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Why Do Yanks Live In Thailand


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General knowledge can be applied anywhere.

This must be the same General who fell in love with LOS - the beautiful women - the cheap beer - shortly after the Vietnam War, and never went home.

(I knew we’d get this thread back on track)

That wasn't a General. I think you mean a Colonel. Went by the name of Sanders. Heard he started a fried chicken joint. He brought over some American Royalty also. The Burger King and Dairy Queen. Thailand hasn't been the same since :o

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That wasn't a General. I think you mean a Colonel. Went by the name of Sanders. Heard he started a fried chicken joint. He brought over some American Royalty also. The Burger King and Dairy Queen. Thailand hasn't been the same since :D


Another CLASSIC!!!


The things that some people say in the wee small hours of the morning... :o


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Some people here are obnoxious and arrogant. They are fond of bashing most anyone and they consider themselves better than THOU! To justify their bashing they call it humor. I call it stupidity. :o

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Some people here are obnoxious and arrogant. They are fond of bashing most anyone and they consider themselves better than THOU! To justify their bashing they call it humor. I call it stupidity. :D

I didn't read any bashing in Popeye's post... :o

Have I missed something? :D

I found it to be a refreshing dose of humour. :D

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I was referring to posts scattered throughout this thread. I think you know who the bashers are. I too find many of the posts humorous. If I couldn't find any humor here I'd waste my time someother way. :o

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I was referring to posts scattered throughout this thread.  I think you know who the bashers are. I too find many of the posts humorous. If I couldn't find any humor here I'd waste my time someother way. :D

I know what you mean... :o

Read the "Why do Aussies live in Thailand" thread Gary... at least us Aussies can laugh at ourselves!


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Well I think this thread has proved that - Yanks cannot laugh at themselves.  :D

I know a yank in Phuket who got Khun Nueng tattooed on his his shoulder, although he cannot speak the language, shags bar girls and generally is the most boring man on the planet, he actually thinks he is something special - He makes me laugh just looking at him.

Septic tanks dont mind having a go at the French, Mexicans or Canadians, but once its thrown back at em, they cant handle it - funny fluckers  :o

Oh, and just when I was starting to think you were funny. Oh well - I guess it's not meant to be Torn... you probably can't dance anyway :D

General knowledge can be applied anywhere.

This must be the same General who fell in love with LOS - the beautiful women - the cheap beer - shortly after the Vietnam War, and never went home.

(I knew we’d get this thread back on track)


General knowledge can be applied anywhere.

This must be the same General who fell in love with LOS - the beautiful women - the cheap beer - shortly after the Vietnam War, and never went home.

(I knew we’d get this thread back on track)

That wasn't a General. I think you mean a Colonel. Went by the name of Sanders. Heard he started a fried chicken joint. He brought over some American Royalty also. The Burger King and Dairy Queen. Thailand hasn't been the same since :D

:D I find this to be very funny as well. But, since I'm an American, I guess it doesn't count. Doesn't matter, because I'm ethnically mixed and probably defy most of the bigoted beliefs on this thread anyway.

Edited by kat
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I can dance babe  :D

What a site...I can only imagine! :o

The gent out on the dance floor with Abba's "Dancing Queen" in the background.

Where's Georgie now! :D:D:D

more like Y M C A :D

And what pocket and what color would you have that hankerchif hanging out the back? :D

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Are there really Americans living in Thailand ? I thought I'd be the only one for sure  :D About 7-8 months ago many were saying that when asked where they were from they responded: Canada

Them musta been a bunch of Hanoi Jane-lovers then... :o

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I can dance babe  :D

What a site...I can only imagine! :o

The gent out on the dance floor with Abba's "Dancing Queen" in the background.

Where's Georgie now! :D:D:D

more like Y M C A :D

And what pocket and what color would you have that hankerchif hanging out the back? :D

usually a texarse flag hangin out of the right hand side back pocket. :D

Edited by Tornado
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I can dance babe  :D

What a site...I can only imagine! :D

The gent out on the dance floor with Abba's "Dancing Queen" in the background.

Where's Georgie now! :D:D:D

more like Y M C A :D

And what pocket and what color would you have that hankerchif hanging out the back? :D

usually a texarse flag hangin out of the right hand side back pocket. :D

Which means...? :o

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Are there really Americans living in Thailand ? I thought I'd be the only one for sure  :o About 7-8 months ago many were saying that when asked where they were from they responded: Canada

Speaking of my personal experience, I only magically become Canadian when I visit Arabic (especially Iranian) restaurants. I happen to love Arabic food but I am afraid of being poisoned. I would say I am from Belize (an English speaking small central American country) but I doubt anyone would believe it. Vancouver is lovely this time of year, eh?

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This thread has certainly become a striking reminder of what seems to me and many other long-term expats to be the worst drawback to living here: the kind of foreigners who, all too often, are drawn to this place. Nasty, simple, small-minded jackasses and ignoramuses. My, oh my. No wonder so many intelligent, well-educated Thais want to have as little to do with most foreigners as they can.

You were making a lot of sense then you went stupid on us and started singing the Thai are smart anthem. A national IQ of 87 does not make for much intelligent conversation.

I think saying "many intelligent, well-educated Thais.." is not the same as saying that ALL Thai's are smart. It simply means that there are intelligent and well-educated Thais. Are you saying this is no the case?

Perhaps it's not the IQ levels that's the stumbling block on "intelligent conversation"?

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Are there really Americans living in Thailand ? I thought I'd be the only one for sure  :o About 7-8 months ago many were saying that when asked where they were from they responded: Canada

Vancouver is lovely this time of year, eh?

Yeah but Atlanta is warming up... :D

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Just had a bite and something to wash it down with at the 'local' in our Soi. Myself, 2 brit teachers and an american who works out of the embassy. Topics of discussion? Chelsea Liverpool match tonight, a trip report from Udon Thani, weekend golf upcoming in Pattaya, Blair election, etc. We're all regulars, never a problem, and always have a laff (usually at each others expense) :D Just my 2 baht/pence/cents PS: Vancouver is lovely this time of year :o

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Some people here are obnoxious and arrogant. They are fond of bashing most anyone and they consider themselves better than THOU! To justify their bashing they call it humor. I call it stupidity. :o

Maybe the "sense of humour" differs... If a joke is barely funny the first time repeating it ad nauseam will only improve it. So far this hasn't worked.

For example, American football jokes really aren't all that interesting to me because American football isn't of interest to me. Going on and on about how boring it is only bores me. When the basher doesn't get a rise out of me I am told I have no sense of humour. Really, I was just yawning into me bitter, mate.

Luckily, this only happens once in a while. But having the same, "The US is..." conversation gets old. Assuming that all Americans are the same just shows the ignorance of the one making assumptions.

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Who cares? Yanks are yanks. The rest of the world will still dislike them no matter where they live. :o

Everyone dislikes everyone unless they are buying!!! :D

That said it all Maveric, thanx.

and yes, things are a little murky lately,

Traditionally we finish wars, not start them,

Fight the good fight,

But politics are just that, politics,

You hate us now, love us tomorrow and all bets are off for next week ...

Be it a Scot, Irishman, Aussie, Brit, Canadian, .. at some point we've all fought side by side, in shit holes all over the world, taking the high road,

for better or worse, next round on me mod8(smoking%20pipe)a.gif

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That said it all Maveric, thanx.

and yes, things are a little murky lately,

Traditionally we finish wars, not start them,

Fight the good fight, 

But politics are just that, politics,

You hate us now, love us tomorrow and all bets are off for next week ...

Be it a Scot, Irishman, Aussie, Brit, Canadian, .. at some point we've all fought side by side, in shit holes all over the world, taking the high road,

for better or worse, next round on me mod8(smoking%20pipe)a.gif

This would be probably the most accurate post yet. I would be happy to have a drink with you anytime, cheers mate. :o

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