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you have many good points....

keep up your head.... and full stream ahead....

i too came across many functions where the principle success person and the main success character were not included.... i could only concluded that the function was a show of power....

and if you are not in the power game.... and why should you as a farang be interested in a thai power game anyway....

just let it go, friend.... and

teach your heart out.... maximizing your opportunity with the thai students.... helping them to realize their dreams and potentialities.... it is hard to accept--that they do not want to accept your hard work and great contribution.... but i am more than certain that your students do know and realize what a great teacher you are to them.... keep it up....


Wow...so many things to respond to. Where to begin?

Regards, Step


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Thank you Nakachalet for understanding,

yes power game you said...makes me thinking how many times i saw it here...

adults in teaching makes me feel so sick (many times so sad) when i see where youth going...there are some good young teachers who abandoned kicking students with bamboo sticks, who are visiting poorest families of students in their afternoons and trying to help...unfortunatelly, majority is so careless. Not interested for teching, even. They just do the shift as in any other occupation.

Yesterday, i saw the kids went out in the middle of class to take some cakes or juices. Some of them didn't have some money and they were sitting inside. I bought small milk to all off them as i felt bad watching them. I saw on the gate parents are giving them 20 Bht every morning. Parents in my school are working at the local market. I saw in the afternoon. my students are helping to parents. I am giving 10-20 Bht "tip" any time i see them. Surprisingly, those students are hard working about English. I admire their strong wish to fight for life. One boy insisting to talk English to me any time we meet. Father and mother have some English but they don't have some school, they work at the market. I like that family.

My recent lesson is Aesop fable. I am drawing for the kids scenes from fable. Thai kids dislike books but adore comics so i think if i draw my lessons, will be easier to accept and understand. I speak Thai a little bit but i don't allow they talk in Thai labguage to me. I don't have any assistance from Thai teachers even Director says they will be with me. My Thai assistants understood it is free time for them. Phoning, reading magazines is their way to help, assist. I don't mind but that telling me more about system in teaching here.

However, My students going well about this lesson and they are able to give short answers, incorect English but that showing they understood the lesson.

That is Prathom level.

My Matthayom level students are now interested for English much more. The reason is i show them "secret" formula, as a trick to make the be interested for English.

I made on board as formula GE>GU>GC>GM>GL. It is good English (education) gives a good university later, gives good company later,gives good money later>gives good life finaly ...For all of this i gave them examples. Very logical examles, from real life. That is same as i made teaching my daughters about the life. No any difference.

So, i feel fine when they run around me all the time but that making jealousy at Thai teachers-belive or not. My Head asked me before why i am so kind to students. More stupid question i can not imagine. She explained to me it is like i will be in the eyes of students as a white and she will be as black. Really, she should not teach at all. I thought is the main goal for teacher to achieve friendly feelings at his student. Obviously i wrong.

Cheers mate



As a long-time teacher and occasional teacher of English, I would have to agree that the OP does not appear to be a native speaker, or even one of the more comfortable non-native speakers. I have students who can write spontaneously on exams with consistently better results. Furthermore, with the lack of organisation of the material in the OP, I have avoided responding so far because I cannot understand what the topic actually is.

Step, confess- are you a native speaker of English or not, and what is this thread about?


(this is not an order from a mod- I'm simply being cheeky).

As a long-time teacher and occasional teacher of English, I would have to agree that the OP does not appear to be a native speaker, or even one of the more comfortable non-native speakers. I have students who can write spontaneously on exams with consistently better results. Furthermore, with the lack of organisation of the material in the OP, I have avoided responding so far because I cannot understand what the topic actually is.

Step, confess- are you a native speaker of English or not, and what is this thread about?


(this is not an order from a mod- I'm simply being cheeky).



Joking me, right?

It's obvious i am not native speaker, i said that many times. I have no reason to hide. That doesn't mean i am not good at teach.

I didn't need to organize my text, I was writing from a hand (heart). I thought i have no reason to control grammar and typos. I thought will be understandable what's my point.

As i see you had a problem to get the point, and as i know you are ok person (reading your posts), i will pay more attention next time about my style so, i will be sure you will understand me.

The point is discrimination. Unfairness, incompetence, lack of interest for teach, mistakes in educational system here...etc. Should to be as some kond of warning to any one who is thinking to come here, what might happens.

That was all about.

Stay well there. mate.

In my text i said now i understand why you chose your nick ijustwannateach. I have same feelings. My text was also about it.



First, yes, you should know where you are. You are in Thailand...their country...not yours....

It means i should (or any one else here) be mute,deaf and blind whatever they do and especialy if that affecting me directly, causing damage to me? Sorry, i disagree. I don't think so.

You seem to resent that they don't love you for you trying to change them.

Who says about loving me or not? Where? Who says that i want to change them? Where i said that?

I think that's very understandable. They didn't hire you to change them or their educational system. They hired you to teach English. Period. They didn't hire you to critique the Thai educational system.

I am not critisizing it in teachhing but i can do it here. And it's about democracy and i think everybody has right to critisize but with a proofs. Am i wrong? I am part of educational system here, i'm respecting all regulations, paying tax regularly here so i think i have right to say something about it. Or i am just decor here? Above all, my intention is good. So what's the problem?

They hired you to teach English.

You say that the Thai culture is to follow orders from above.

Yes. but don't twist my words and take out of context, as you are doing now. In other words -- to do the job the people who pay you tell you to do.

It is exactly what i am doing but your sight failed. Read my words again, please as i think you misunderstood. I hope not intentionally.I will not accept humiliation or discrimination just because you are paying me.Makes some sense to me. You're not an independent contractor...you're an employee.

Now, as to how much you're respected and liked. We readers here have no idea if you are well qualified, or competent, or likable. To be honest, I'm a little surprised you're teaching English.

Why you are surprised? As you are speaking as some wooden attorney, i suppose you should know Thai system as well. If you know it - why would you be surprised? Don't you know they have criteria for hiring? Don't you know they are strict, they are selective about hiring? Don't you know they are not stupid to take any one just like that? Don't you know we must to have teaching license from their Ministry of Education? All of those things i have and some more, which makes me be qualified. Be sure about it. Even more, i am rewarded for my results in my job here. If you are here, if you teach - you would know THE PLACE OF BIRTH DOESN'T MAKE ONES BE A GOOD TEACHER. Some more qualities are needed and i have it. :)

You say they dislike losing face. I don't really know anyone who enjoys losing face. Do you enjoy losing face?

I don't and i can understand you and i agree with you but when i make mistake and someone prove it -i am ready to admit my mistake and to say apology. I was talking about that as their disability to say sorry. They will not accept they made mistake because fear of loosing face. That fear disabling them to admit mistake, even if their mistake (mostly because incompetence) cause a damage to some one.

In regard to the weight of your grades as compared to your Thai counterpart. At first glance it seems you have a good point here. Although one thing that comes to mind is that the Thai teacher may understand the goals of the program better than you do. May understand the Thai grading system better than you do. Not sure. Just a thought.

Again, if you are in this profession and here, you should know. It might be they understand the GOAL of teaching English but they are not showing much results. That's the problem. And you know what? It's ridiculous if you ask me. We are invited here, hired to help but we contribute just 30% in overal scores. Sounds very much out of logic. Don't you think so?If about me, i don't need to contribute 0.1% as that is their country and system so i would mind my business but if we contribute - why that's just 30%. It's like ok, you are here but as you are not.

In terms of not being invited to Teachers' Day celebrations...yes, that seems petty on their part, assuming you are talking about an official celebration, rather than a private celebration. The same in regard to the dinner celebrating the contest...was that an official celebration, or a private party?

I assume it was official party, there was almost all school. To be clear - i am not hungry or thirsty of glory and i don't need a red carpet for me but i think i should be invited there as i am part of that success. That would be kind and polite. That assistant teacher, that competitor and i - WE are 100% of success. :D I forgot to say, thanks to remind me. The GIRL, competitor, was not invited there.

I was particularly interested in your comment about coming here to teach...that the choice is yours. As a retired American principal, each morning I ended the announcements with, "Make it a great day or not. The choice is yours." And indeed, it does come down to that. Whether you stay here and teach, or not, the choice is yours. It sounds as if you are very unhappy here. If I were that unhappy, I would go elsewhere. What are your options in regard to teaching back home (and in fact, where is home?)?

I wish you good luck in comming here. I wish you make some good things here for these kids. They are innocent, lovelly and they have RIGHT to have better future then youth have here right now. It would be nice. (don't say again i am trying to change their society, please, :D )

I will not give up. I am a fighter. I just want to teach, to give something good to these kids. I'm a father and i like kids but above all i am dedicated to the goal in my teaching.

Exactly as you said - to come here is your choice as it was mine. All i said is in wish to try to let the people know what MIGHT happens.

First of all, I was responding to Farat. Are you Farat? If so, I thought you were banned?

No one is saying you should allow yourself to be "damaged". How have you been "damaged"? In the original post I read that the poster experienced things he didn't like. That's not the same as being "damaged".

I think, perhaps, you misunderstand freedom of speech. You may have the right to speak your mind. That is not saying that anyone has to listen, or agree with you, or respect you.

We know your side of things. You say you're a wonderful teacher. Perhaps you are. But we readers have no way of knowing whether you are, or not. And, by the way, I've fired teachers who are legally well-qualified in the States. Being well qualified does not make you a great teacher.

The percentage of grades issue -- I understand what you're saying, but it is their right to set the standard and I think what's in play here is your ego. It's not damaging you.

First of all, I was responding to Farat. Are you Farat? If so, I thought you were banned?

Yes, that's what I've been thinking...are you really the same person? Your writing is amazingly similar to Farat's, in both content and in style. You are fiercely defending any comments directed towards Farat. In all the PMs you keep sending me, you said that you have to message me because "Farat" is banned. You said that you know why Farat was banned. You repeatedly tell me what Farat was trying to say and how "Farat" feels about things. Hmmm...sounds a little suspicious to me....


OP ("Farat"):

can understand what makes one of moderators, to take the nick name "ijustwannateach". Perfectly match to all of this chaos in educational system in Thailand. Their system is more then ready to be reorganized. Before is too late for children.


In my text i said now i understand why you chose your nick ijustwannateach. I have same feelings. My text was also about it.

YOUR text? Or "Farat's"?


This topic will now be closed and it's not going to be re-opened. The OP, as has been noted, is banned and it is confusing to try and respond to someone posting on their behalf.

Thanks for the posts from many of you and for your patience.


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