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Road Blocks - Stop & Search

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I was stopped this morning at the usual road block/police check thing. passed hundreds of times and never seen it manned. On the odd ocassion I get stopped as soon as they see a Farang they usually just ask a few questions and then give up and send me on my way. But this morning I was waved to one side. A policeman stood at the driver side window as usual asking the same questions, where you from , where you go etc..

A black clad military type got in the passengers side and riffled through my Glove compartment and searched the contents of a pack of wet wipes while I was being distracted by the Cop. He had removed his usual black ballaclava as a token gesture I suppose. When I asked what the black hand gang member was doing he seemed surprised, attempted the answer several times to my reply of 'my kow jai' and then exited the vehicle. Luckily I didn't have any Illegal substances or immigrants in the Glove compartment. They waved me on my way, didn't check the contents of the rest of the Vehicle. I was a bit miffed at the black clad gentleman but I suppose thats what they do and I've been lucky previously.

I see a lot of these black hand gang types knocking about with the telltale Green kneckerchief and bank robbing balaclava. Sometimes Clearing and burning at the side of the road and sometimes in the back of a pickup truck heavily armed.

Look a bit of a rabble to me but what do I know. Border patrol Guards maybe !? Just what is there Job description ?


what is this black hand gang of which you speak? i have not come across this term, at least as it applies to anything other than franz ferdinand.

it seems the cop may not have either.

i would like to know more.


t.s if they were the Tahaan Praan they are basically mercinaries working for the military. I knew one years ago and spent a lots of drinking hours with him. He was a friend of the brother in law and would spend time in the village during his breaks.

At that time he was protecting refugee camps along the border and would spend weeks living rough in the jungle. I don’t know if he was bragging or not but claimed he was paid a bounty for any communists he shot trying to infiltrate the camps.

t.s if they were the Tahaan Praan they are basically mercinaries working for the military. I knew one years ago and spent a lots of drinking hours with him. He was a friend of the brother in law and would spend time in the village during his breaks.

At that time he was protecting refugee camps along the border and would spend weeks living rough in the jungle. I don’t know if he was bragging or not but claimed he was paid a bounty for any communists he shot trying to infiltrate the camps.

Looks similar. Green Kneckercheif and not quite so ugly. Black Hand Gang !? . I don't know. they were totally covered in black except for the jazzy kneckercheif. Term sounded appropriate.

Border Area along the Mekong river so I assumed Border patrol of some description.


I doubt very much that they are mercenaries. Just a different division of police or army. Probably more likely to be seen working up country or in the jungle/border areas. Either looking for immigrants or Drug runners/routes

I think that you were just subject to a random search because they may have had a tip off that a farang was doing a run that day. Either that or you`re just a dodgy looking character Jubby :)

Nothing to do with the "Black Hand Gang" as a simple google search will tell you.

I doubt very much that they are mercenaries. Just a different division of police or army. Probably more likely to be seen working up country or in the jungle/border areas. Either looking for immigrants or Drug runners/routes

I think that you were just subject to a random search because they may have had a tip off that a farang was doing a run that day. Either that or you`re just a dodgy looking character Jubby :)

Nothing to do with the "Black Hand Gang" as a simple google search will tell you.

Dodgy !? I can assure you I'm a very Handsome Man :D

Farang doing a run that day!. Not far from the truth. I had a truck load of Illicit pebbles freshly picked from the Mekong River Bed , Luckily they didn't spot a ton of pebbles; more concerned about the Wetwipes I use to wipe my K$#... ... erh. Nose :D




i was aware of the tahaan praan, i was just wondering where the op came up with "black hand gang" as he alluded to it in a manner which suggested it was a common term that the readers here and the police he spoke to should be familliar with it.

i was wondering if it was a well known group or if he was bandying about the word gang as many here toss about the word scam.



i was aware of the tahaan praan, i was just wondering where the op came up with "black hand gang" as he alluded to it in a manner which suggested it was a common term that the readers here and the police he spoke to should be familliar with it.

i was wondering if it was a well known group or if he was bandying about the word gang as many here toss about the word scam.

It just came into my head. Seemed suitable, They do appear a bit suspect and I was a bit concerned about their Authority. So maybe I was Bandying. Apologies .


im sure just standard inspection, as farang can mess around with illegal substances too, but you should keep your valuables on your person for these type of searches... i have heard a testimony from a close friend (thai) that once the police did same to her and her friends and the police lifted her phone from her bag during a distracting search...!

i am sure that is rare, but good to be aware...

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