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How Safe Do You Feel In Thailand


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well i thought England was a crap place to live, wow how WRONG i was. ive been living in Thailand 2yrs+, 1yr in BKK & now im in phuket-town. i own a little 6-table restaurant/cafe & its mainly Thai customers i get, & il tell you how rude & f---king ever so dirty they are, there like animals when they eat. never do i get a PLEASE or THANK-YOU. theres about 30 shops in my little bit of the road & only 2 shop keepers say hello & give me a smile, the rest just give me a look that can kill like im dirt to them. i cant take no more of this place ive been trying to sell my restaurant for 2-months now so i can go back home to east-London, plus i find its getting more & more dangerous every day in this country, i dont even wear a watch when i go out now, no chains nothing, as they no see goddies they no intrested in me. i feel safer in Brixton=UK/bronze=USA than i do in Phuket, the only thing thats holding me up is my Beautiful G-F i no want to leave her, i cant let her run the place on her own as in october she got robbed in the shop while i was at the 7/11 getting a phone card, wow i felt so sry for her, we close now 8pm while the other shops are still open, i never leave her alone no more, we cant really afford to hire staff as this is a thai restaurant & the food cost for 30 to 50 baht a bowl, so we not really have a lot of spear money just enougth to pay all bills & a few baht for our selfs, but i was happy as to live here for free, free rent / food / drinks ect. ive booked my flight home already in april, i said to my G-F il be back in about 6 to 8 months time il stay for a month or two, i will try next time im back to see if i can take her back with me, but so much paper work so hard for these thais to leave there own country, its going to be harder for me as i no want the English gov to know my business (if you know what i mean) I FIND THAILAND IS GT FOR A HOLIDAY BUT TO LIVE HERE IS COMPLETY DIFFERENT NOT FOR ME. THESE THAI PEOPLE HAVE NO VALUE FOR LIFE SO THEY NO CARE IF THEY TAKE THE LIFE OF OTHERS. but as i all ways say each to there own, i hate this place so much now. all i say to all is B-SAFE OUT THERE.

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Translation anyone?

He came on holiday, met a Thai girl, fell in love, wanted to stay, had very little money, bought a cheap restaurant, business provides him only a Thai income, he wants a western income, has no money for a bigger business, now going home, has no job in UK, no money in UK, poor Thai girlfriend cast adrift as he cannot pay to get her to go with him.

Bottom line is not enough cash but wanted to live the dream.

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You say you`re from England, but speak like a chinaman.

If you are not a troll, yes in your case, I agree with you, time to go home.

i am not speaking im writing & its late. who cares the way i write evey 1 understands. or are you just a person that every thing has to be right in your life :)

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bronze=USA. I can only assume that you mean the bronx???

It's odd how some people seem to have wildly differing experiences of living here.

Anyway, good luck.

yeh i know m8 its late, my spelling going all over the place + had a good few beers, but you knew what i ment, so no prob :)

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Translation anyone?

He came on holiday, met a Thai girl, fell in love, wanted to stay, had very little money, bought a cheap restaurant, business provides him only a Thai income, he wants a western income, has no money for a bigger business, now going home, has no job in UK, no money in UK, poor Thai girlfriend cast adrift as he cannot pay to get her to go with him.

Bottom line is not enough cash but wanted to live the dream.

Great Translation.......On the other hand the O.P shouldn`t judge Thai people only by his customers!

go home...

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Translation anyone?

He came on holiday, met a Thai girl, fell in love, wanted to stay, had very little money, bought a cheap restaurant, business provides him only a Thai income, he wants a western income, has no money for a bigger business, now going home, has no job in UK, no money in UK, poor Thai girlfriend cast adrift as he cannot pay to get her to go with him.

Bottom line is not enough cash but wanted to live the dream.

Great Translation.......On the other hand the O.P shouldn`t judge Thai people only by his customers!

go home...

no i dont think so, i have more money than you thx$$$$$$$$$ add that up, i not want to waste my money to buy a bar/restaurant in patong/karon ect for mils of baht when its only busy at the end of dec until end of feb, it will take yrs & yrs to get your money back from them places, open your eyes and look how many people are tyrying to sell there bars & restaurants in thailand bcoz they loose so much money as no customers for 9 months. i just hate this rude dirty country.

Edited by bud69er
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Well, bud69er, the way you write I'd say the western systems are perfectly adapted for you.

And you very much seem a troll, because if you have so much $$$, why on earth would you lose your time with a 6-table restaurant with mainly Thai customers?

And if you expect respect and politeness from Thai customers, you have no grasp of Thai culture.

You are paid to cook, be nice & polite and clean up after them. You get money for that, no need for a thank you.

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no i dont think so, i have more money than you thx$$$$$ add that up, i not want to waste my money to buy a bar/restaurant in patong/karon ect

And you're from england....yeah right....thai trying to pass off as farang more likey. Troll they call it, yes?

I can be as drunk as I want and I would never speak/write like that, and english isnt even my first language.

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To the OP -- sorry it didn't work out for you. Running a business in a foreign country is never easy. Best of luck back in the UK. You are so right that living in Thailand is totally different than being on holiday here.

He / she will find they have tightened up on the regulations for " immigrants " in dear old blighty.

As for the difficulty in trying to understand your grammar, it,s to be hoped you can communicate better both verbally and in the written word or your doomed to fail.

A possible drunken TTTTTTTTTTrollll maybe with a chip on their shoulder.

marshbags :D


Try changing you outlook and location O.P. and give it another go for awhile......... it,s up to the eyes in snow and freeeeeziing in the U.K. at the moment :)

Edited by marshbags
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Well, bud69er, the way you write I'd say the western systems are perfectly adapted for you.

And you very much seem a troll, because if you have so much $$$, why on earth would you lose your time with a 6-table restaurant with mainly Thai customers?

And if you expect respect and politeness from Thai customers, you have no grasp of Thai culture.

You are paid to cook, be nice & polite and clean up after them. You get money for that, no need for a thank you.

6 tables is plenty for a thai eatting hse, have you really seem them eat, i could give a thai customer there food & drink then go and make my-self a drink. & i bet you they have finished and ready to pay in 2-mins, so y would i need more table just to see them empty. these thais should go for who can eat the quickest contest.

i know i get paid to clean up & service them but a pls or thx wont go a miss,so when you go out u no say pls thx, your the same as them then a RUDE B-----d, if you really see from where im coming from what im trying to say, its not the money, its to dangerous for my liking here now, but u no understand as you are always with your farang friends, you no mix with thais. i can speak pretty good thai & i understand them 90% so stick that where the sun dont shine.

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To the OP -- sorry it didn't work out for you. Running a business in a foreign country is never easy. Best of luck back in the UK. You are so right that living in Thailand is totally different than being on holiday here.

He / she will find they have tightened up on the regulations for " immigrants " in dear old blighty.

As for the difficulty in trying to understand your grammar, it,s to be hoped you can communicate better both verbally and in the written word or your doomed to fail.

A possible drunken TTTTTTTTTTrollll maybe with a chip on their shoulder.

marshbags :D


Try changing you outlook and location O.P. and give it another go for awhile......... it,s up to the eyes in snow and freeeeeziing in the U.K. at the moment :)

thx ive thought about it now for sum time, to dangerous for my liking, i value my life to much. il be ok in the winter as i can go to my friends in spain or portugal. i have no chip on my shoulder, ive just really found out that this country is not for me. i to see that now after living here for 2yrs+, but at lest ive gave it a try, no harm in that is there, as i say again, EACH TO THERE OWN.

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I have worked and lived all over the world. The place with the most ignorant, miserable and most unfriendly peope Ive met were in London. It was also the place I felt least safe. Has it occured to you that the Thai people are treating you as you deserve ? I have been all around Thailand and have only met nice friendly people and have never felt threatened ANYWHERE. I suggest you go back to London as you sound like you fit right in with the majority of people there!

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Ahmm, anybody see his other threads? for example http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Free-Footbal...el-t328698.html

Our friend appears to be a spammer from russia, don't waste your time :-)

YEH WHAT EVER. ha i used your time up tho :D that site is a ok, all i was trying to do was help some people here who want to watch some sports. but i see you no like to help people bcoz you are a LONER :)

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I have worked and lived all over the world. The place with the most ignorant, miserable and most unfriendly peope Ive met were in London. It was also the place I felt least safe. Has it occured to you that the Thai people are treating you as you deserve ? I have been all around Thailand and have only met nice friendly people and have never felt threatened ANYWHERE. I suggest you go back to London as you sound like you fit right in with the majority of people there!

are you travel so you spend money,,,come on thats why they so nice to you....wakey wakey, we all know these thais are big smile when you go in there shops to spend money. so dont give it all that....i have my veiws of this place, as i will say again EACH TO THERE OWN, & by the way im the most politest person you will ever meet. so i bid you good day SIR :D PS i know england is not the best place in the world but atleast i will feel safer & get a pls & thx from people :) .

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We Westerners are accustomed to saying please and thank you. We say this when people serve us in restaurants. Thai people tend not to do that it is their custom not to. It is just a cultural difference.

If you want people to be more polite you will have to find something of a higher status to do besides serving food and cleaning up tables.

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wakey wakey, we all know these thais are big smile when you go in there shops to spend money. so dont give it all that....i have my veiws of this place, as i will say again EACH TO THERE OWN, & by the way im the most politest person you will ever meet. so i bid you good day SIR :D PS i know england is not the best place in the world but atleast i will feel safer & get a pls & thx from people :) .



I dont care what ever you are or not are!! The situation you describe is easy to fall into. And it is not easy to take yourself out of it. When I read about your life as you describe it, I got the feeling that you mostly have a hard time because you do not understand a shit of life here. You say that you understand thai-language to 90%. hmmm it is like people looking arround and cannot see anything, mostly because they are not LOOKING!!

You are right Bud69er they do not give us thank you, they do not say thank you to their own kind, so why to us falangs?? i think you expect too much really!

Your business is a shitbusiness as you say, so leave it, if you cant stay here without it, leave, Do not spend your lifetime here unhappy, it is not worth it. You know life doesn´t go in a rerun, so do the right thing now.

if you decide to stay, you realy really really have to start to adapt. look that word up,,, adapt..... and if you hate life in Phuket there are so many wonderful places here in Thailand that not are that bad as you descibe. If you lack money, as I KNOW you are, come up to Isaan, we have a very good and cheap life here, dinner 35 baht, same for lunch

Welcome mate..


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I have worked and lived all over the world. The place with the most ignorant, miserable and most unfriendly peope Ive met were in London. It was also the place I felt least safe. Has it occured to you that the Thai people are treating you as you deserve ? I have been all around Thailand and have only met nice friendly people and have never felt threatened ANYWHERE. I suggest you go back to London as you sound like you fit right in with the majority of people there!

London bad, unsafe?? You have obviously never been to America.

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