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Two Dsl Connections At One Telephone Line


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just a simple technical question

Can I use two internet service providers at the same time on one telephone line

I have now True for three weeks.

and oh boy it drops down let say between 5 and 10 times an hour.

I can not convince (so far ) that true people it is there infra-structure.

And get some people around, trained for one thing but with a general knowledge that is poor poor

So can I have a second one added to it

So I can prove that it is

I don't want something fast and shiny (like a jaguar car)

but something stable and that works most of the time (like a Toyota car)

I dont need to often download big things so

so can I get a Tot 1 2 3 or mbps whatever speed also with the same line at the same time ?

Pieter :)

Edited by pieter73
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Easy answer No.

The line from True will go to a distribution box or patch panel (usually found on the Street, big green metal locker thing), to be patched into their network from that location.

Also depends on your location which provide is best.

Example, two trains on two lines approaching a bridge with only one track on it, both cannot go at the same time.

Edited by beano2274
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If your line is from True, then I do not think you can get another provider, however if your line was from TOT and laid by TOT then you could get another provider, such as Jasmine and various others. But you will have to give up your TRUE DSL.

I use TOT 2MB with free calls from my phone upto a certain limit, I am in Nonthaburi and do not have a problem with TOT, many others do. Where do you live? Check out comments in other threads about Internet links in that area.

AIS have Buddy, which I believe is TV, Internet and Phone, all bundled into one, maybe that might be worth looking into.

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Real answer is no.

A phone line (a pair of wires) is directly connected to a DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer) either in a roadside cabinet or in a telephone exchange. It is a 1 to 1 relationship. The DSLAM provides your internet access in a freequency higher than the voice freequency, which is why you need to have a line filter, so spikes in the voice freequency don't interfer with your ADSL Modem. If you have 2 pairs (4 wires) coming into your house, you may be able to get them split and connected to two different ISPs, the same way you can have two phone numbers on 4 wires, or you can get another lead in.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah & you would need some special hardware to manage the packets - as stated above. From the 2 different modems. Certainly you would need two discreet phone lines. Google it.

All he needs is;

1. Another ToT line then use either ToT/CSLox/Buddy Broadband - his choice

2. A Cisco/Linksys RV042 to put the two adsl lines together

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  • 1 month later...

You want 2 internet lines and do load balancing between them.

It is not something really difficult.

here is what you need:

- 2 phone lines

- 2 modems (one for each phone line). I personaly recommand Linksys or Zyxel modems

- 2 internet connections (one for each modem + phone line)

- 1 firewall that accept 2 WAN (WAN is the internet connection) as a WAN Trunk

For this last part, I can tell you that D-Link or Zywall are making production that can have 2 WAN port and they are not too pricey. For more professional, you can go for Cisco, Wathcguard, Netask... and they are much more expensive (especially due to the special licences for the Dual Wan capabilites)

If you want something strong and good pricing, I would recommand Zyxel. the Zywall 35, 70 or 100 are really reliable.

I personaly own a Zywall USG 100 (before I had a Cisco ASA 5505 but was "bored" of Cisco Firewalls) and it works great and the web interface and really good. And an other good thing: the user guide is really detailed (about 800 pages).


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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it possible? Yes, but the phone/internet companies won't setup such a connection, except on a temporary/test basis.

I say temporary/test basis since over a year ago when I had TOT internet package I decided I wanted to change from TOT. JI-NET allowed me to test their service for 3 days by simply giving me a User ID and Password to enter into the TOT modem setup...and bamm I was then running on the JI-NET internet servers. To the best of my knowledge I was still connecting to the same TOT DSLAM, but after that point I was routed to JI-NET servers. Now, JI-NET does have a concessionaire agreement with TOT which means you can get JI-NET service over TOT lines. I could switch back to my TOT internet package in about 30 seconds just by re-entering the TOT User ID and Password into the TOT provided DSL modem.

Summary: yes it can be done technically, but phone/internet companies don't do it on a permanent basis per contract/money/customer reasons.

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You have a True connection already to their DSLAM. All you need is to get TOT to install a phone line to your hose and with the correct equipent (as specified by mortem and joncl) then you can have it.

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