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Mobile Phone Headaches


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Seriously, I have had problems with mobile phones for many years now. I used to use mobiles a lot in connection with my business and since then have suffered increasing sensitivity to cell-phones, cell towers and even recently bluetooth and wireless connections. Nowadays I use phones and wireless connections as sparingly as possible, using the speaker in the phone and connecting to the internet via cable whenever possible.

Any comments out there? I know we are all addicted to phones, mobile internet, Google etc. Any other sufferers from the microwave energy these devices emit?

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You better contact some research center. I know there is one that is offering big money for you if you can help them prove that with a 75 % chance. Have you thought of psychological councelling or psychoteraphy? Your problem is more probably from a real physiological condition, though. Get your blood-work tested and come back again.

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I know someone who had a large 'growth' removed from the side of his head. It was growing inwards from the vicinity of his ear. The consultant he spoke to prior to the surgery to remove this tumour told him that he's seen a large increase in this sort of thing over the past few years.

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Thanks Deejah, though it appears no-one is interested in this subject apart from being dismissive or veiled ridicule.

I've seen that video too. I also KNOW that when I use a phone - problems appear very quickly.

Googling the problem brings up many articles that agree . . . phones are dangerous. I think it is microwavenews.com that particularly has a lot of information.

Many are not (at least at first) affected by microwaves/mobiles. I'd suggest to you all: that will change.

Especially as devices are becoming more powerful by the month.

Let's see if one day it's a case of TOLD YOU SO!

Of course, some skulls are thicker than others :) . . .

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I wonder if the microwave signals in thailand are stronger, weaker or the same as anywhere else.

I read microwaves might decrease melatonin in the brain, thus affecting sleep.

I went out and bought a cheap mobile with a speaker.

But the darn thing sits in my pocket near my crotch most of the day!!!

I wonder the effects.

Also have you experienced phantom ringing/vibrations? This is a genuine phenomenon that many people experience.

On top top that I read if you never want to be traced or tracked you need to not just turn off the mobile, you need to remove the battery!!!

Scary stuff indeed.

Here is a question: are mobile phone and wireless network signals microwave or radio waves or both?

Should we be concerned with all of these waves all around us all of the time.

Certainly isn't a naturally occurring thing.

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Mobiles are RF not microwaves as such.

You should be able to feel it anywhere 24/7 as there is so many radio stations, rfid tags in shops, cell phone base stations and mobiles being used around you not to mention microwave ovens in apartments. So keep close watch when you are out and about.

You could get your head examined but i guess those scans are wireless as well so that leaves only open skull surgery as an option.

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I retired last June after working since 1988 in the mobile phone industry building networks across the world.

Prior to that I spent 4 years as a radio engineer with the government and 25 years in the military as an aircraft radio engineer.

To my knowledge I have not been affected by any radiation during some 50 years.

True I don't have much hair but that was going when I was 22 and my Dad was bald too.

I wear glasses but didn't start until I was 50 and I have been going slowly deaf in my life but working with jet aircraft and no ear defenders in the early days may have had something to do with that.

As far as I know there has never been any conclusive evidence to prove that mobile phones cause illness and problems with the brain.

However it is possible given the right conditions for anything to happen and I am sure that the proponents and opponents of this will be and have been researching this subject for a long time with no confirmation of the results for either side.

This is my personal experience only and I cannot speak for others but I have met a lot of people in the mobile phone industry and none of them that I know of have had problems.

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I'll tell you a little story and you decide for yourself if it has any value to the OP.

I am retired school principal from the States. Several years ago cell phone companies in our suburban region decided they would help schools earn some extra funds by putting cell phone towers up on school buildings, and then paying the schools rent. Win-win.

So about half-a-dozen schools in our system did so, with the blessing of the BOE. Then the you know what hit the fan, and it happened when it was my school's turn to have a public meeting about it. A pressure group had formed by that time to outlaw it because they claimed there was a serious health concern. The whole program went down the toilet rather quickly, and the towers were even taken down from the schools that had done it first.

Now here's what was interesting:

1. The cell phone company sponsoring the program told me (paraphrased) that "there is no evidence that any waves coming from these towers can cause any health problem, BUT EVEN IF THEY DID, THE TOWERS ARE HIGH ENOUGH FROM THE BUILDING THAT THE EFFECT ON STUDENTS WOULD BE NON-EXISTENT."

On the other hand:

2. The parent leading the charge AGAINST putting up the towers used his cell phone regularly and allowed his son to do so, as well.

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I would limit using mobile phones to short conversations or use speaker mode to be on the safe side.

I heard some prominent Australian neurologists saying that while there is no conclusive evidence it pays to be cautious with mobile phones.

The radiation may cause cancer but of course it could take years til this is proven as the mobile phone is a relatively new invention and thus has not really been in use that much.

By the time the evidence is in it may be too late for many.

If neurologists are saying this then i will err on the side of safety and back them not the vested interests of the billion dollar telcom industry.

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