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Noisy Cocks! How To Shut Them Up ...? Help!


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I rather like the ultrasonic solution. It seems pretty complex, but if one could buy the unit complete from somewhere (where?) in Bangkok, this does seem to be a great solution. And if it's adjustable working on both dogs *and* roosters!

Not to hijack the thread, but I do remember several years ago reading something about using ultrasonic units for crowd control, particularly to disable a riot. There was even suggestion of a military use to slow or prevent an assault.

At one particular frequency, the male (curiously not female) tissues around the anus will vibrate and cause it to open. Imagine a rioter trying to throw stones or bottles while squeezing his sphincter!

I don't remember reading any followup to this. Perhaps it was realized that in the hands of the rioters, the police lines would be disabled!

Think, too, of what might happen at a karaoke bar if the frequency was linked to volume! Sure make the particular bar unpopular with the screechers.

If anyone does have more information about the ultrasonic units, I'd very much appreciate hearing about it.

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I rather like the ultrasonic solution.

If anyone does have more information about the ultrasonic units, I'd very much appreciate hearing about it.


This link may enlighten you a little but I should'nt put too much faith in these contraptions. But you have to try something. I thought I had more info. on my computer but I can't find it. I'll post it if I do.

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I rather like the ultrasonic solution.

If anyone does have more information about the ultrasonic units, I'd very much appreciate hearing about it.


This link may enlighten you a little but I should'nt put too much faith in these contraptions. But you have to try something. I thought I had more info. on my computer but I can't find it. I'll post it if I do.

Thanks for that link, Asmerom. Interesting read. However, it does focus on the "pest" birds like seagulls and pigeons, etc, rather than something like the roosters of the OP. It repels the birds and sends them off to somewhere else to roost or nest, not really appropriate for a chicken coop :-) Might make 'em a bit more crazy than before! Assuming, of course, that it works.

Now that I think about it, apparently there is a device currently being used in some jurisdictions, at least North America, that sends out a particular frequency that is inaudible to anyone over about 20 years of age. (Hearing shifts over time.) This is being used by some convenience stores in particular to discourage young groups from gathering around the store, using it as a social gathering place, and disturbing or interfering with customers. Called the Moskito, or Mosquito, or something similar.

OP will want something to stop the roosters, others would like something to stop the dog howling and barking, and I'd like something to discourage amplified high volume sources.

Edited by JusMe
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Quieter than feral cats ...(hence the name whisper) single shot pellet

Sure he may have a hunch your popping them...but at least he will move them out of range :)

Ok...just kidding...kind of :D You do get use to crowing ...but a guest house....thats a tough one for guests.

Good Luck


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ummmm like this ...I think I'm developping Rambo instincts.. hehehe! Night vision goggles, a camouflage outfit and one of these... Yup!!

Where in Chiang Mai can I get one...??

I have a guy working on the ultrasonic but he can't find speakers that give more than 30 khz... anyway still trying .. but this as an alternative .. or maybe one that just shoots out plastic pellets .. :D

Quieter than feral cats ...(hence the name whisper) single shot pellet

Sure he may have a hunch your popping them...but at least he will move them out of range :)

Ok...just kidding...kind of :D You do get use to crowing ...but a guest house....thats a tough one for guests.

Good Luck


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  • 2 months later...

Get a load of corn (maize) and thread cow's hair (buffalo would do) through each niblet using a needle or piece of wire. Then cut off the excess hair so that just a short length is poking out of each side. Scatter around and wait. Once they find the corn and start eating you won't have any crowing because the cocks will be too busy coughing trying to get the corn out of their throats. The only trouble with this is the the hens will be caught up in the battle. The cocks will not be harmed as eventually they will cough up the corn. They do not seem to learn though and will still take the corn if put out again.

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pay him off

Its the same pretty much in any village in Thailand. The cocks start going off at 3am. very irritating, but TIT.

A friend of mine built a house 20 years ago here, dug a hole for a pool in the corner. Next week the neighbour put a pig pen on the other side of the fence.

Friend fills in pool.

Neighbour gets rid of pigs.


moral of the story - who's the daddy!

Edited by whiterussian
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To me, your neighbour seems like a bit of a bum. even by Thai standards.

He shows no consideration for you or your business. He leaves you with no alternative but to fight dirty. There are a lot of hours between midnight and 5am and there are a lot of people who could damage his property for a bit of cash.

It might not solve your problem but you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are reciprocating on the stress factor.

Some people do not deserve to be treated with decent normal behaviour. He is one of them, an a------e. Give HIM something to start worrying about. I would.

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I like the look of that bark control device. I would kill for one. Where on this planet can I get one?

I've got one I do not need anymore. But it's in UK and I am in Singapore. If the worst comes to the worst and you cannot get one I will bring it for you when I return next after going home first. I assume you are in Thailand?

Very efective deterent

I seem to remember that I got mine from the Internet.

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I feel sorry for you too. But you make the mistake by contact him first, now is to late to poison the chicken.

let that be a lesson for anyone else. :)

Very True .If you poison them now you are in for a world of hurt. Better to have told him how much you love chickens and the sound of roosters crowing. Tell him you would be interested in buying fresh eggs for your guests then after a few months poison the chickens. Complaining in Thailand will do you no good at all.

Edited by chokrai
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You have my complete sympathy: Only one rooster was enough to drive me off my rocker. :D

Neighbor left for one week, allowing the rooster to roam the neighborhood, crowing in front of everyone's bedroom window. He had such a knack, finding that one window. One morning I had the good fortune to catch him in my flower garden, trampling down the plants looking for insects (after having kept me awake since 3 a.m.). Suddenly an urge to murder (which I've never had until now) welled up in me. I grabbed a nearby stick and beat him senseless. No sound since that murderous rampage. Either I knocked his brains out, or he took a direct blow to the larynx. It's all a blur to me now.

May all the demon-cocks come calling to your garden. :)

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