl tells her mother that she has missed her period for two months.

Very worried, the mother goes to the drugstore and buys a pregnancy kit.

The test result shows that the girl is pregnant.

Shouting, cursing, crying, the mother says 'who was the pig that did this to you? I want to know!'

The girl picks up the phone and makes a call.

Half an hour later an AMG Mercedes stops in front of their house, a mature and distinguished man with grey hair and impeccably dressed in an Armani suit steps out of the Mercedes and enters the house.

He sits in the living room with the father, mother and the girl, and tells them:

Good morning, your daughter has informed me of the situation. I can't marry her because of my personal family situation but I'll take responsibility for my actions. I will pay all costs and provide for your daughter for the rest of her life.

Additionally, if a girl is born I will bequeath her 2 retail stores, a townhouse, a beachfront villa and a $2,000,000 bank account.

If a boy is born, my legacy will be a couple of factories and a $4,000,000 bank account.

If twins, they will each receive a factory and $2,000,000 .'

Finally, for causing such social embarrassment and distress to you both I would like to offer $1,000,000 in compensation, my private yacht, and Gold Coast penthouse to be at

your disposal at any time.

However, if there is a miscarriage, what do you suggest I do?'

At this point, the father, who had remained silent the entire time, places a hand firmly on the man's shoulder and tells him..

'You go fukc her again.'


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What's an informal comedy club? Is that the kind of place you go without carrying along expectations of having a laugh?

Or if you do happen to make a funny remark - it may or may not be acknowledged?

Personally, I prefer the formal comedy clubs - the kind of places where you have to laugh whether or not you found the person funny. Nothing worse than spontaneous laughter - ruins the moment.

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Good luck with that! However i gotta say i agree with bkkjames. Also, there are always people who think they are funny and spiel off awful jokes that they memorised from some awful joke book or the net. Real comedians, in my opinion, are those that can offer satirical perspectives on life around them. Ie: someone who could talk about aspects of life in Thailand in a unique and funny way, but that comes from real experiences and/or things you could relate to or believe that happens. Hope you get some quality people like that..and not just drunk rude joke tellers that think the pique of joke telling comes from finding the most lurid dirtiest joke they can find on the net (and maybe, if they believe themselves to be skilled, they twist to fit a Thailand setting :) )

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Good luck with that! However i gotta say i agree with bkkjames. Also, there are always people who think they are funny and spiel off awful jokes that they memorised from some awful joke book or the net. Real comedians, in my opinion, are those that can offer satirical perspectives on life around them. Ie: someone who could talk about aspects of life in Thailand in a unique and funny way, but that comes from real experiences and/or things you could relate to or believe that happens. Hope you get some quality people like that..and not just drunk rude joke tellers that think the pique of joke telling comes from finding the most lurid dirtiest joke they can find on the net (and maybe, if they believe themselves to be skilled, they twist to fit a Thailand setting :D )

I think the OP should enlist JT and do a poll as to what is and what isn't deemed funny. :)

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[quote name='bkkjames' post='3258784'

I think the OP should enlist JT and do a poll as to what is and what isn't deemed funny. :D

Hey there snookums. You want me to do a poll about this topic? Please don't suggest such a thing again. My poll ideas come from deep within my highly explosive digestive system :) , nowhere else. Now you know.

Edited by Jingthing
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[quote name='bkkjames' post='3258784'

I think the OP should enlist JT and do a poll as to what is and what isn't deemed funny. :D

Hey there snookums. You want me to do a poll about this topic? Please don't suggest such a thing again. My poll ideas come from deep with my digestive system :) , nowhere else. Now you know.

Sorry this is purely an informal topic, any attempts at being funny should be purely spontaneous. In other words, don't think about it too much, got something funny to say - just say it.

Not sure what the snookums reference is about - but keep trying. Look to words like forum bs ombudsman or similiar for adjectives describing me. Failing that, stalker will do.

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[quote name='bkkjames' post='3258784'

I think the OP should enlist JT and do a poll as to what is and what isn't deemed funny. :D

Hey there snookums. You want me to do a poll about this topic? Please don't suggest such a thing again. My poll ideas come from deep with my digestive system :) , nowhere else. Now you know.

Sorry this is purely an informal topic, any attempts at being funny should be purely spontaneous. In other words, don't think about it too much, got something funny to say - just say it.

Not sure what the snookums reference is about - but keep trying. Look to words like forum bs ombudsman or similiar for adjectives describing me. Failing that, stalker will do.

Why snookums is a term of endearment, my dear. Sweet honey words make us all closer as men of good hearts should always be. Surely you know that?

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A glazier was examining a broken window. He looked at it for a while and then said, “It's worse than I thought. It's broken on both sides.”

What's an informal comedy club? Is that the kind of place you go without carrying along expectations of having a laugh?

Or if you do happen to make a funny remark - it may or may not be acknowledged?

Personally, I prefer the formal comedy clubs - the kind of places where you have to laugh whether or not you found the person funny. Nothing worse than spontaneous laughter - ruins the moment.

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Hey Guys

Thanks for your replies and efforts, I am not looking for auditions on Thaivisa but want to hear from anybody who has done any stand up or would like to give it a try.

Its not all about telling a joke, - but if it was my tuppence would be:

'Two cannibals were eating a clown and one says to the other - does this taste funny to you'

But keep em coming anyway.

Club will be launched in Pattaya within the next 6 weeks


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Hey Guys

Thanks for your replies and efforts, I am not looking for auditions on Thaivisa but want to hear from anybody who has done any stand up or would like to give it a try.

Its not all about telling a joke, - but if it was my tuppence would be:

'Two cannibals were eating a clown and one says to the other - does this taste funny to you'

But keep em coming anyway.

Club will be launched in Pattaya within the next 6 weeks


What nationality would most of the customers in the Club be?

Reason for question is because humor is a serious thing which is very different from each country.


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Thanks for the replies.

I would imagine that the majority of the audience would be English speaking - but of course that doesnt solve everything - as Brits and Yanks often have very different senses of humour.- actually Aussies as well.

As for WP - no - it would not be a problem.

This is a great opportunity for anybody who has done or wanted to get up on stage and just do a ten minute set.


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