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As Dr. Smith Dharmasaroja, National Disaster Warning Centre-Thailand


My post a few years ago......


As in Haiti that did not have a major Earthquake for a hundred of years yet it did happen. So what if God forbid it did in Kan.........................................

Active faults

Srinakarin and Vajiralongkorn dams are situated on major faults - Sri Sawat and Three Pagodas - which remain active.

There have been widespread fears of dams collapsing when earthquakes strike.

Some reading for you all


The Srinakarin Reservoir is situated in the west of Thailand, about 190 km northwest of Bangkok. It was completed in 1981. On 22 April 1983, an earthquake of Mb 5.8 occurred at the border of the end of the a reservoir (approximately 50 km away from the dam). From comparisons of the typical characteristics of reservoir earthquakes and values of probabilistic prediction, two-step comprehensive fuzzy evaluation and estimation of maximum magnitude, we infer that this earthquake of April 1983 has been reservoir-induced. If this is true then this earthquake represents one of the most important reservoir earthquakes in the world in the 1980s.


Two moderately active geological faults have been identified in the province of Kanchanaburi which is only about 200

kilometres away from Bangkok. There are 11 other active faults; most of them located in the North, Kanchanaburi and

the southern province of Ranong.

At present, only buildings in nine northern provinces and Kanchanaburi, which are classified as moderate- to high-

risk areas, are legally required to be "quake proof", but the law only covers new buildings which leaves virtually

all pre-existing structures unsafe in the event of a major earthquake.

which way would you go

Sawadee :)


stay on the nice plateau that is Nakornratchasima :)

failing that, make like a shepard, and get the flock out of here!

stay on the nice plateau that is Nakornratchasima :D

failing that, make like a shepard, and get the flock out of here!

Yes, Thank you 'Loz',

I herd it through the grapevine. :D hence me post :D

Sawadee :)


I was caught up in the Tsunami, I was literally under water at one point.

Bearing that in mind, with regards to the question "Which way will you go?": In my experience you have no choice in the matter, such a disaster will take you wherever it wants to and you are powerless to do anything about it. You just have to hope for the best

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