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So Why Did You First Come Here?


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Just curious to find out the main reasons that people first visited Thaivisa.com. Was it for visa info? Travle to Los info? Stumbled upon this site by chance? The tsunami news? Just wondering guys and girls. Give us you views on why you first visited. The reason i first came here was it was mentioned to me by a friend i worked with. So i thought i'd check it out. So i'm a regular from that first day of posting to threads started by others to the first thread i posted. So come on tell us what was the reason and why do you come back?

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Like Jo Friday, wanted the facts man, just the facts....

concerning retirement etc.,

trouble is the site is too darn addictive. :o

true mate, true. At least you post and dont just dissappear after you have your question answered.

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found a link to this site on a thailand e-commerce site , i lurked for while and then joined and posted in a topic about visas i think.

i have a lot of fun on this forum , reading posts , mouthing off , and dispensing undoubted pearls of taxexile wisdom.

i spend far too much time here.

my wife always says " are you talking to those idiot falangs about prostitutes again ? "

and i try to explain that amongst the idiots are some great characters and its not about prostitutes anymore.

but she doesnt believe me.

at least we are not fighting for the remote when i'm online. :o

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found a link to this site on a thailand e-commerce site , i lurked for while and then joined and  posted in a topic about visas i think.

i have a lot of fun on this forum , reading posts , mouthing off , and dispensing undoubted pearls of taxexile wisdom.

i spend far too much time here.

my wife always says  " are you talking to those idiot falangs about prostitutes again ? "

and i try to explain that amongst the idiots are some great characters and its not about prostitutes anymore.

but she doesnt believe me.

at least we are not fighting for the remote when i'm online. :D

So true tax. When i'm on the PC. Usually for about 5-6 hours a night. Then the missus gets to watch her shitty Thai TV. My opinion only. If i wasnt on the PC then i would be telling her to watch English speaking programs. So Thiavisa is good for relationships also. :o:D

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Then the missus gets to watch her shitty Thai TV

whatever do they see in those awful soap operas with the even more awful piano music.

No idea mate. But she enjoys them. Keeps them and us happy. :o

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To be honest Jock I cannot remember how I came across this site, it was too long ago now :o

It was the first forum I had been involved with and found I fit right in. The place has grown a lot since I joined (not because I joined mind you) and after some intensive training from george I was promoted to super mod a year or so ago.

I don't always have a lot to say, but somehow I have accumulated 3k+ posts :D

thaivisa is a big part of my life, my wife understands this and is quite happy for me to spend time with you guys, both online and offline. We have both made some truly great friends through thaivisa.com

I guess to a lot of us this is more community than message board, we mods do our best to keep it that way too :D

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Can't remember why I came here, but was googling something, probably visas.

I can't help but feel that my info on Thailand has skyrocketed since using it and I know a lot more about all aspects of Thailand than many of my friends that don't read here.

Some things don't come up in real life chats with mates or with what I'm doing in everyday life, but seem to know a little bit about everything these days from buying real estate to rearing cows upcountry. :o

The diversity of posters here is really what makes this forum special and keeps it above all the others.

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Visa and other more general info regarding Thailand....although what I cant remember is why I chose Thailand as somewhere to read up on and go in the first place as I knew nothing about the country and have no friends who had been.

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  I can't help but feel that my info on Thailand has skyrocketed since using it and I know a lot more about all aspects of Thailand

Hmmm.... My rumours on Thailand have skyrocketed... Which lacks more credibility: saying "According to some bloke on Thaivisa..." to someone in the pub, or saying "According to some bloke in the pub..." on Thaivisa?

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  I can't help but feel that my info on Thailand has skyrocketed since using it and I know a lot more about all aspects of Thailand

Hmmm.... My rumours on Thailand have skyrocketed... Which lacks more credibility: saying "According to some bloke on Thaivisa..." to someone in the pub, or saying "According to some bloke in the pub..." on Thaivisa?

"I heard it from a guy on the way back from a visa run to Poipet" comes to mind :o

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I found this site while researching Penang for a visa run. Found the site informative and helpful. I became a lurker for a while and was impressed my the action / number of posts continually pouring in.

I've since become addicted- seem to have the window open wherever I am!

You guys kill me! I've had some great laughs- GF and employees think I'm crazy grinning and laughing at the computer. :D

So true tax. When i'm on the PC. Usually for about 5-6 hours a night. Then the missus gets to watch her shitty Thai TV. My opinion only. If i wasnt on the PC then i would be telling her to watch English speaking programs. So Thiavisa is good for relationships also. :o  :D

Amen to that!

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.. So come on tell us what was the reason and why do you come back?

Joint out of boredom when I'm at work, initially for the news articles.

When in LOS I'm never on the computer. Prefer to watch shitty tv with the missus or sit in the pub :o

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Primary reason for me is to extract information.

Most of what I read on the couple of thai related sites I go to is a load of rubbish or has no relevance to me(ie: Stickman's site), but for all the information I process, I occasioanlly find a few pearls of wisdom that are really useful. And in return I sometimes try to reciprocate useful information.Give and take.

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Many years ago for a holiday, when Patong beach Phuket was still deserted and like a virgin...sooooooooo beautiful and tranquil.....


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I've been an on again and off again visitor for a couple of years. This time I came back for the Tsunami coverage and have been reading just about everyday since. I also used to spend some time in that wasteland known as soc.culture.thai--makes one appreciate having a moderated forum.

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Enjoying a cheap holiday in a beautiful country.Stayed at Koh Phangan,Koh Tao and Samui.Having a couple of beers,read,drive motorbike,swim and visiting the parties at Koh Phangan.

An argument with my friends let me leave to Samui, where I met a girl and the story goes on and on......... :o

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So true tax. When i'm on the PC. Usually for about 5-6 hours a night. Then the missus gets to watch her shitty Thai TV. My opinion only. If i wasnt on the PC then i would be telling her to watch English speaking programs. So Thiavisa is good for relationships also. :o  :D

There's nothing wrong with Chinese Fighting Show, Happy Dancing Katooey Show and the like. I make up my own captions to the chinese shows that drives my wife nuts.... entertaining for me.

I originally found Thaivisa not long before we left New Zealand (early 2003). I was looking for visa info. There wasn't near the size of forum as there is now, and wasn't it a darker colour before?


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