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Asked To Produce My Passport Today


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Showing your ACAB tattoo might have scared him away :D:):D:D

Here in the rose of the north I often see civilians sitting in those things, often homeless drunks, an old guy watching the speed of modern world, sometimes tourists.

Seems no big deal here, and most cops I met are in for a joke, the way Thais law-trespassers treat them with an overload of wais and apologies must be very boring for them, cops like a joke too. Once at the police station paying a fine for not wearing helmet I joked 'lot dai mai ?', he looked at his pricelist and said, 'OK I write you not show drivinglicence' you pay only half :D

No problem with cops here, have few cops as 'beer friend' as well. Eventually when something happens, just call them and it helps, that's what Thais do.

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Once, in a small city in Indonesia, I did the same thing one hot evening. I finally found someone selling cold drinks, his cart set next to an unoccupied corner police shelter (same as Thai but without a helmet for a roof). I'd just done a lot of walking and was pretty tired, so I sat at the booth. The vendor was watching me with amusement.

I turned to him and said 'now I am the police' and held my hand out with the thumb across the fingers gesture of $. He got a laugh out of it.

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What city was this in????

It was near to khon kaen that the said incident happened,ok officer!

I have seen Thais sit in these places before, but they may have been off-duty police. Not a good place for Farangs to test the tolerance of the police.

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Will you go and sit in a police box in Europe or the USA? Don't think so... So why do it in Thailand? oh yeah sure... You are superior.

Yes quite correct,by sitting in one of these it made me feel i was extra-ordinary! it works you should try it,the feeling i got while i was sipping my iced coffee was something else,almost super human! (TIT)


You should have told him that you did not know that this was a police box as you have never seen a copper wearing this type of hat and that you cannot read Thai, "just thought they were similar to a park bench :) but with somewhere to put your drink guv".

I'm thinking you should have told him you thought that was a ice cream stall.... Poor guy, you insulted his "stature" & now he as to live with the fact that you dared sit upon his throne.

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"I'm thinking you should have told him you thought that was a ice cream stall.... Poor guy, you insulted his "stature" & now he as to live with the fact that you dared sit upon his throne."

I tried but cut could you have taken him seriously on a yamaha? :)


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