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From where do you access ThaiVisa.com?  

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If you have time and are so inclined, please tell us about your Internet connection: phone company, ISP, advertised vs. actual bandwidth, circuit consistency, quality of support, cost, or anything else of interest.

I'm in Korat with a TT&T phone, broadband Internet via ISSP. Supposed to be 256/128, but measures out to be slightly less (as expected). Have yet to have any down time or drop outs, so no need for support. Paying 1400 per month.

Have a small LAN at home which consists of a wired iMac, a wireless PowerBook and an Airport Express which we can use to wirelessly send iTunes music from the iMac to the stereo.

If you have time and are so inclined, please tell us about your Internet connection: phone company, ISP, advertised vs. actual bandwidth, circuit consistency, quality of support, cost, or anything else of interest.

I'm in Korat with a TT&T phone, broadband Internet via ISSP. Supposed to be 256/128, but measures out to be slightly less (as expected). Have yet to have any down time or drop outs, so no need for support. Paying 1400 per month.

Have a small LAN at home which consists of a wired iMac, a wireless PowerBook and an Airport Express which we can use to wirelessly send iTunes music from the iMac to the stereo.

I use 5 of the above systems. Probably because I have an Internet Cafe with BB & Dial up,and dial up with at home,with my lap-top connected via GPRS.

In the Pub/I-Net Cafe we use IP Star with dial up as back up. Home I'm dial up ( cs card) plus DTAC GPRS Lap top connection.


I use my laptop and a GPRS connection using AIS in Thailand and Ufone here in Pakistan. Because I don't have access to a landline at home I bought a program called Mail Express Pro which turns my laptop into a server so I don't need anything like CS Loxinfo etc and I can access the Internet and emails etc anywhere in the world I can get

get a GPRS link. :o

PS I am the "other" on your poll


I voted for Home - Broadband, but also access from Office - Broadband and via Pocket PC - GPRS (Great way to kill time sitting in traffic!)

#7 - I don't use Thaivisa.com What kind of choice is that?? Someone would have to be using Thaivisa.com to make that choice, right?


Used to use IPstar, but changed to just GPRS off a mobile. It actually works quite well now but slow. No land line here but my package gives me about 14hours a day for 500 bhat a month.

#7 - I don't use Thaivisa.com  What kind of choice is that?? Someone would have to be using Thaivisa.com to make that choice, right?

Someones bound to vote for it :o:D

You were right- someone voted for it already. Amazing.

But this is Amazing Thailand, right?


Only single choice allowed, so I voted home broadband, but usually access as well from the office broadband.

Home true, office M-Web


Dial up at home. The old bitch who is the manager downstairs. Wont help me get true as my direct lkine is in the name of the apartments. All she has to do is get one of the directors to photopopy his id card then sign a form saying he is giving her permission to sign for him. Not difficult. But then ask a Thai to do something out off their usual work duties. No fukcing way. Anyway i'm still on dial up and get prepaid cards from 7=11 or Carrefour etc.

#7 - I don't use Thaivisa.com  What kind of choice is that?? Someone would have to be using Thaivisa.com to make that choice, right?

Someones bound to vote for it :o:D

You were right- someone voted for it already. Amazing.

Oh, no!

I was ONLY kidding!


Do you want me to add "option number 8: I never, ever, read Thaivisa.com"? :D

I'm on dial-up, 42.6 kbps usual connect speed, 36 kbps usual download speed, Pacific Internet 1222. Still pondering broadband.


Broadband from work, don't have internet at home... pondering which system to use... want to limit expenditure to about 1,000 baht/month.

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