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New Body Scanner Tested At Bangkok Airport

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So what if I have to be treated like cattle with no human rights or dignity for a few minutes (or hours)?

My bosom swells with pride to think I'm doing my part, however small, to keep Israel's settlements in Gaza and the West Bank expanding.

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To be scanned or not; is that really the question?!? (Go ahead scan me, I don't give a rat's ass...)

However, according to this site http://www.publicpurpose.com/hwy-fatal57+.htm in 1997 41,967 people died in US highway fatalities. Just look at your personal odds of buying the farm; what will get you first-terrorisim or traffic?

I support reasonable preboarding security but think about it; almost 42 thousand people died in US domestic traffic accidents and its ho hum. Tally up the traffic fatalaties and compare them to the fatalaties form terrorists and then factor in the blood and lives expended "fighting" terror. Just does not add up.

To me anyway...

If public money is spent to increase safety, I agree.

If public money is spent in the name of safety, but in reality just creates business opportunities, I disagree.

If public money is spent to terrify the public into accepting more and more curbs to individual freedom and our traditional values, we ought to do wake up and do something.


If public money is spent to increase safety, I agree.

If public money is spent in the name of safety, but in reality just creates business opportunities, I disagree.

If public money is spent to terrify the public into accepting more and more curbs to individual freedom and our traditional values, we ought to do wake up and do something.


Yes! Those authoritative fools should not underestimate the intelligence of the public.

That's the greatest insult of all.


IF you dont scan. the rest of us are happy and feel safe when we fly. and you can stand on the tarmac wave . then bo back home or take thr train we will see you later much later.


I can't believe some people have an issue with extra security. Until the day that terrorism is wiped out completly it will become more and more strict so I think these people who have an issue better get used to it.Someone called me a little sheep for saying its better to be secure that to be blown out of the sky, well I admit I will say baar baar for as long as I live in that case. You :)


another "insecurity" system.

the man in detroit was stopped by a dutch man, and the ones in the 911 planes had only box cutters (and no one had the balls to fight?). By submitting to a wave of panic and insecurity, you're only giving these groups precisely the results they want.


Balloon swallowers (see Wikipedia english) can carry more than 2 kg of cocaine in their stomach. The new boduscanner is not able to detect this. I think terrorists know that too.

I can't believe some people have an issue with extra security. Until the day that terrorism is wiped out completly it will become more and more strict so I think these people who have an issue better get used to it.Someone called me a little sheep for saying its better to be secure that to be blown out of the sky, well I admit I will say baar baar for as long as I live in that case. You :)

The point is that the impression arises that secret services do not work very efficiently and that purchasing for a few billion of $ of new material of which the effectiveness is rather vague, seems mot to aim on more security, on a good business opportunity.

IF you dont scan. the rest of us are happy and feel safe when we fly. and you can stand on the tarmac wave . then bo back home or take thr train we will see you later much later.

Yes, strange that you can get on a train (e.g. the High Speed Train between France and UK) and nobody seems to think about terrorism. Not patriotic enough maybe?


They test the body scanners in Germany... with quite embarrassing results for the scanner company.

Come to your own conclusions.

That fat bastard did not need a scan. He should be banned outright from flying due to his massive amount of blubber. Would you want to sit next to him?

Balloon swallowers (see Wikipedia english) can carry more than 2 kg of cocaine in their stomach. The new boduscanner is not able to detect this. I think terrorists know that too.

Does this create job opportunity for proctologist and gynaecologist on TSA's staff? Wait, if they swallow a balloon then timing becomes an issue at both ends so add another position for a gastrologist. :)


I think it is a great idea to do total body searches by Playboy bunnies.. and for the ladies Brad Pitt look alikes..

I know my girl friend would love it and I would never say no way to Miss March...

But if they request all to do it by a machine.. what fun is that??


I haven't read the whole thread but must say I fully agree with all this extra security but in reality you don't need it:-

1. All muslims regardles of nationality, fervour or gender are banned from non-muslim national airlines.

2. All passengers boarding a non-muslim flight are required to eat a pork pie and drink a large scotch (other choices could be offered) before boarding.

3. All passengers boarding a non-muslim flight are required to publicly denounce the Koran in front of TV cameras.

4. Anybody hesitating in #2 and #3 to be strip searched including an internal examination.

Of course non-muslims wishing to fly with cheap middle eastern airlines just have to take their chances but that's their alternative to the above.

I think that very simple procedure will be welcomed by all the liberal freedom brigade as a non-invasive, unless you hesitate, choice to dodgy machines.

btw there was a piece in one of the blogs in today's Telegraph about the use of the word "sheeple". For those you aren't familiar with the word; sheeple, a cross between sheep and people, is intended to refer to people who lack free spirit and go with the herd/flock. The author reckons it actually applies in reverse to those who use it demonstrating a willingness to go with the herd/flock instead of thinking up their own insult.


The current scanning technology does not detect items in body cavities. In other words, they are total waste of money and loss of privacy for nothing. The bad guys will simply stick it up a hole, and you know what the next step is for us now, don't you?

Those scanners are useless and do next to nothing to improve security. I won´t ever agree to use one of these things.

You may not have a choice but no matter consider this scenario.

You vehemently refuse to be scanned but another group of passengers on the same flight see you. They then remonstrate with the airline and refuse to board the plane unless you are scanned. Which way is the airline going to lean? You believe the scanner to be useless and ineffective, the other passengers disagree. Is the airline going to bump you or the others?

Answers on a postcard.

If they are brought in they, like all the other security measures, will eventually be compulsory.


Who cares if they see my kibbles and bits. We dont object to our doctors and nurses from seeing them so what makes this any different.ym to shower?

What DOES bother me is how they plan to protect our children, meaning, isn't it illegal to have images of children without their clothes on? I for one don't like the idea that our children's image might be saved by some employee for their own pleasure. :)

Yeah, you may be right! Duh! :)

But it is interesting how, since 9/11, the world has surrendered more and more freedoms to protect their freedom...we used to defend our right to privacy, but now it seems we roll over and play dead rather than protest that it is perhaps going too far, that the climate of fear and paranoia is leading us down a rocky path towards...towards.....what?

I think most people around here will be fearful that the thing will reveal a gap between their ears.

A Police State--well on its way in the US.

" .... Since the attack was foiled, body-scanners, using "millimetre-wave" technology and revealing a naked image of a passenger, have been touted as a solution to the problem of detecting explosive devices that are not picked up by traditional metal detectors – such as those containing liquids, chemicals or plastic explosive.

But Ben Wallace, the Conservative MP, who was formerly involved in a project by a leading British defence research firm to develop the scanners for airport use, said trials had shown that such low-density materials went undetected.

Tests by scientists in the team at Qinetiq, which Mr Wallace advised before he became an MP in 2005, showed the millimetre-wave scanners picked up shrapnel and heavy wax and metal, but plastic, chemicals and liquids were missed. ...."

from The Independent 3 january 2010. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-...am-1856175.html

If public money is spent to increase safety, I agree.

If public money is spent in the name of safety, but in reality just creates business opportunities, I disagree.

If public money is spent to terrify the public into accepting more and more curbs to individual freedom and our traditional values, we ought to do wake up and do something.

This is the second time in a few days where we see examples of governments spending money in the name of our safety, without proper evidence of the effectivity of the tools they buy (see the fake bomb detector).

In the case of the underwear bomber flying into Detroit, the billions of dollars consuming secret services have shown to be bungling and acting without focus. Idem in the case of the picture of the "aging Osama".

The thing that annoys me about all this and not to sound too much like a racist is that 99% so far of these so called bombers have been either black, pakistanis,or arabs,so why must the rest of us suffer?

Not only do you get blown up, you get showered in sh_t and gore! That's just adding insult to injury. Sio I guess we now need to enlist the services of ass sniffers. Where will it all end?
this will not stop or detect the terrorist that put explosives in their ARSE...

Yep and it's already been tried...Arse Bomber.

It will end when a minimum wage ATS employee gives you an enema at the airport.

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