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Skin Nibbling Fish, As A Method To Soften Rough Feet?


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People worry too much. If I was so paranoid about the health issues of putting my legs in aquarium water then I'd choose somewhere else to live. Nothing wrong with the skin nibbling fish, but it's more a gimick than something practical. I've got Thai friends who offer the fish tank method. The water looks pretty clear to me and the glass is always clean. This photo is of the real fish in the mountain streams of Kanchanaburi.


For the Paranoid Peters in this crowd I'd be more worried about these native Thai fish... B)


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For the Paranoid Peters in this crowd I'd be more worried about these native Thai fish... B)


Snakeheads aren't nearly as threatening when they're being pan-fried. Good eating.

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Well they don't change water in swimming pools do they? They use Chlorine or salt to disinfect, in this case many eatsblishments use UV light to disinfect. For people that live in Thailand some of you are quite funny about your desire for sanitary conditions. Ever looked back of shop in some of the places you eat?

But your point would seem to say that chlorine is used in swimming pools........why not the non chemical UV light??........unless of course the effect of the UV is limited??

I always knew the Thai were multi talented....didn't know they cooked with their feet...... :)

They do use it but not as effectively and it is quite an expensive system when installed as needed to sanitize the volume of a swimming pool. It's only limited due to water volume and turnover rate. UV is very effective in smaller controlled amounts such as the case of aquarium water...

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People worry too much. If I was so paranoid about the health issues of putting my legs in aquarium water then I'd choose somewhere else to live. Nothing wrong with the skin nibbling fish, but it's more a gimick than something practical. I've got Thai friends who offer the fish tank method. The water looks pretty clear to me and the glass is always clean. This photo is of the real fish in the mountain streams of Kanchanaburi.


For the Paranoid Peters in this crowd I'd be more worried about these native Thai fish... B)


Yeah the aquarium water paranoia is pretty silly in the grand scheme of things as it's certain that many people in protest here swim in improperly balanced and sanitized pools or use Spas especially so, walk on filthy syringe laden beaches, swim in those same waters or wade through the local water fall, all or any of which are most likely as or more bacteria and fungus laden due to the pollution levels...........It's all really well.........Silly.........

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Well ... after reading all these comments, I decided to give this a try since my wife complains that my feet often stink and might have some dangerous buildup of toxins. She said the water couldn't be any worse than my feet.

So I brought along a good book, plopped my tootsies in and soon was engrossed in the story so wasn't paying attention to the tank or the fish.

I was startled when the tank owner started shouting at me (not understandingThai) and wondered what the fuss was about. I looked down and noticed that about half the fish seemed to be floating on the surface of the tank while the others seemed to be writhing in pain or swimming in circles, or banging themselves into the sides of the tank.

I quickly pulled my feet from the tank, threw the guy an extra 100Bt, and took off in my sandals. My feet felt great but I they might need tougher fish. :unsure:

Guess I'll have to try a different place next time. ;)

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