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Shocking Conversation...at Least To Me


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Keep in mind the sources people, a Taxi driver, a chilli farmer from a buri somewhere... They are not the most educated people in Thailand and are quite responsive to the over simplified, classic poor vs. rich propaganda that taxsin is all about.

Now, ask some Thais who travel, ask some that have a degree or with 2 one thousand baht notes in their pockets to rub together and you will find that they are greatful for Abihisit. My wife's friends refer to him as "Markbama" and they loath taxsin.

Keep in mind that most of those "well traveled Thais with a degree or 2" are the most hyper nationalists of all and loathe most farangs.

The rich vs. poor argument is far from propaganda. Thailand does have a "closet" caste system which is alive and well.

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There is no doubt the red shirt fanatics are now greatly reduced in number, and perhaps intensity. Lets hope they just fade away. It would better for the country to proceed without their inflammatory influence.

I doubt it will fade away, but it will (has) change focus away from Thaksin to other matters we cannot discuss on this forum.

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to be fair the vast majority of Thais are uninformed based on the censored information they are fed on a daily basis.

Luckily they have Truth Today to set them straight! :D

and ASTV for the balanced view :)

come on at least see both sides of the discussion, that way people may be more inclined to engage in conversation with you

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I've heard similar views several times up here from farming people . Hard to say wether its a minority or majority view. It is a simple view and I suppose easy to understand. under taksin they had money, now they don't. Same , Same me. :)

I Blame the Global Economic Meltdown , they Blame Abhisit. Nothing short of them striking Gold or Oil is going to change that mindset.

I've tried explaining this too. Even to a well educated Thai friend who lived in the US for 10 years, speaks perfect English. We discuss how bad trade is, how bad the global economy, how badly it's affecting Thailand, he agrees. But it always reverts to and ends with . . . 'it was better when Thaksin was here' and 'if Thaksin was back it would all be back to normal'.

It's weird.

Whatever people say about him, Thaksin is a pretty darn clever businessman. If only he'd been more interested in filling the country's coffers rather than his own.

As to the person who said all politicians are corrupt, yep, of course... but none here have had quite the same "screw you, I own this country, I'll take what I want" attitude as Thaksin... Take the money, sure, but at least have a modicum of respect for those you are fleecing. I guess that's the main difference between business vs politics...

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There is no doubt the red shirt fanatics are now greatly reduced in number, and perhaps intensity. Lets hope they just fade away. It would better for the country to proceed without their inflammatory influence.

I doubt it will fade away, but it will (has) change focus away from Thaksin to other matters we cannot discuss on this forum.

Perhaps. I think following Thaksin is a big mistake for them. He is greatly damaged goods now. If they can produce a truly charismatic leader who speaks with MORAL AUTHORITY (the opposite of Thaksin) they can become a movement of great consequence. In their current form, they come across as unruly violent irrational children.

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I've heard similar views several times up here from farming people . Hard to say wether its a minority or majority view. It is a simple view and I suppose easy to understand. under taksin they had money, now they don't. Same , Same me. :)

I Blame the Global Economic Meltdown , they Blame Abhisit. Nothing short of them striking Gold or Oil is going to change that mindset.

I've tried explaining this too. Even to a well educated Thai friend who lived in the US for 10 years, speaks perfect English. We discuss how bad trade is, how bad the global economy, how badly it's affecting Thailand, he agrees. But it always reverts to and ends with . . . 'it was better when Thaksin was here' and 'if Thaksin was back it would all be back to normal'.

It's weird.

Whatever people say about him, Thaksin is a pretty darn clever businessman. If only he'd been more interested in filling the country's coffers rather than his own.

As to the person who said all politicians are corrupt, yep, of course... but none here have had quite the same "screw you, I own this country, I'll take what I want" attitude as Thaksin... Take the money, sure, but at least have a modicum of respect for those you are fleecing. I guess that's the main difference between business vs politics...

So he wasn't handed a monopoly by an army general then? Then get a European firm to invest and develop the network (Hutchinson), then in typical fashion here, steal it all?

Edited by MJP
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I've heard similar views several times up here from farming people . Hard to say wether its a minority or majority view. It is a simple view and I suppose easy to understand. under taksin they had money, now they don't. Same , Same me. :)

I Blame the Global Economic Meltdown , they Blame Abhisit. Nothing short of them striking Gold or Oil is going to change that mindset.

I've tried explaining this too. Even to a well educated Thai friend who lived in the US for 10 years, speaks perfect English. We discuss how bad trade is, how bad the global economy, how badly it's affecting Thailand, he agrees. But it always reverts to and ends with . . . 'it was better when Thaksin was here' and 'if Thaksin was back it would all be back to normal'.

It's weird.

Whatever people say about him, Thaksin is a pretty darn clever businessman. If only he'd been more interested in filling the country's coffers rather than his own.

As to the person who said all politicians are corrupt, yep, of course... but none here have had quite the same "screw you, I own this country, I'll take what I want" attitude as Thaksin... Take the money, sure, but at least have a modicum of respect for those you are fleecing. I guess that's the main difference between business vs politics...

So he wasn't handed a monopoly by an army general then? Then get a European firm to invest and develop the network (Hutchinson), then in typical fashion here, steal it all?

Yes, that's what I meant, "crafty" or "opportunistic" would have been a better choice of word, I guess. Qualities that are acceptable, even encouraged in the world of big business, but absolutely wrong when governing a country...

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Whatever people say about him, Thaksin is a pretty darn clever businessman. If only he'd been more interested in filling the country's coffers rather than his own.

As to the person who said all politicians are corrupt, yep, of course... but none here have had quite the same "screw you, I own this country, I'll take what I want" attitude as Thaksin... Take the money, sure, but at least have a modicum of respect for those you are fleecing. I guess that's the main difference between business vs politics...

So he wasn't handed a monopoly by an army general then? Then get a European firm to invest and develop the network (Hutchinson), then in typical fashion here, steal it all?

Yes, that's what I meant, "crafty" or "opportunistic" would have been a better choice of word, I guess. Qualities that are acceptable, even encouraged in the world of big business, but absolutely wrong when governing a country...

. . . right! Then he sells it to a foreign firm and dodges the all tax! It really is no wonder they're after this guy. Tried to explain it to some reds up here once . . . last time I'm bothering with that.

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"How can there ever be reconciliation under these kinds of mis-impressions?"

The world is rife with ignorance and misperceptions, and it's not your job to change it. Your should learn to tolerate it, without comment.

Whoa! I made no comment to the guy at all. Just listened to what he had to say. Didn't say he was right or wrong. Didn't say I liked or didn't like Taksin or Abhisit.

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So you asked a random taxi driver about his political views and he supported a different politician than you...from this you were "shocked", "chilled", and then considered him "brainwashed" with "mis-impressions"....

You probably shouldn't start political conversations in the future if this is your reaction.

This seems like a wind-up anyways...who starts a post about the politician their taxi driver supported??

Whoa again! You and several of the other responders are reading WAAAAAAAAAY more into what I said than is there.

What shocked me is not that they like or don't like either Thaksin or Abhiset, and if you read again what I wrote in the OP, I don't take a side.

What shocked me was that at least this man honestly believes the people in Thailand are living in the same conditions as the people in Burma.

That's all I'm talking about here. Stop jumping to other conclusions and going into attack mode.

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I'm afraid that this thread once again shows how far out of touch many TV posters are with opinion in Isaan. Some of us pointed out long ago that it wasn't going to be easy to put the genie back in the bottle after the last couple of rounds of 'the provinces vote, Bangkok rejects'. Yes, Thaksin has tarnished his image somewhat but many of his opponents have alienated Isaan people to a degree that won't be retrievable in a generation. Shocked? Take a trip to Udon or Khon Kaen and ask around in the market!

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Our group of Motorbike taxis here have one who like Thaksin. Half who don't care about him and the rest hate Thaksin.

They are mostly if not all from Isaan.

Specially one is always complaining when he returns from a visit of his home village. He is complete shocked how uninformed they are and how "corrupt" in thinking.

That corrupt thinking: That guy gave me money=that guy is good.

I think in North and North East there are still a lot followers of Thaksin.

Thats strange because all the motorcycle taxi drivers here love Thaksin, and when one returned from his home village he is completely shocked by the damage being done to his community because of the disenfranchisement since Thaksin went, and they hurt that people think they should have no right to vote is this democracy, and confused because the help they were being given has been taken away.

Also your maths could equate to just 4 riders, one who like Thaksin, half that don't care (2) and the rest hate him (another one).

As for the home villagers being uninformed, isn't that the intention of the current government, fill them full of propaganda, to be fair the vast majority of Thais are uninformed based on the censored information they are fed on a daily basis.

yes it is indeed strange. as you tell most of the usual motorcycle taxi driver like Thaksin. Maybe that is the reason they always point out that they don't like him. I estimate they are 6-10 people and their boss don't like Thaksin, so most probably the Thaksin lovers just stay on the other corner.

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Beleive it or not, some people still think Nixon and Thatcher were good, so it's not surprising that Thai would also think the same of their former PMs.

1. Not realy anything to do with Thailand....but your comment regarding Margaret Thatcher needs to be addressed.

Dont know,or care ,if you hail from the UK,but if you did,you should be aware of the union led government of that time,with the unelected union bosses holding power over the elected government.

At that time a strong leader was required to losen the powers of the unions...along came Margaret and some sense of democracy returned.

But,like so many other leaders of countries who became 'world figures' 2.she neglected her home base and came to a sorry end.

1. A comparison that it's not something strangely Thai to have fond memories of past dictators.

2. And her country came to a sorry end too with class divisions and hatred greater than ever seen. Same same Thailand after Thaksin (Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts)

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Volunteer to work for a red shirt victory next election and get the Democrat scoundrels out of office. As a result of your efforts, prosperity will return to the people of Thailand.


Thats a very funny post.The op is right of course and Thaksin and co are wrong.You must be so good to be right all the time

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Keep in mind the sources people, a Taxi driver, a chilli farmer from a buri somewhere... They are not the most educated people in Thailand and are quite responsive to the over simplified, classic poor vs. rich propaganda that taxsin is all about.

Now, ask some Thais who travel, ask some that have a degree or with 2 one thousand baht notes in their pockets to rub together and you will find that they are greatful for Abihisit. My wife's friends refer to him as "Markbama" and they loath taxsin.

The rich get richer,so why dont they just massacre anybody under a certain weekly wage,and then get rid of all babies that are brown skinned or darker,then the next generation can pick who they want as the white chinese thais will bomb Issan and get their wish as the place not been part of Thailand.

On the other hand lets massacre the minority,which will be easy cos they cant fight,and let the majority rule in peace.Teach them all english and then farangs cannot get teaching jobs also

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Rule of thumb for me:

Never talk politics with taxi drivers. If they bring it up, change the subject or play dumb.

Great advice!

My rule is to only listen and not give my own opinion. When I'm asked I'll say, "I am just a guest. Only Thais can decide Thai politics."

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Keep in mind the sources people, a Taxi driver, a chilli farmer from a buri somewhere... They are not the most educated people in Thailand and are quite responsive to the over simplified, classic poor vs. rich propaganda that taxsin is all about.

Now, ask some Thais who travel, ask some that have a degree or with 2 one thousand baht notes in their pockets to rub together and you will find that they are greatful for Abihisit. My wife's friends refer to him as "Markbama" and they loath taxsin.

The rich get richer,so why dont they just massacre anybody under a certain weekly wage,and then get rid of all babies that are brown skinned or darker,then the next generation can pick who they want as the white chinese thais will bomb Issan and get their wish as the place not been part of Thailand.

On the other hand lets massacre the minority,which will be easy cos they cant fight,and let the majority rule in peace.Teach them all english and then farangs cannot get teaching jobs also

Whats up with all the killing and racism? Fortunately Thailand has nice jails for people of your mindset.

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Keep in mind the sources people, a Taxi driver, a chilli farmer from a buri somewhere... They are not the most educated people in Thailand and are quite responsive to the over simplified, classic poor vs. rich propaganda that taxsin is all about.

Now, ask some Thais who travel, ask some that have a degree or with 2 one thousand baht notes in their pockets to rub together and you will find that they are greatful for Abihisit. My wife's friends refer to him as "Markbama" and they loath taxsin.

The rich get richer,so why dont they just massacre anybody under a certain weekly wage,and then get rid of all babies that are brown skinned or darker,then the next generation can pick who they want as the white chinese thais will bomb Issan and get their wish as the place not been part of Thailand.

On the other hand lets massacre the minority,which will be easy cos they cant fight,and let the majority rule in peace.Teach them all english and then farangs cannot get teaching jobs also

Whats up with all the killing and racism? Fortunately Thailand has nice jails for people of your mindset.

Do they have room service?

Is airport transfer included in the price?


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Rule of thumb for me:

Never talk politics with taxi drivers. If they bring it up, change the subject or play dumb.

A lot of drivers bring up the topic first. I always play dumb, but some get all excited anyway. Being hillbillies themselves, there's no surprise that most support the northern hillbilly. Just as the last crash was the IMF's fault, not loose credit in Thailand, so the current global recession is somehow Abhisit's fault.

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Didn't you take a side in your original post?

To refresh your memory, look below.

"[cut] I asked where he was from and he replied Loei. "Ohhhhh. So are you a red shirt?" That only confused him, but I eventually said, "You like Khun Taksin". His response was chilling. No, not unfriendly at all...in fact he wanted to talk about it.

"Now all Thai people are poor because of Abhisit. We all live just like the people in Burma. Khun Taksin love poor people and Issan people."

I was stunned by just how brainwashed some of these people are to think that their government and living conditions are suddenly equivalent -- under Abhisit -- to the Burmese junta.

How can there ever be reconciliation under these kinds of mis-impressions?"

I believe this clearly indicates which way you swing.

So you asked a random taxi driver about his political views and he supported a different politician than you...from this you were "shocked", "chilled", and then considered him "brainwashed" with "mis-impressions"....

You probably shouldn't start political conversations in the future if this is your reaction.

This seems like a wind-up anyways...who starts a post about the politician their taxi driver supported??

Whoa again! You and several of the other responders are reading WAAAAAAAAAY more into what I said than is there.

What shocked me is not that they like or don't like either Thaksin or Abhiset, and if you read again what I wrote in the OP, I don't take a side.

What shocked me was that at least this man honestly believes the people in Thailand are living in the same conditions as the people in Burma.

That's all I'm talking about here. Stop jumping to other conclusions and going into attack mode.

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But you weren't shy about letting other farang (Thai Visa Posters and readers) know your personal opinion about the matter....

My rule is to only listen and not give my own opinion. When I'm asked I'll say, "I am just a guest. Only Thais can decide Thai politics."
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