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Whats Wrong With Ian Forbes?


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Personally, I've always enjoyed Ian's posts, with or without photos. Perhaps his latest downbeat missive may have more to do with him holidaying in Pattaya, than anything else. Pattaya always has a negative effect on me, after a couple of days can't wait to get back to the quiet of the rural lifestyle, especially after being bombarded by fake-cockney-speaking Indian tailors. What's that all about?

Just act "Mutton" :)

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It's quite simple, Oz. I finally arrived at the comfortable expat world of thaivisa. For the first 12 years before finding thaivisa I wandered around Thailand with the simple wonderment of it all and you couldn't scrape the smile off my face with a knife. Now I've found that comfort zone of complaining about everything... just like the rest of the expats here. You could say some here have taught me very well.

If you were happy before you discovered Thaivisa and you've now found that Thaivisa makes you unhappy why are you still here?

..with responses like that, I'm sure he'll feel the love and stay on.

signed: another happy camper

No Ian you are in good hands. Walking around for so many years in that state of mind of is not healthy and delusional. It seems now you appreciate that there is good and bad here as there is in any other country in the world.

Please don't be too negative though :)

I thought when Ian arrived at TV he was very happy and upbeat about Thailand..............

The 'reality check' that is doled out on TV serves no purpose but to highlight the misfortune that has befallen others, the minor Thai transgressions that serve to make their stay less palatable.........

As Eek pointed out.........did Pip really need to know???

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I thought when Ian arrived at TV he was very happy and upbeat about Thailand..............

The 'reality check' that is doled out on TV serves no purpose but to highlight the misfortune that has befallen others, the minor Thai transgressions that serve to make their stay less palatable.........

As Eek pointed out.........did Pip really need to know???

I'm STILL upbeat and happy with Thailand, despite all its misgivings. Every country has its problems, and when you have no power to change them you either live with it or move to somewhere that fits your life style better. Being upbeat and positive is my nature. But, on thaivisa, people prefer someone who hates the place and constantly gripes about it. No sense in upsetting people even more by posting positive adventure stories.

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I thought when Ian arrived at TV he was very happy and upbeat about Thailand..............

The 'reality check' that is doled out on TV serves no purpose but to highlight the misfortune that has befallen others, the minor Thai transgressions that serve to make their stay less palatable.........

As Eek pointed out.........did Pip really need to know???

I'm STILL upbeat and happy with Thailand, despite all its misgivings. Every country has its problems, and when you have no power to change them you either live with it or move to somewhere that fits your life style better. Being upbeat and positive is my nature. But, on thaivisa, people prefer someone who hates the place and constantly gripes about it. No sense in upsetting people even more by posting positive adventure stories.

Never doubted you were still upbeat for a second Ian...............so continue to be your upbeat self and post away.....who knows maybe some of the happy spores will land without people realising........ :D

Of course in 6 months may well be multiple threads on the danger of absorbing a pleasant thought about Thailand... by reading your upbeat posts :)

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OP when taking a member of a community 'personal' in public it's not done, even hypocritical to write this in '3rd person' in stead of being so fair to address your post to the person himself, this is like talking behind someones back.

So look at yourself first please ;-)

Hi ML,

My original intentions were to cheer the ol' fella up actually, and i dont think Ian minds at all being the subject of a thread. I hope not anyway.

Im thinking if he did he would have PM'd or had a word to the mods..

I notice a few of us (me included) have had a chance to make amends for past transgressions, and we have also seen some appreciation and support for Ians photo efforts, so im hoping the whole thing has had a positive effect, which is probably what Ian could do with a dose of from time to time.

BUT if it has offended you or Ian i am sorry..

seem to be apologizing a lot lately :)

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My original intentions were to cheer the ol' fella up actually, and i dont think Ian minds at all being the subject of a thread.

Hey, what's this "Ol fella" nonsense? I'm a spry 283 year old angler. Every day fishing is not considered part of your alloted days on earth. I'm so far ahead of the game I've got an understanding with the man up stairs on when I CHOOSE to go. :)

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My original intentions were to cheer the ol' fella up actually, and i dont think Ian minds at all being the subject of a thread.

Hey, what's this "Ol fella" nonsense? I'm a spry 283 year old angler. Every day fishing is not considered part of your alloted days on earth. I'm so far ahead of the game I've got an understanding with the man up stairs on when I CHOOSE to go. :)

By the time you go..... you'll probably have to take the lift!!!!...........and knowing your luck it will be out of order... :D .

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Give the man a break for God's sake, everyone has an off day now and again.

Frankly I'm jealous of the old bugger, different ladies in each picture, different locations.

Where does he get the money from?

Eat your hearts out.

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Who's Ian Forbes - oh wait, i don't care...

Is this him? :)

No, that wasn't me. It was a friend we took out on our river boat in 1966. That was before there were the modern jet craft for running up rivers. But, there are certainly lots of similar photos of me on that site.

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I've said all along that you can make choices in life. You can INTENTIONALLY choose to be happy or choose to be sad. It's all up to you. I can always think of something positive even in the face of a so called disaster. It just seems here that some people would rather hear of the disasters and other people's problems rather that something positive. Seeing or hearing of someone always having fun annoys them. I haven't changed, but, I intentionally tried to change my tactics and give people what they crave... negativism. They obviously don't like my photos. It's as simple as that.

The keyboard warriers on TV can eventually get about anybody down.

"...They obviously don't like my photos. It's as simple as that." As simple as that?? Huh??

Obviously Ian has been immensely proud of his photos, often taking a lot of time to create some specifically for the enjoyment of the TV members. But it appears this is also his soft spot, his achilles' heel. His comment about his photos have no relevance to the major point of his post. My guess is some jerk's criticism of his photos hurt his pride, and he is pissed off and on a (temporary) super downer.

Or why would he even make the comment about "obviously don't like my photos". Obviously? Obvious to whom? Not me, and probably not most if any of us. Obvious to Ian? Maybe, but you are WRONG Ian. Your photos are almost always enjoyed and your talents respected.

Ignore or use the TV software to filter out the posts of any jerks who are upsetting you.

Did I hear something? Your mobile? Hey, it's surely one of your lovelies wanting to know if you want some "company"!

Turn off your computer for a few days, and enjoy yourself :) !!

Edited by ThailandLovr
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Life is a bit like "Great Expectations". Dont you often wonder if pip was better off not knowing and being satisfied with life? I suppose its all a take on that original bite of apple story...whatever that was all about.

Miss Havisham was quite the cougar. The modern interpretation would be that she had her way with Pip and tossed him away once she finished shredding his dignity. Women can be cruel and calculating. I know because I read it here in TV. :)

A phase he's going through.

Male menopause?

I've said all along that you can make choices in life. You can INTENTIONALLY choose to be happy or choose to be sad. It's all up to you. I can always think of something positive even in the face of a so called disaster. It just seems here that some people would rather hear of the disasters and other people's problems rather that something positive. Seeing or hearing of someone always having fun annoys them. I haven't changed, but, I intentionally tried to change my tactics and give people what they crave... negativism. They obviously don't like my photos. It's as simple as that.

That's the spirit!. Don't call it negativism. That's such a negative term. Call it being prepared and setting one's expectations so that they are appropriate to the conditions. In this way, almost everything turns out better than expected and the world returns to a place of meadows filled with flowers vibrant in the the sunlight, the air is crisp and fresh and the girl that is popping her boyfriend's pimple is really just being considerate and caring of her beau. :D

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Life is a bit like "Great Expectations". Dont you often wonder if pip was better off not knowing and being satisfied with life? I suppose its all a take on that original bite of apple story...whatever that was all about.

Miss Havisham was quite the cougar. The modern interpretation would be that she had her way with Pip and tossed him away once she finished shredding his dignity. Women can be cruel and calculating. I know because I read it here in TV. :)

Ahh..but Miss Havisham was a woman scorned! Her bitterness and cruelty stemmed from how a man treated her. Makes one wonder in these stories of cruel and calculating women, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Ultimately, its our own choice to hold a grudge or not. In that sense, no matter what was originally done to us to make us unhappy, we are only victims of ourselves. If any of us want to be bitter or unhappy or whatever long term, its our own choosing. No matter who we pretend to blame.

Oops, i think i had a yoda moment.


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My original intentions were to cheer the ol' fella up actually, and i dont think Ian minds at all being the subject of a thread.

Hey, what's this "Ol fella" nonsense? I'm a spry 283 year old angler. Every day fishing is not considered part of your alloted days on earth. I'm so far ahead of the game I've got an understanding with the man up stairs on when I CHOOSE to go. :)

:D Sorry about the ol fella quip mate,

Even at the age 40 you can find yourself getting lumped with the tag, so its nice to be on the giving end from time to time :D

Greatest thing about LOS however...we are never TO old and always considered hansum man.....

even when you've got a head like a broken thong :D

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From eek.

Ahh..but Miss Havisham was a woman scorned! Her bitterness and cruelty stemmed from how a man treated her. Makes one wonder in these stories of cruel and calculating women, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Ultimately, its our own choice to hold a grudge or not. In that sense, no matter what was originally done to us to make us unhappy, we are only victims of ourselves. If any of us want to be bitter or unhappy or whatever long term, its our own choosing. No matter who we pretend to blame.

Oops, i think i had a yoda moment.

Very astute, eek... as per usual. We are ALL affected psychologically from life's experiences.

My brother holds grudges and I don't. I may get angry occasionally, but even that I turn into something gleeful, and get enjoyment out of teasing my adversary. My brother is always unhappy, but I choose to be happy in spite of problems in the past. I can always find something positive in any situation, even from a tragic event. My brother and older sister held onto a grudge with my parents for over 40 years and it soured them on life. Most of their complaints involve plain jealousy over their perceived idea that our younger sister was treated better than they were. I could get into a big psychological discussion of all the things that happened to cause the problems, but I won't. Everyone has skeletons in the closet. However one perceives something, true or not, it is real to them.

I know if my brother were to take a new outlook on life and look on the bright side for his remaining years it would be much better for him, but I'm sure he feels justified in his grudge and to get rid of it would mean he's wasted over 40 years of his life being miserable. It is an odd but sad situation. The few times we've talked since my parent’s death over 10 years ago it was almost impossible to get him out of the complaining mode. But, if I just kept turning the conversation around to happier subjects he eventually came out of it and we had some fun. But, it is draining to keep trying to turn conversations away from past problems.

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