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I don't know if you can get one here, but I had a big roach problem years ago in Chicago and got me a small Amazonian frog. I gave it no food, only water, and it got very fat. I could even watch it hunt. It was so small I never noticed the frog's waste, and it had the run of the house.

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I don't know if you can get one here, but I had a big roach problem years ago in Chicago and got me a small Amazonian frog. I gave it no food, only water, and it got very fat. I could even watch it hunt. It was so small I never noticed the frog's waste, and it had the run of the house.

But beware, the waste may be more of a problem from the animals you have to bring in to control the frog population.

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I don't know if you can get one here, but I had a big roach problem years ago in Chicago and got me a small Amazonian frog. I gave it no food, only water, and it got very fat. I could even watch it hunt. It was so small I never noticed the frog's waste, and it had the run of the house.

But beware, the waste may be more of a problem from the animals you have to bring in to control the frog population.

Well, hopefully the French know how to use toilets... :o

Where would I get Amazonian Frogs around here? (If they are available to get)

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Not sure what laundry soap has to do with it.

Here is a quote from a website I have found for you.

There are two proven approaches to dealing with la cucaracha: (1) borax, and (2) arson. Assuming your landlord objects to the latter line of attack, hie yourself down to the basement and mix up the following recipe: 4 parts borax, 2 parts flour, and 1 part cocoa powder.

Now, you may regard borax as "pansy-ass," my boy, but that is because you are young and ignorant and have not yet grasped the subtleties of Total Insect Warfare, which requires fanatical dedication. You must mix up oodles of this stuff and apply it with the enthusiasm of Robert S. McNamara dumping Agent Orange on the Mekong Delta. Pour it in a continuous line along the walls. Put an extra dose under sinks and around kitchen cabinets. ######, fill your damned house to a depth of one foot with the stuff. The little bastards will die piteously, I promise.

Incidentally, should you also be happen to be troubled by rats, I have here an ingenious formula for inducing rat death: Mix equal parts cement and flour. Place a pan of this powder out next to a pan of water. The rats eat the cement, then they drink the water, and by the next morning their bowels have turned to concrete. Sadistic, eh? I knew you'd love it.

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Is their any pet I can keep in my apartment that will keep the isect population down?  I'm kinda high up so theres not much of a mosquito problem,  but there are small roaches that have made their way in. 


Make them biger&bigger. Buy a hand cart. Start a small business. 20 Bt for a pack... and you'll start wonder how to breed more and more...

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I used to live in the middle on Chiang Mai, and one afternoon the house 2 doors down got the exterminators in to got rid of them. They put gas down somewhere to get rid of them.

Well, the house next door had made some alteration to the drains at the back of their house and they didn't have the open drains like most houses - so about 50 cockroaches came scurrying up into our kitchen!

My sister-in-law - who was staying with us at the time - spent about an hour killing every last one. Not a bad afternoons work for a buddhist!

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Maybe a cat . Not sure if u are allowed to keep them in your apartment. They don't really eat roaches, but love playing with them until they die. Or maybe a few pet tarantulas. I am pretty sure u can buy them off the street. Back in Australia we had huntsman spiders who were a great pest control. The problem is a large spider is alot more creepy than a roach :o

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Cockroaches are extremely light sensitive (install floodlights :D ) and are more difficult to get rid of if you have cavity walls. They only like properties where they can eat the garbage or kitchens where you leave crumbs. Keep garbage cans closed! You are unlikely to kill them all if you have an infestation, just stop them feeding. One female can give birth to 1 million cockroaches during her life and she only needs to mate one time :o Feel sorry for the males :D

Unless you have some phobia about them don't worry, as they are one of the cleanest insects :D

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