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Panther On The Loose In Chumphon


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It seems the only wild life the Thais want to have in this country are the countless billions or rats that the street vendors keep feeding by dumping the food into the sewer system. Very sad if such a beautiful animal (and very rare I am sure) is destroyed senselessly.

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BTW, how does one delete a duplicate post? :)

Click "report" in the bottom left of your post and type "duplicate" in the report field and a mod will delete it. It does say "report" is for reporting objectionable material, but I think this is ok. I never had a mod complain to me, in fact one just thanked me.

Edited by ScubaBuddha
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Unbelievable! A Black Panther in Thailand!

Where can this poor kitten go?!? I hope (s)he finds his (her?) way back to the peaceful mountain and live in peace... Maybe Burma???

For the panther's sake, I hope they don't see him again (meaning he is safe!)

I am on your side, Big Cat :) Run, and don't stop!

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Fantastic!! I really hope they capture it alive. Be such a shame to kill such a wonderful animal.

Agreed. It's a bit like the shark scares of the 50's in the US. Solution? Kill all the sharks. If the panther doesn't threaten humans, it should not be killed.

From blackpantheranimal.com:

Although black panthers can adapt well to different environments and habitats, they are in danger. Their population is shrinking along with their habitats. Human beings are the biggest threat to the survival of black panthers. The environmental changes, which cause the loss and deterioration of natural habitats for black panthers, are also a big threat to black panthers.

The U.S. Endangered Species Act has listed leopards on the African continent as “Threatened” (South Africa) and “Endangered” (the rest of Africa and Middle East & Asia). CITES, the agency that classifies species internationally, has listed the leopard as “vulnerable”. In the 1970s, all leopards were listed as vulnerable by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), and international trade in leopard was prohibited.

Threat from Human Beings

Black panthers, like all members of the big cat family, have no greater enemy in nature than human beings. Farmers have killed them with poison and traps to protect livestock or people. Hunters have killed them for adventure and for their beautiful and precious furs.

Threat from the Environment

Human beings are moving into areas traditionally natural habitat and communities for wildlife animals. Habitat loss and deterioration is threatening the survival of black panthers. Environmental contamination such as mercury and other chemicals is also a cause of death of wild animals including black panthers.

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Just reminded me: Did they ever find the escaped hippo in Chiang Mai?

Yes, after much speculation and searching I believe they found it not far from where it went missing, dead in a drain - so what chance would the zoo people have of ever finding a highly mobile panther.

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Fantastic!! I really hope they capture it alive. Be such a shame to kill such a wonderful animal.

I say give the farmer 1.5 times the value of whatever the cat eats (once verified by an expert), that way they can think of this as a lucky attack, and not hunt it down and kill it, which is what they will do until there are absolutely none left.

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Maybe round up a few truckloads of street dogs from the cities and release them in the park. It would solve two problems and they wouldn't have to kill the rare cat.

Yeh good idea in theory, and I like the part about keeping this awesome big cat alive. Thing is I dont think the dogs would need to worry too much, these cats like healthy lean meat, once it claps it's eyes on one of yer average soi mongrel's it'd probably take pity and share it's kill with them :)

Actually wild cats and animals in general always seek out the weakest and easiest kill which is usually the sick one in the pack. You might not like the thought of eating a maingy old dog but to a big cat it see's a big fat steaming roast turkey!

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Worried that the panther might attack village children, Mr Thawee called in the livestock department to hunt it down.

I wonder why experts from the zoo aren't called in

Bad move as they'll just feed it bird flu infected chicken's!36_11_5.gif

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Poor animal, it will soon be eaten by the villagers, in the rare case that it gets even with them for mistreating animals in local zoo's it is really a matter of som nam naa.

No doubt because of the absurd notion that eating wild animals makes you strong.

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Pretty its not pink, then it could probably help the police catch all the crooks :D


Like wise! I was going to suggest stalking the cat, by saying ' here pussy'

and then produce a spray can, quickly spray it a pink colour, henceforth be known as

the pink panther! and clean up all the local crime and corruption.


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